Mystical Man - 2 in English Children Stories by Patel Jihan K books and stories PDF | Mystical Man - 2

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Mystical Man - 2

Mystical Man


Return of the Unicorn

Somewhere, in deep space, Destroyer was thinking. He was making the plan on how to make Unicorn alive. Then, an idea hit his mind. He went towards the Sun, took the body of Unicorn and a ray of light came from the cube. The ray hit Unicorn after 2-3 minutes. Unicorn was alive!

He was feeling better and was crumbling his fingers.

He said “This time, I’ll kill you Mystical Man! Hehehaaaa!”


Now, I and Harley are in 10th grade. We have got a science project. We both are doing one project. We were making a robot. I thought of using magic, but it would be cheating on 11th Feb. We have to submit our project and display them next day. But, I found a change in Harley. He is looking, no, not looking, he is more intelligent now than a 9th grade. We made a big robot working on a car battery!

I was so excited on the day of the science fair when our sir came to see our project. We plugged in the wire of the robot in the car battery, it was working so nicely. But when sir called the judges, someone changed the battery. We used half part of the battery, but our competitor Tom had fully charged battery. So, due to the overload, our robot exploded. The judges gave us 0 marks but we got full by our sir. So, we were happy and sir told us, “Anything can explode due to overload.”


Unicorn was back and started searching for me. In the news channel, the main headlines were, ‘Unicorn is back! Where are you, Mystical Man?’ It was not Unicorn. It was the teammate of the Unicorn which Unicorn gave power to. That day, he took off to kill. So, I went there but when I reached there, I saw another super hero fighting with the super villain. The superhero’s costume was nice. His top was orange colored with blue cape, his bottom was green colored, had yellow shoes, and black goggles. When he clicked one button of his goggle, a laser beam shot to the villain and the villain was dead!

I saw something on his chest. I asked Sammy to scan that thing and it was Dragon range! I thought he was Harley. So, I went to Harley’s home. When I reached his room, I saw Dragon range on his table. I took that and said, “What is this Harley?”

He said, “No don’t touch that.”

I said, “I know you are a super hero. I am also and I am Mystical Man.”

“What are you talking about, Johnny?

“I don’t know. I think you have gone mad.” He said.

“Come one, I’ll show you something.” I said and for his doubt, I put Mystical Eagle on my chest and I was ready. Then, he told the whole story about how he became a super hero and his name was Mystery King.

I told him my story too. Then, we both went to our lab. (My lab is in the Pacific Ocean. I often go there with the help of teleportation technique and I have a special way in my room that directly leads to my lab.)

And then, Master Kodo appeared. He said, “Now, Dragon range is bounded with you, Harley.” (I told him the 4 emblem story as well)

“Johnny, Unicorn is back. You both have to kill him. So, that he will never come back.”

“Okay, Master.” we both said.

Then he went away. At home, I told Lisa about Harley. Now, there were two superheroes and our mission was to find the third emblem Trippleargin and the fourth one Griffined. The emblems of nature, we went to find them all over the world. We kept our clones instead of us. I and Harley went inside a volcano. It was too hot in there. I saw something shiny near the lava.

I went there and took it. The shape was a circle but it was a gem. So, we went from there. We went to every single mysterious place. We saw weird animals, a pterodactyl, a giant honeybee and an eagle. A very weird eagle with magical powers and it was talking.

Harley said, “So much of the earth is unexplored.” We went in the end of the ocean and we saw something weird. At the place where portals were established, we saw Unicorn coming from one side. He saw us. He came toward us. We fought him. But, when he caught Harley with his neck, he was out of air. With my magic, he started breathing. He said, “Thanks.” And, we both gave a hard punch on his face and we both went upwards in super speed. We continued our journey.


“This time also he defeated you.” Destroyer said fiercely.

“Someone is bounded with the Dragon range and they both defeated me. So, we need to find the third and fourth emblems.” Unicorn said.

“I have an idea. I will give you powers from the cube.” Destroyer said and when Unicorn touched the cube, he received a bunch of power.


At home, mom gave some work to my clone. He did it in one second. (Because I put that thing on fast forward!) Then, Lisa set that clone on normal mode. The clones went to school. They were doing everything nicely but when a drop of water touched the clones. (They were robots after all) They were out of control and, they exploded and everyone was unconscious. Sammy informed us and we went there. Everything was fine. Why? Because I made everyone forget about the incident.


Location: In My Lab.

Harley was panting and sighed and utter a word “Whew! I am totally tired.”

“What? It was a small journey and you are tired? We went only through the earth. We have to travel the whole universe.” I said.

“What are you talking about? The whole universe! I was so tired in this small journey then the journey to the universe will be……” Harley said. (You know friends, before he could complete, he fainted. Then, I woke him up.)

“Master Kodo was telling about the compass to find the emblems.” I said.

“And where is it?” Harley asked.

“I don’t know because, at that time, I was thinking about our science fair. But there’s a……”

Before I could finish, he interrupted me and said “What is the problem? Ask him again.”

“That’s the problem. If he said anything to me once, he never repeats it.” I said.

“Oh shit! Now, what can we do?” Harley said.

We were thinking, and then an idea came to Harley’s mind “Let’s ask this thing to Sammy……”

I interrupted and said “What rubbish! How can Sammy know this? He can search but just the name is not enough.”

“Listen to me. We can insert the program in Sammy.” Harley said.

“How?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Harley was in surprise.

Then I said, “Haa. Gotcha! I know how to do that and thanks for the idea.”

Then I inserted that program into Sammy “How did you make this?” Harley asked.

“Obviously, I used magic.” I answered.

Then, Sammy found the location and told us “At the castle of King Leanord, 800BC. It was destroyed after the 1st AD century.”

“So, we have to go in the past?” Harley asked.

“Yes sir” Sammy said.

“I have an idea. We need to go faster than the speed of light.” I said.

“How…?” Before Harley could finish his question, I grabbed him by his shoulder and went faster than the speed of light and entered the space to travel back in time. We were there by 4:00 (Present day time). Everyone was heading straight to the castle of king Leanord.

I asked one person, “Why everyone is headed to the castle?”

And he told us, “The king announced, whoever will win the fight with the mysterious opponent, he will get magical compass that can find the 4 emblems of god.” And he ran away.

“I think, we should go there.” I said and we both headed to that place.

“The first two persons, who will stand, will be selected.” The king said (How can we stand up friends? We were still in the costume! But, who can explain this to Harley?). We stood up. Everyone was laughing on our funny clothes. I was ashamed but Harley, he was in his thoughts. We went into the fighting ring. We saw, there was no opponent.

The king said, “You both have to fight with each other and the winning person will get this compass.”

I knew I will win but how? We were in the past. Emblems were still not bounded with us. So, we started searching for our emblems.

I got it! I whispered in Harley’s ear, (He knew this) “How dirty his ear is.”

“Harley, I think they must be there where we were talking with that man.”

The king said, “Start the fight.”

The gong man hit the gong. We started the fight.

“Let’s see you can defeat me or not without power.” I said to Harley

“Hee. You have no powers.” Harley said taking his position.

“I have the…”(Wait. Do I still have the powers that master Kodo gave me? No, I don’t have. This is the past.)

“I have my fighting skills that Master Kodo taught me.” I said taking my pose. We started our fight. Harley tried to punch me in my ribs but I blocked it and gave a punch on his face and one of his teeth broke. (It was not a tooth, it was the almond.)

“Hey, it was the last one left!” Harley said.

“Sorry” I apologized.

Then, he was going to kick me but he tricked me instead of kicking. He punched me on my face.

“Ow, that really hurt!” I said.

Then, I kicked him on his face but he blocked. I attacked him so many times, but he blocked them all. I kicked on his leg, he fell down and I was going to punch him on his face but I stopped. I saw something weird, the king was giving his compass to his soldier and told him to give to the king’s Master.

I stopped fighting and said in anger “Wait, your soldier, I have defeated him. Give me that compass.” But instead of giving me, he ran away. I looked towards the king.

“Who is your master?” I asked.

I went near him. He was shivering with fear. He told me “Uni-coo-rn today. He came in my castle and kidnapped my daughter. He said, if I want my daughter back, I need to make him my master. And also, he said that two costumes people looking like you will come. However, I need to kill them and give this compass to him and you are the one.”

“Did he give your daughter back?” I asked.

“No” He answered.

“He will be killing your daughter.” I told.

Harley was also listening to the discussion. We both chased after the soldier. He was heading straight to Unicorn. I stopped him and took that compass from him. Unicorn was angry. He made a fire ball and pointed to the princess.

He said, “Give me that compass or else, I’ll kill her.”

Then, an idea hit my mind. I took my emblem very gently. Unicorn did not notice it. I threw towards the princess and told her to catch it and use it to cut the skin of Unicorn. I thought she would be scared, but I was wrong. She did it and Unicorn stepped back. She was free.

“I will see you in the present time.” Unicorn said and he went off.

Then, the princess went to her father and the king said “Thank you, Mister! Tell me, what do you want?”

“I want this compass and that thing which is in your hand.” I said.

“Oh, this. Take it.” She said.

“Okay mister, I’ll give you this compass. Take it.” The king said.

“Thank you, your majesty.” We both said.

“But, how we can go in our time?” I asked to Sammy.

“Sir, it is so simple. Just go to the place from where you came and keep this emblem on your chest.”

We did it and seriously friends, the emblems were bounded with us and we got our powers back. Then, we were back in our time. We were relaxed and the compass started to point towards me because I have mystical eagle with me. We need to adjust the emblem name. So, I adjusted the name of Trippleargin and it pointed towards the west. Then, we came out of my lab.

We were in the ocean, (You know friends my lab is in the Pacific Ocean). We went towards the west. We kept on swimming, swimming, and swimming. But it came to an end. The path was blocked by a rock but my hand was able to pass through it.

We went inside it. We found the trippleargin but when I came near to it, a whale shark came and swallowed the emblem and was disappeared like it was a mythical creature. We went back to the lab. We sat down.

Harley said, “We were so close to it.”

“Yeah.” I agreed.

“Now, we need to concentrate on how to kill Unicorn so that he never comes back.” I said.

“So, let’s start our mission.” Harley said.

From that day, we searched for Unicorn for one month.


Today is the last day of my school. After that, our summer vacations will start. But I and Harley need to work on our mission. So, no holidays! My last summer was also spent on my mission to find the 3 emblems. This time, the same thing happened. It was our English paper today, but I and Harley have not prepared for the exam because of the whole Unicorn mission but Master Kodo gave the permission to use magic. So, I helped Harley as well as myself. Our paper was over by 8:00 AM.

We got our paper at 7:45 am. It took only fifteen minutes to finish our paper. We both finished at the same time. The paper was so lengthy. Teacher was in shock that we finished it in 15 minutes. She told us to check our paper but we didn’t. We knew, we are right! All other’s papers were finished at 9:45. Just fifteen minutes before the time is over. One student was still writing after 10:00. Ma’am was very angry with that student. We went to our home. Mom asked, how was my paper.

I answered, “Nice. It was very easy. I just finished it in fifteen minutes.”

When mom heard it, she was very angry and said “Fifteen minutes! Johnny, I’ll slap you if you will get zero marks!”

“Relax mom, relax. Let’s see when the report card comes.” I said.

But, the mission is still going on. But, on the day of the result, I and my mom went to school and then a bad thing happened…….


Unicorn came right there and was destroying the school building.

He said, “I came to know that Mystical Man and Mystery king are in this school.”

But how could I go away from mom? Harley easily managed to go away but what should I do? Hey, wait a minute! I do have magical powers! So, I used it and I ran away. My mask and my emblem came. I was ready. Harley was first. Then, I came. He was dancing in front of Unicorn. I went there and threw an electric ball on Unicorn but nothing happened to him.

He said, “I am the most powerful one. Now, I can kill you.”

Then, he threw a fire ball. I was burnt, but soon it healed. He caught both of us by the neck and pushed into the wall. He held my leg and threw me away. However, I came back but he punched me hard in my ribs. Harley took out his sword from his fist and threw both swords towards Unicorn. He pretended to be dead when Harley put his leg on him. He woke up and caught him by his leg and he threw him on the ground very hardly.

He repeated it so many times but I came over and caught him by his neck and threw up in air and punched him very hard. He went into the space. I thought Harley was dead! But, he was alive! I healed him and we went into the space.

Harley said, “Unicorn, what do you want?”

“I want all the four emblems so that I could rule the world and kill humanity!” Unicorn answered.

“No. These two wishes will never be fulfilled. We have offer.” Harley said.

“What Harley? Are you mad? We need to kill him.” I whispered in Harley’s ear.

“Don’t get tensed. So, the offer is that we will not kill you but you have to clean our bathrooms.” Harley said.

“What?” I and Unicorn said.

“Hahahaha. Gotcha! It was a joke and now you take this, Unicorn.”

Harley said by pointing the laser ray at Unicorn but nothing happened. We both started throwing fireballs at him but nothing happened.

Then he said, “My turn.”

Unicorn started throwing electric balls and caught us by the neck and started going towards the sun.

“Your end will be just like me.” Unicorn said.

We tried to get off of his hand, but he was holding our neck very tightly that we could barely breath. Then, he threw us both on the sun.

We were trying to fly but the gravity of sun was stopping us. Then, Unicorn chained us both in the sun and did the same what I did to him. But anyway, we evaded the chain and got out of the sun. Unicorn was surprised. He took us to Neptune. It was too cold for Harley. He was shivering with cold. Unicorn took advantage of Harley and was attacking him. He could barely defend it, but I stopped Unicorn. But, he caught us by our legs and threw us away in deep space.

I saw a UFO. We crashed to it but nothing happened to that UFO. Instead of being angry, the alien was happy and said, “I am your big fan, Mystical Man.”

“Thank you.” I said.

Wow, friends! I was so popular that aliens are also my fan. Unicorn came and caught us by our neck. The alien was shooting missiles at Unicorn. But, in one punch of Unicorn, the spaceship was gone far away. When Unicorn was busy laughing, we both punched him so hard in the stomach that he was gone back in our Galaxy Milky Way. We also went there. Unicorn pretended to be dead. Harley was going to check.

“No Harley.” I said.

Then, he was checking. Unicorn caught him by the neck and punched him so hard on his face and threw him into the Earth. It looked like a meteorite coming down. I went and caught him. He was safe. I went up and then Unicorn punched me so hard in the stomach and caught me by the neck. I found myself helpless. He was going to kill me. He made a destroying ball.

Then, I remember the words of our sir, “Anything can explode if it is overloaded.”

And, I have the ability to give all of my powers to anyone. So, I poured my fingers in Unicorn and started giving him all of my powers.

“Haha! Give me all the powers. I need it to kill you.” Unicorn said.

However, instead of giving him my powers, I started taking his powers. But there was a high chance that I can explode. Oh! I am the world’s strongest super hero. So, I can do that. Unicorn couldn’t breathe.

I started punching him so hard in the stomach that he was dead and burned his whole body. But, what about the powers of Unicorn? An idea hit my mind. I took a big asteroid and inserted the powers of Unicorn in it. Then, I kept it in a box. (Which, I made in the space from my powers). Then, went in the deep space searching for a planet where nothing lives and humans cannot enter it. I found it. I dig a hole in it, chained that box very tightly and kept inside that hole and hid that hole with a rock. I went to Earth. Everyone started clapping. I recreated the school building and healed Harley.

The news reporters came running towards me and one reporter asked, “Sir, this time also, you went into space to defeat Unicorn. Why? Any reason?” “Yes. If I had defeated Unicorn here, the entire world would have been destroyed.”

I answered the question and went from there. We both went to our mothers and friends. I received good marks in all subjects.


Everything was normal.

“Now we need to find the emblems.” Harley said.

“Oh! Come on. No evil will find the emblems because the nature is protecting them. So, we need to find out Destroyer and destroy the cube.” I said.

“Okay. So, let’s do this. Sammy, find out where is

Destroyer. Right Johnny.” Harley said.


Now, we are in the 11th grade and we have a new friend. His name is Calvin Ronald. We haven’t told him our secret.

One day, we three friends were going together to school. Calvin found something lying on the ground. We were seeing it and it came to my mind. It was trippleargin.

“Yes! Harley. It is trippleargin. We got it.” I said.

“What?” Calvin asked and then trippleargin bounded with Calvin.

We were happy. We took him to my lab and told him everything.

He said, “So, what are we waiting for? Let’s design my costume and think about my name.”

We did it. His costume was ready. It was of whole green color and blue gloves on his hand. His bottom was like a cape and his name - Iron Phoenix.

“So, we are a team. We need a name.” Calvin said.

“OKAY. So, our name will be THE WIZARDS.” Harley said.

“Who will be the team leader?” Calvin asked.

“Oh! Come on. Johnny will be the team leader. He is powerful than both of us.” Harley said.

“So, Destroyer! Be careful. THE WIZARDS are coming for you.” I said.