Happieness .....the ultimate thing 5 in English Fiction Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Happieness .....the ultimate thing 5

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Happieness .....the ultimate thing 5

Happiness is the very important thing in every human life. Whatever man does but the ultimate goal of man is to find happieness only. But the very strange thing is, we are finding happiness always from outside. We are very strange person. We have put so many condition to our life that give me this and than I am happy. And when we get that thing we become happy for some time and put very soon other condition that now if I will get this than I will be happy.

Rabia a lady was suffi saint and very genius and real enlightened lady. One day she was searching somthing out of her room. While she was searching some people gathered and asked what happened rabia ?. Rabia told that I have lost my needle so I am searching. Rabia was very humble and nice lady so all people wanted to help her, so all started to search needle for her. After some time of searching when they did not find needle, somebody asked, rabia you know very well that have lost your needle here only. Rabia told no needle is lost in my room but there was no light that is why I was searching here. Everybody laughed and told rabia you must search your things where you lost. You are really fool. Rabia told wait and listen you are telling me fool but think what all are you doing. You find your happiness outside and when you have lost inside. Find your happiness inside, where you lost than you will never never never be unhappy.

What rabia told is extreme. Really extremely right. What we are doing we search happiness outside only. Think when want to go to hill station, you feel I will be happy there. But wait and think are you really find happiness there. You will say ya,ofcourse we are finding happiness there. But think in hill station, if you think some worry than happiness will go immiditely. Think if you are at home and you can be more happy by thinking of hill station. Happiness is really in mind but we are so sleepy person and we never aware of our thought so become unhappy immediately. Great philosopher jiddu krishnsmurti says be aware of your thought from MOMENT to MOMENT . If you aware of your thought and wherever you feel unhappy, aware on the spot and turn your mind and you will feel happiness.

Suppose you have make a goal to earn some amount of money and you always thinks when I will earn this much amount I will be happy, really I will be happy but wait and think now can't you be happy without that money,why why this condition ?. When you are putting any condition for your happiness, it becomes very strange. You can be happy,if you really think and if you aware you can be happy now without any condition.

To get more, to achieve more and more is not bad but on the contrary it is very good and it must be. But if you want more to be happy than it is useless. Every motivator says make goal, get more give your totality towards your goal and when you finish your goal you will be happy I am not ever agree with this I am saying make your goal try for it but never put condition that I will be happy if I will finish my goal. Say only this I am happy now and I am trying to achieve my goal but I will never be in tension to achieve my goal. I am happy now and I will be same happy when I will achive my goal. I will never never never put condition to become happy. And tell your self that If I will not happy now than I will never be happy in future.


.....To be continue