Hacker Z - 11 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 11 - Outcaste

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Hacker Z - 11 - Outcaste

Next morning, Chase was not in the mood to wake up from the bed. But he had no choice. He clean up then took the school uniform,it was a typical tie, white shirt and blue jacket uniform. Right, Chase has transferred at least 7-8 school who had similar uniforms. On the the table Chase was silent this seen was something new for Obi cause he thought maybe Chase would act like what he acted yesterday. But his reaction was completely different. Even when Park entered the room Chase didn't show much emotions.
Park : What happened?
Chase : Mayor Steve committed suicide with his whole family including his 5 years old daughter.
The whole table went in silence. No one actually had the appetite to eat anymore.
Chase : Obi, Bai can you investigate this matter. In my opinion it was not a suicide but the force behind them has taken care of a useless chess pieces without leaving any evidences.
Park : The forces behind the Zimin family is more powerful than we first though. Mayor Steve was just a chess pieces not a important person for them. So what about Zimin family? Is it also just another chess piece?
Obi : This time it is going to more difficult to investigate cause more than 50 people where present outside the villa but no actually notice a damn single thing. Not even the Mayor's security didn't notice it.
Bai : If they can take this much care then I don't think postmortem report can prove anything.
Chase : Now, thinking about it like this, I am guessing that my grandfather's heart attack might be the doing of the dark forces.... Wait..
Chase suddenly realises a thing and his whole completion changes completely. His pale face was making the room more serious.
Park : What happened?
Chase : Nothing, at any condition I want find the roots of this matter, even if I have to risk everything.
Even if Chase said that Park knew something was up and it must not be a good thing.
Park : You really don't look good. If you don't want to attend the school today I can inform them if you want.
Chase : No, I am going. How can I not go when Miss. Sasha is in same school as me.
Park : I thought you didn't want to get involve with her what changed your mind?
Chase : Her beauty of course.
Obi : What! Boss from when you start getting charmed by girls.
Park : You are changing your mood like a girgit, Chase. What should I call it? Just tell me what upto your sleeves this time?
Chase : The easiest targets are girls even if they have bad temper I can still get some information from them. It's better than nothing. First, I want to get close to Zimin family it's easily possible with the help of Sasha.
After having this conversation Park tried to give a ride to Chase to the school but was rejected saying it easy to travel by a bicycle in Moscow. It only required 15 minutes to reach the school from the penthouse. The school was the No.1 school in Moscow (I know in Russia the school has names but in my country they have number system for government schools so I will be using it). It was a school for most of the rich second generation kids. It was justified cause Moscow has more billionaires than any other city has. When Chase reached the school gates he saw many cars worth billions in the parking he knew the reason behind it. Seeing a student entering the campus with a bicycle there were varying opinions some were of disdain while some were comments on Chase's looks but still there was no one who actually recognise him. Near the shoe rack Chase was stopped by a group of guys but Chase didn't wanted to deal with them so he tried to leave the place without any problem. But the group of five to six boys didn't have any plans on leaving Chase alone.
Max : New student shouldn't you be introducing yourself. It our school's tradition that new students should introduce themself.
Chase : Sorry, but right now I am in a hurry. I have to visit the homeroom teacher.
Rob : Hey, don't be too cocky!
Chase : Oh, I have no such intentions.
Rob : You...
Max stopped Rob from going to far. And let Chase leave the place. After Chase left.
Max : Rob what were you doing? Don't you know the teachers are keeping an eye on us.
Rob : Sorry, boss but that guy was act to high and mighty.
Max : We can deal with him in dark, also do I have to teach you this?
Rob : No!!
This wasn't the first time they have confornted a new students. Max was the school bully of the no.1 highschool. His father has a construction company so he always tried to act high and mighty in front of people. The school was not able to do anything to them due lack in evidence and pressure from higher ups.
On the other hand side the homeroom teacher was done giving instructions to Chase. The homeroom teacher was a strict lady in her 50s with narrow minded attitude. In fact she was not pleased to have such a student in her class. First, Chase didn't have a good family background, second he belonged to the entertainment industry which means that he must be lacking in study which can bring her class result down.
Miss Volkov : Hope you won't bring down the results of my class Mr. Xavier.
Chase : Of course not I will try my best not to disappoint you.
When the bell rang she took Chase to the class. It was a normal class but all the students were either high-class or were pretty clever. Seeing some one following the teacher they get the idea that he must be the transferred student.
Miss Volkov : Good morning class, this is new transferred student. You can introduce yourself.
Chase : Hello, my name is Chase Xavier. Please take care of me in future.
Miss Volkov : Now, you can take a sit.
When Chase saw a empty seat in the front he decided to sit there.
Student A : Hey, that's the sit of Sasha.
Chase : Sorry, I thought no one is sitting there.
Student A : No, she gone abroad to meet her brother. She is just absent
After hearing this Chase went to the last seat. And started thinking about the things the girl had said to him. It was actually a good thing that Sasha actually was in the same class as him but this time the point was not that, if Zimin family had a son then why make Charles the family head. Cause, family head's are mostly choosen when either the last family head is dead or has retired but this was the case, now it was looking like a unsolved mystery. When the class started the first period was Russian. Chase had already studied Russian but it still was hard for him to write compositions as he mostly needed conversation skills than writing skills. When he started to concentrate in the class, his sight fell on the desk of the girl beside him. It was convered in curses it was quite an insightful thing to watch. But Chase decided to keep quiet about it for a time being. After class in a mean time,
Chase : Hi, my name is Chase.
Maria : Hi my name is Maria. But it will be better for you not to talk with me or they will target you.
Chase : Who are they? Why not complaint to teachers or should I help you to complain?
Maria : No, don't do this. Please... Don't bring me more troubles. Okay
After hearing this Chase knew that the must be an outcast. It was always like that every school he had transferred had an outcast and they dare not to complain either because the other party had good backing or because of fear of being ignore by everyone. This time it was because the other party has backing, but Chase wanted to clarify the things in the school first. The other periods were of maths, computer and physics which were his main strength. When the lunch break started Chase get up to go to the canteen but the trouble in school never let him keep his guard down.