Fearlessness.....the great..6 in English Fiction Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Fearlessness.....the great..6

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Fearlessness.....the great..6

Fear is the deadliest enemy of mankind. It is only only and only comes from you. Nobody is responsible for that.

Go into fear, silently enter into it, so you can find its deapth. And sometimes it happens that it is not very deep.

A man walking in the night, slipped and fell from rocky path. Afraid he would fall down thousands of feet, because he knew that just at the edge of the path was very deep valley, he grabbed hold of branch that was over hanging the edge. In the darkness night all he could see how below him was a bottomless abyss. He shouted and his own shout was reflected back, there was nobody to hear him. You can imagine that man and his whole night of torture. Every moment there was death below, his hands were becoming cold,he was loosing his grip ..... but he managed to hold on, and sun come out he looked down .....and he laughed .... there was no abyss. Just six inches below his feet there was a rock ledge. He could have rested the whole night, slept well, the ledge was big enough ..... but instead, the whole night was nightmare.

The fear is not more than six inches deep. Now it is up to you, whether you want to go on clinging to the branch and turn your life into nightmare, or whether you would have to leave the branch and stand on your feet. There is nothing to fear, really there is nothing to fear.

I know one man who had joint a big corporate office. His salary was nice and everything was going well. One day his boss told him to go in another branch to work. He was working in Bombay city and he was told go to madras branch. He was not ready at all. He told his boss he was not ready to go. Boss forced him to go and told that you have to go or otherwise leave the job. Now he was so worried. He came to me and told the story I told him that if you don't want to go than simple, leave the job. But he was not ready to leave the job cause salary was very nice and if he leave the job than how he can get in urgent this type of nice job. So I told him that than go to madras and accept the situation but he was so feared to go in new place. He told me that madras is new place, new manger, new customer and all is different so I am feared. I told him you feared because fear is nothing but only your negative thoughts. Fear is really nothing nothing and nothing only negative thoughts. I told him you have to go after fifteen days. Now you do one thing every day and every moment think like this way.... madras is good city where I am going to do my job. My boss will be so nice, my office will be beautiful, I will get good more and more good experience. He told me what will happen I told him you try everyday and come after 10 days. Everyday strictly he follow my instruction and told himself this type of beautiful sentences and after 10 days when he came to me he was looking happy and had confidence to go. Now today six months has been passed he is happy there and doing his job very nicely.....

So friends never accept fear never never never.....if you go in deep very deep the problem of fear, you will find there is nothing to fear. And one most important things we are so sleepy person that we always thinks I am feared but sit and be calm and see are you feared. No no and no you are not feared but your negative thoughts are responsible for fear. Remove your negative thoughts and in six inches you will find fearelessnes...

......to be continue