Hacker Z - 10 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 10 - Wait, What Back To School?

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Hacker Z - 10 - Wait, What Back To School?

Chase didn't want to get recognise by people. He though that people in Russia doesn't know him that well but what was happening now? Not only a girl recognised him but on the top of that it's Sasha Zimin.(he knew her due to Obi's report on Zimin family) Is his luck this bad!! Yeah, his luck must be really bad today cause Sasha is known for her bad temper and he can't afford to piss her off . It was his first priority to leave this place or he would also get in trouble, so he decided to use his trump card.
Chase : This lady, you actually know my name. I was in a hurry to leave. the place because of commotion. It was my bad for bumping into you.
Sasha : It's not a problem, I am a big fan of your songs. Nice to meet you my name is Sasha.
Chase : Hello, Miss Sasha. My apologizes but I am in a hurry, so I will leave first. Have a nice day.
Sasha : You too. Have a nice day.
Even when Chase left Sasha didn't leave her spot untill one of her friend called her out.
Rita : Why did you let him leave like that? Shouldn't you teach that guy a lesson?
Sasha : Rita, aren't you able to recognise him? He is Chase Xavier the American singer. He is here in Russia may be for recording a song. I didn't know that he was also good at Russian.
Rita : You really are his fan girl, aren't you?
Sasha : Yeah, I am so what?
Rita : Let's go now or you will daze off again.
After that they left the mall but the incident of Mayor Steve was on fire on internet every news websites, forums were full of the news in the mall. The reporters were surrounding the Mayor's villa but there was no answer regarding today's matter according to some analysis this was the work of Hacker Z. But some of the people were against it, cause Z never once appeared in Russia. His territory included Canada, America some western or europian countries. So it was understand able that may be some Hacker wanted to copy Z but the method he used was too flawless to be a copy. The discussion was still ongoing but the lead of the discussion was not in the mood anymore to care about it. That's right Chase at the moment was busy giving a tantrum.
Park : You are over reacting!!
Chase : No I am not. How can you do this without informing me?
Park : It was not a decision I made, somebody order me to do so.
Chase : Oh really! But still I am not going to a highschool.
Park : Then, how are you going to graduate?
Chase : Home study is also a type of education. And it not like anyone is going to ask my education.
Park : Chase, this time I can't help. Just take it as a opportunity to enjoy a high school lifestyle.
Chase : .... When is the school starting?
Park : They are already started you are joining them in the middle term. Don't worry about the document I have taken care of them well and you have no need to stay at dorms. More importantly you don't have to change your schedule I have talked with the principal it won't be a problem.
Chase : Guess there is no going back, now.
Park : Enjoy your school life.
After Park left Chase was still sitting on the sofa. His whole face was gloomy. Obi didn't wanted to confornt
'This is the worst day of my whole life' this was the thoughts of Chase while leaving the room. Even though he was experienced to face various situations due his professions both in entertainment industry or in controlling dark web matters. But it was easy to take care of situation there, cause he never have to deal with them using complex emotions. But a normal school life of a teenager it was something he never wanted to understand as it involves many emotions which were new for him. That was right Chase never once have experience any type of feeling for someone most of the people were respected by him, some were directly ignored and some of them were his teammates which he was responsible for same was for his revenge it was his responsibility. Only by taking Zimin family down he can complete his duty as the grandson of Xavier family there was nothing else. But now if he was going to face people whom he can't ignore or else it will cause a blow to his image.