Taste Of Fear - 16 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 16

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 16

“Oh! Mommy!”

The sound startled Shyam.

No, the sound wasn’t of Archana, which had drawn him out his thoughts.

Charmi was groaning.

11th November.

Yeah! Charmi had told it is 11th November. Before two days was Archana’s birthday.

Sorry, Archana. I haven’t forgotten your B-day but this time I’m unaware of the calendar, unknown about the date 9th November. I miss you Archana. He thought.

Archana would also miss him. or maybe this 9th November she would have missed him to the extent. More than anything she has missed in her life.

He closed his eyes to wipe out the thoughts but still memories haunting him. the more he tried to forget the more thoughts came to his mind.

He could see her face, even while his eyes are closed.

He opened eyes, at last, and looked at Charmi.

Her moaning had fallen silent but his heart..?

He closed eyes again.

“Where are you?

“Archana, I am at Naya Gaav.”

“What are you doing there? Don’t you on duty?”

“I was but took half leave to visit Naya Gaav.”

“Half leave for what?”

“Don’t you remember today’s date? Or haven’t you time to see the calendar?”

“9th November but what’s about it?”

“I’m in Naya Gaav to get you a dress.”

“You can do it on Sunday. We would go together. What’s need to take leave? I think I have some dress to wear.”

“Archana, don’t you remember today is your birthday or you playing a trick on me?”

“Do you remember my birthday?”

“How can’t I?”

“You spoil my mood.”

“What happened now?”

“I hoped you have forgotten my birthday and gone to office.”


“So I wished a small fight when you return?”

“You are weird. Why do you like to fight with me? even on your birthday? It’s too much!”

“Honey! Fight with love is a way of love. Come soon, I am waiting. Love you, bye.”

“Love you, bye.”

“Which should I select from this?” the lady on counter asked Shyam, pointing at the three dresses spread on the counter glass.

“Which colour should I choose?” he buzzed to himself, “I haven’t asked her.” Now he talked to the lady, “wait a minute, let me call her.”

“If you don’t mind, can I suggest you something…” lady on the counter said, still the smile on her face.

“Why not?”

“Today is her birthday. You shouldn’t tell her you are buying a gift for her.” She paused, looked into his eyes, “now at least there should be a secret about its colour.”

“Thanks to reminding about it.” He said, “But why you girls give so much importance to the surprise?”

“To know the girl, be a girl.” She said, “Which one you choose?”

“You said to know the girls I should be a girl, but it’s impossible so why don’t you help me to select a colour?” he added, “but remember she wants a fight with me so choose carefully, not allowing her chance to quarrel.”

Shyam was unaware that all girls want sweet fights in love as memory.

“Is she fair or complex?” the counter lady said with the same smile.

Shyam wondered why Archana wouldn’t talk with me like that girl always smilingly.

“I don’t know she is fair or what.” He said, “Look at her pic.” Shyam showed her Archana’s pic on his handset.

“She is average.” She said, “Light yellow would suit her.”

“Okay, pack it.” He said, and added, “If you don’t mind can I ask you something?”

“Yeah!” she raised her brows.

“Why are you smiling while talking?”

“Why I shouldn’t?” her smile grew loud, “you aren’t my husband.”

“Means you don’t smile while talking with your husband?”

“I shouldn’t if I want to control him and of course I want him under control.”

Her answer tilted Shyam. He paid the bill on the counter and left for home. On the way home, on his bike, he considered about salesgirl’s comment. Would Archana think the same?

There should be classes to learn how to understand the girls. He thought.

“I love you, dear Archana.” He mumbled as his bike was streaming towards the house.


Charmi’s moaning disturbed Shyam’s thought, realising him he wasn’t going home to Archana, but he was with Charmi in a prison.

“How much they have abused her?” he sighed in disgust before he felt dizzy and his eyes closed.


To be continue...