Hacker Z - 7 in English Detective stories by Shubhangi Kene books and stories PDF | Hacker Z - 7 - Nice Meeting You Again

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Hacker Z - 7 - Nice Meeting You Again

Next day early in the morning, Chase detected some movements in his room. He was alert but he didn't open his eyes. He then heard a familiar voice it was Park.
Park : Hey, the sun is already up and you are still sleeping. I thought you can atleast woke up by yourself.
Chase : Shut up!!!
At that time Park was attack by a pillow, but it was blocked by him it was like he already knew Chase too well enough.
Chase : Intruding someone's room in early in the morning is this what you called manners? More importantly it's too early.
Park : Seriously Chase you are lecturing me on manners. But I am not here for this today.
Chase : Something serious?
Park : Chase the person we mate yesterday is actually Charles-
Chase : Zimin, right. I know it. I read Obi's report last night on Zimin family.
Park : Then why are you so calm. He is the family head now so he is our enemy right.
Chase's expression at that time was like I don't care which was making Park feel more useless in front of him. He couldn't make sense what Chase was actually thinking.
Chase : No, looks like you are making the same mistake as Obi. I will explain you while having breakfast. Wait for me to finish cleaning.
Helplessly Park sit on the bed and waited for Chase but he pretty eager to know why Chase was taking things lightly which was not his style.

On the table the food was already prepared by Obi. Obi not only had a great network which was useful for him to get information but also was a great cook. Seeing his Boss and Park coming he remembered the situation last light where he slept on the sofa and his talk with Chase was stopped in the middle.
Chase : Obi you are also up early in the morning.
Obi : Actually, it is not early it's already 9 am.
Listening to this Chase was embarrassed while Park couldn't stop laughing. Obi was still standing there with a expression that cannot be described. After Park calmed down. Everyone sat down. The breakfast was placed.
Chase : Is Bai back from the hospital?
Obi : Yeah, he come back at 7 am. And is asleep now. Is there something?
Chase : Nothing, I want to talk about the things with the Zimin family. Actually I think we don't need to deal with Charles. In fact I am going to let him deal with the Zimin family. Charles shouldn't have known the dirty deeds of Zimin family.
Park : How can you be so sure?
Chase smiles mysteriously.
Chase : Of course, because we are clearly fated, don't you think so?
Park frown but changes his expression without Chase detecting it and let Chase continue speaking.
Chase : Didn't I tell you there was on person who actually joined the search team in America just to capture me, what was more amusing he was able to save a bastard from me. Later when I curiously search what happened to it that the bastard was in life long jail where he should be after rapping a girl. I don't think I will deal with a innocent person. So, I am going to show him the true face of Zimin family and let's him stop their financial support. After that I am slowly going to torture each member one by one. Hee hee
Obi : Too creepy!
Park : Shouldn't you be adjusted with it now? Come on it's already been so many years. Obi I thought you are used to Chase scheming something.
After listening to Park Obi realised what Z was actually skilled in one was hacking and other was scheming. Lots of people couldn't escape through his schemes and ended up entering his trap. After finishing the meal all of them parted. Obi was taking Chase to meet JJ. He was going to act as Chase's assistant. The meeting place was selected by JJ, it was coffee shop which was not very famous but had good business and was decorated according to the Russian culture. When Chase entered the coffee shop with Obi the female staff on the counter asked him if he has a appointment or not.
Chase : I am here to meet Mr.JJ.
Employee : I will show you the way then.
Chase : No thanks, I can clearly see his table by the way you got a nice hair style.
Hearing this it made the female employee blush but she was quite disappointed that she can't walk him to the table. Her disappointed was clearly spotted by Chase but rather than having any other thought he was actually smug about it. Obi clearly see the smirk on his face which was clearly disappeared when he reached JJ's table. Today JJ didn't have a assistant with him seeing this made Chase confused.
Chase : Hello Mr. JJ.
JJ : Hi, Chase. I hope you don't mind but my friend actually wanted to meet you. So he will be also coming here.
Chase : That's not a problem director JJ.
Even though Chase didn't want to meet anyone but it was not nice to reject him so he sat with Obi and ordered a coffee. And talked with Director about the recording and other stuffs. The conclusion of their talk was they have to put more efforts in promoting the film. When they where about to discuss about the overseas promotion. A person in a black genes and jacket approached them. Seeing the person JJ was delighted.
JJ : You are late Charles.
Charles : Sorry I got an emergency on the way.
JJ : It's ok . Chase this is Mr. Charles the investor of our film.
Chase : Nice meeting you again Mr. Charles.
JJ : You both know each other?
Charles : Yeah, long story short he helped me.
JJ : You got a good luck Chase. Helping the your investor such a golden opportunity.
Listening to this Charles frowned and couldn't help but say,
Charles : Even if helped me I won't compromise with work. And today I am here to discuss some thing private with him.
This made JJ surprised but he didn't ask the reason. Later, JJ and Chase continued their discussion which didn't lasted long when they were about to leave. Chase was stopped by Charles. Obi was reluctant to leave Chase alone with Charles but he couldn't do anything when Chase told him to go home. When Obi left Charles looked at the silver haired teenager who helped him in pub, today he was looking more sophisticated in a white turtle neck sweater which didn't seem to be out of place on him.
Charles : I don't want to delay things anymore, just tell me what's your relation with the Xavier family in Russia?
Chase : Mr. Charles, I was born in San Francisco America. And it's my first time in Russia so how I can be related to the Xavier family in Russia?I think you misunderstood some things their are many people with same surnames.
Seeing Chase's not a single bit affected Charles was pretty disappointed. And he was still not convinced that a top family in Russia was disappeared without a trace and not a single person of Xavier family was alive. But he was right there was not a single member of Xavier family who was alive, in reality Chase's surname wasn't Xavier it was his mother's surname. The Zimin family used underhanded methods to deal with the Xavier family due to that Xavier family not only lost its wealth but also lost the reputation in the business world which a high blow for Chase's maternal grandfather, later he died due to a heart attack. When Chase knew this it was too late and only thing he could do was to take revenge on those who were responsible for this, but he wasn't sure if Charles knew about the incident which happened 10 years ago cause he must be only fourteen at that time. But now he was sure Charles is investigating the incident so of course he going to help him.
Charles : Then why I can't find a single information about your family?
Chase : Ohh, so you actually investigate me.
Charles : Just wanted to be on the safe side. I still don't know the reason why are you approaching me?
Chase : You are too confident about yourself. First I am not approaching you, second according to our company's higher ups closed books always look interesting so it can increase my fans curiousity that's why there is so little information about me.
Charles : Looks like Fantom entertainment really have great ideas in promoting there artist.
Chase : I will take it as a compliment. Now, if your done can I leave.
Charles : Sure, I won't be seeing you out.
Chase : Before leaving a free advice from me rather than investigating me you should investigate people around you more it will be more beneficial.

Chase left the care without saying anything but Charles couldn't make sense about his words. He first thought that he can find information from silver haired teenager but Chase actually left him with more questions which was frustrating him more.