New Gen Shakunthalam - 2 in English Comedy stories by Venu G Nair books and stories PDF | New Gen Shakunthalam - 2

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New Gen Shakunthalam - 2

When Shakunthala's car reached at the gate of Dushyanth's Bangalow two security men in full uniform and wearing rifles with them standing in front of the Gate. Raju (driver) took his ID card alongwith Shakunthala and all from his pocket and gone to Security Incharge's office for entry. At that time a packet fully coverd with white paper fell down from Raju's pocket, but he did not see that. That time the security guard standing there has took the packet and put in his pocket.

The Security officer insisted shakunthala to park the car outside and can go to the Chief Minister by walk only. Shakuntala got angry and told

"you dirty man. don't you know I am the would be of ur Chief Minister. I will see you stupid. " then she shouted to Raju to take car fast to inside.

The Security officer phoned to the Secretary of Dushyanth " Sir one society lady telling herself C.M. Sir's wife coming there "

At that time Shakunthala's car reached The C.M's Car Stand and she alongwith her friends got down from the car and rushed to Mr. Dushyanth's room. The Chief Minister, Mr. Dushyanth was in a meeting with his staff discussing about next television/ other interviews and other assignments. The immediate entry of the beautiful Shakunthala alongwith her friends and Driver, everybody stuck a little bit. But Dushyanth become angry and shouted:

"Who are you, how dare you enter my room without permission.... security...." he called security. But Shakunthala without any fear walked to him and said :

“Dushu, this is me your’s Shaku. Don’t you remember me. Some months back you reached our Ashram when we met each other and on the first look we become lovers. Due to my father was away due to a foreign tour, we have done Self declared marriage under Gandharva rules.”

But it doesn’t made any affect to Dushyanth as he was forgotten that days. In spite of her trying him understand each moments they spent each other, Dushyanth could not remember that things as he was forgotten everything.

Shakunthala understood that it all happened due to the Shraap of Durvasa uncle. Suddenly she asked her secretary-cum-driver Raju the packet she given to him for keeping in his pocket.

But knew that packet is not with him as it lost somewhere in the way, he thought. He expressed sorry, but Shakunthala got angry on him as it was the last option to get back Dushyanth’s memory back by showing that packet. She rushed to outside with fully angry as well as sorrow and she was yet to get down her car to go back.

That the Security Incharge came to Dushyanth by running and he gave him a packet to Dushyanth which was picked by the other Security man. As soon as Dushyanth touched the packet, he surprised something happening him. In that packet it was the costly mobile he gifted those days to Shakunthala. Now he could remember everything.

Their love, and marriage under Gandharava Act etc.etc. Dushyanth run outside to see Shakuntala. Shakuntala was just to enter the car when Dushyanth reached her expressed sorry for forgetting her and deying their relation. Shakunthala smiled because she know that these all happened due that Durvasa uncle's Shraap.

Dushu picked Shaku's right hand and invited her and her friends to his Bangalow. They, Shaku and Dushu walked to Dushyanth's room while Anasooya and priyamvada with driver Raju waiving their hands and said "best wishes" to the young couple and they sat on their car to return. Dushyanth called his Secretary and told

"cancel every meeting, every interview and every issues for a week. This is the time which I will spent with my Shaku, my beloved wife my everything."

The end.