what you want to be. - 1 in English Motivational Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | what you want to be. - 1

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what you want to be. - 1

Goal the word itself is very important. Every man must have his goal at any age. you take one pen and notbook and write what is your goal. This is the most important things and every motivator says like this. I am fully agree with this but today I want to tell you very different goal of human being.

I am saying make a goal of mental development like from tomorrow I will always in happy mood whatever it may happen. This goal is more important than a goal to become rich man or become big man or become ministers or anything else. This is total different goal. Nobody will talk about this goal but I think this the most great goal in life.

Suppose you are working in one big compny. Now you everyday go to your job. Have you ever notice your mind. Are you aware of your thoughts ?. Before enter the office you must tell yourself that today whatever may happen I will not loose my happieness. Whatevet may happen but I will not upset. And your mind is very strange if you not aware than yout reaction will be very bad to each and every situations.

See every motivator says in the morning you have to tell yourself very nice sentences like I will be happy and I am strong man and my days are coming well and well. All this sentences are good but not only enough in the morning only. You have to aware from moment to moment if you talk to yourself good sentences in the morning and full day if you worrry than it has no meaning at all.

Suppose you are travelling in the train and going for hill station. Now when you enter in the train if you see a person who is sitting near your seat has so many luggages and there are no place to put your luggage now you become upset and you starts to quarrel with that person but before loose your mind be aware of thoughts and take one pause and give your reaction than your reaction will be total different. You can react to your co pessenger with smile and it will make a total difference. remember at any cost you have decided you will be happy all the time.

Suppose your son in school and when you reach your home you find your son who is studying in 7 th standard has got very bad result now your reaction will sure sure sure bad to your son. Most of time all parents become immediately distrub by listning this type of result but you have to stop and pause yourself and tell yourself any situation I have decided to be happy now I will not upset and I will be happy yes I will be happy even in this situation. And this is the miracle of life if you think like this way your reaction will be total different towards your son. And if you become happy in this position than you will treat your son very differntly.

Think can you dance when your beloved person leaves you or can you be happy when you loose your job or when you miss a train. If you develop this skill than it become your habit and you become a cheerful person.

I am not interested to become very big man or become so famous or I have no goal to be lived hundred years. I will sure try to make more money name and fame but my first goal is this and I am proud of it.

My main goal of life is


Every motivator says to make goal of so many things but I strongly recomand to make goal like this and you will never fail.

........................................To be continue....