The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 4 in English Love Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 4

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The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 4


"Did you called the clients for the meeting ?"

" Yes sir"

" Did you send the legal notice to RK corporations for meddling in our business? "

" Yes sir, I have sent the legal notice with proper warning."

" Have you prepared the papers for the NK corporations deal ?"

"Yes sir "

" Have you informed our employees for the company meeting this noon ?"

" Yes sir "

" Why did you ran away last night? "

" Because I didn't want to face Vik...."
I stopped midway in completing the whole sentence clearly astonished by this question out of nowhere. I looked at Kartik sir in confusion.

" Complete the sentence kavya, why did you stop ?" , He questioned blankly as he looked straight into my eyes.

For a moment I just stilled, not knowing what to reply and how to react.
To be honest I felt quite uneasy under his questioning gaze.

" Uhmmm I am sorry sir but can we not discuss this topic ", I mumbled faintly, looking down at the floor.

After a few seconds of silence, I noticed him sighing and then suddenly he stood up from his chair and started walking towards me.

" Kavya, you still haven't forgotten about him right, Do you still have feelings for him? " Kartik sir whispered slowly as he stood in front of me making me look at him in shock.

As soon as he said those words, my body shuddered with an unknown fear.
Do I still have feelings for him? I, I can't.

" I, I ....", the words couldn't come out of my mouth, my voice choking because of my emotions.
I remembered all the painful memories of the past and what hurted me the most was that even after everything I still couldn't say simply
' No, I don't love him.'

Kartik sir might have noticed my pain-strucked face and moist eyes because in a flash he turned around and walked away from me.

I noticed him standing in a very stiff position, his posture rigid, his fists clenched.
Suddenly he clutched the head of his chair tightly with one hand," I am sorry for asking personal questions from you, I will not ask such questions again, its a promise," Kartik sir said in a stern voice, loud enough to reach my ears.

I looked at him in surprise as soon as he said those words.
I was blank, I didn't know what to say to him.

Not getting any reply from me, he looked me over his shoulder, " I was just concerned about you Kavya because you're my ", he stuttered, looking at me intensely but then swiftly turned his head back, diverting his gaze from me, " because you're an important employee of this company ."

A loud ring of the landline kept on his table disrupted the uneasy silence prevailing in the office.
In a second I rushed towards the table and picked up the phone.
" Hello, yes I am PA of Mr Kartik Agarwal, how may I help you?"

" Oh, Okay, Thank you, I will inform him for sure," I put the phone back and looked at Kartik sir only to find him looking me back.
" Sir, there would be an important meeting held tomorrow for all the professionals in Businessworld, organized by Nakul Singhaniya in his company and you're cordially invited to attend the meeting ."

Giving me one last look, he diverted his gaze from me," Okay, inform them I would be attending the meeting and also cancel or postpone any other meeting which was scheduled for tomorrow."

Assigning me with these works he immediately left the office to attend the meeting scheduled in half an hour.

As soon as Kartik sir left, everything which happened a few moments earlier ran through my mind but closing my eyes tightly I sighed, deciding not to think about Vikram in any way.
The atmosphere of the office was very chilling and an unsettling silence was widespread in the whole cabin.

The man standing at one corner of the office nervously wiped his sweat. He could feel his body shaking with an unknown fear.
Gathering some courage he again looked in the direction where his boss was sitting very calmly on the office chair, his fingers slowly moving the glass ball kept on the desk placed in front of him and his unflinching gaze fixed on the moving ball.

" Speak... "

The man swallowed in fear as soon as his boss's chilling voice reached his ears and without any further due he started bickering all the information he had gathered.
" Also she works in Kartik 's corporations as his PA, 9 to 5 job and then lives in Ambience Apartments, house no.53 on her own.
She has a good reputation in the company and is respected by her colleagues but as far as any friends or family is concerned she prefers to stay alone more but ..", the man stopped for a second hesitating to speak further, he again wiped the sweat off his forehead meanwhile gulping in fear to say the next words.

" Don't test my patience Khanna. Do what I have asked you to do so", his boss 's intimidating voice again reached his ears and he shivered.

In order to avoid his boss getting angry at him he continued," but it is rumoured in her office that She and Mr Kartik are maybe see...seeing each other also Kartik Agarwal is the one who helped her in getting the flat and also gave her job as his PA in his company. So the other employees of the company connect the two together but still, it is not confirmed ."

Vikram stilled as soon as he heard the words. An unwanted wave of jealousy rushed through his body. His eyes immediately snapped towards the scared man standing in one corner of his office.

" What kind of rubbish have you gathered in the name of information . Have I assigned you to find this kind of shit ?", he roared loudly, looking the man with a piercing gaze.

The man literally felt ground underneath him shifting as his boss yelled at him furiously.
" I am sorry Sir ", he mumbled slowly, lowering his head in fear.

" Go away. You're dismissed ", Vikram ordered loudly, looking at the man's shivering form and within fraction of second, the man rushed out from the office.
Vikram stood up from his chair and slowly strolled towards the glass window present in his office.
Though his eyes were fixed on the view outside, he was lost in his own thoughts.

" Was everything Khanna said earlier is true? Is she really seeing her boss? Did she really forget everything? "

All these questions were running in his mind, messing with his brain.
He looked calm and composed from outside but inside each cell of his body was burning with rage, jealousy and helplessness.

He couldn't help but think of last night when he saw her exactly after three years, six months and fourteen days.

To say he was shocked on seeing her was an understatement, in fact, he has never expected to meet her in an award ceremony which he was not even planning to attend.
He remembered when while giving his speech, a loud shriek drew his attention and his eyes widened in disbelief when he saw her but before he could react in any way she started running away from the hall in haste and no matter how hard he tried to not get affected by her presence, he couldn't stop himself from following her.

A faint memory of the closeness they shared in the elevator struck in his mind making adrenaline rush through his body.
He recalled the way she looked last night, she was looking very different but still very beautiful. He could easily make out that she has changed a lot from how she used to be earlier. All the beautiful moments he has spent with her, all the moments he has loved her resurfaced in his mind making his heart beat loudly for her.

Instantly her betrayal, her fakeness, her disloyalty, her lies everything flashed in his mind perishing all the feelings he was feeling for her before. A new wave of fury surge in his body making his heart shudder with rage.

" Why did you do that Kavya? Why?", Vikram whispered to himself in a shaky voice, looking somewhere in distance outside the glass window.


Rolling on the bed together with his body intertwined with hers, their soft giggles echoed in the whole room.

He suddenly pinned her to the bed with his body hovering over her.
His lips curved into a mischievous smirk when he noticed her looking him with surprise.

Kavya gasped in astonishment when with a jerk he pulled out her scarf which was twined around her neck.

Kavya glared at Vikram in warning but he just smiled back goofily, slightly brushing his nose with hers and softly pecking on her nose.

" Vikram, noooooo ..... All these goofy things after marriage", Kavya stated in warning as she looked straight into his eyes.

" Then Marry Me Kavya", Vikram answered her in the next second, taking her by complete surprise and making her blush nervously.

She noticed him looking at her with pure adoration while his eyes reflected sincerity within them.

Kavya sighed when she remembered her situation and mumbled faintly, " I, I can't Vikram, you know how my ..."
" Shshshhh ", he interrupted her with a shush, stopping her from speaking any further.

" You're going to marry me Kavya no matter what happens," Vikram cupped her cheeks with both his hands, " You know I love you so much Kavya that I can go against the whole world for you, all I want is you to be by my side so don't worry yourself, leave everything on me ."

Kavya could feel her eyes getting moistened as she heard Vikram's words. Oh, how lucky she considers herself to be loved by him.

" Oh no, not again! I am telling you Kavya that I will start charging you with water tax because you're wasting too much water in form of these tears," Vikram stated while wiping a lone tear which escaped her eye.

Kavya chuckled on hearing him, " Okay okay, I will not cry now, I promise ", she answered him with a soft smile meanwhile keeping one of her hand on his cheeks and suddenly surprised him by pecking on his other cheek.

" Ohoo, today is my lucky day ", Vikram grinned.
His eyes twinkled with mischief, making Kavya smile back at him in shyness.

" I should return the favour too ", Vikram immediately pressed his lips against Kavya's taking her by surprise. Their lips moved together in perfect rhythm, both of them expressing all their passion and love for each other through the kiss.
As they stopped kissing, Kavya immediately hid her face in his chest, unable to meet his eyes in shyness.

Vikram chuckled lightly on seeing her shying away from him. He couldn't help but shake his head in amusement on thinking that even though he has kissed her many times before but still she reacts just like how she reacted after their first kiss.

" Don't be so shy my love ", Vikram spoke amusedly as he grinned on seeing her shying so much.

On seeing her still hiding her face in his chest, only one idea popped in his mind.

" Ah, no, no ", Kavya shouted loudly as soon as she felt Vikram tickling her.

" No, No, Vikram stop ", Kavya's panicked voice boomed in the whole room along with her loud laughter.
Soon Vikram too joined her, both of them laughing together, enjoying every moment in each other's embrace.
" No, Vikram stop ", Kavya screamed loudly as she woke up with a jerk.

Startled, her gaze roamed all around her and she found herself in her bedroom.

As few seconds passed she realised she was again dreaming about the moments she has spent with Vikram.

She felt herself breathing heavily, her heart was beating loudly against her chest, her palms were sweating, her eyes were moistened with unshed tears just like how they do every time she dreams about him.

Even though it was a dream, everything felt so real like it was happening with her in present.
She sighed and closed her eyes because these dreams about him have become her companions almost every night.
She couldn't remember how many nights she has woke up with tears in her eyes, whenever she dreamt of him and also there were nights where she has cried herself to sleep.
Yet, no matter how hard she tries, there isn't a day passed where she didn't think about him and even if she tries to not think about him, her dreams will make her remember him.

Kavya sighed and noticed the time four am on the wall clock. Well, it's not like she is going to sleep again, she can't ever.

Standing up slowly from her bed, she left her bedroom and headed towards the kitchen.
Preparing a cup of coffee for herself she walked outside on the balcony of her apartment. She noticed the faint sunlight peering through the clouds but still it was slightly dark.

Sipping her coffee, she couldn't help but think about the dream she saw. She remembered the moment when this actually happened with her and her lips curved slightly when she remembered how he used to tease her on crying too much .....

Well, it's not that he was wrong because literally her impression over him initially was of a crybaby.
Thinking about crying and making impressions a glimpse of memory slashed through her mind reminding her of her second encounter with Vikram.
It was just another normal college day and she was heading to attend the Economics lecture ...........

Thank you ❤