Let me bless 'o' hermit - The Inseparable and Indigenous love in English Love Stories by Subrat Kumar Tripathy books and stories PDF | Let me bless 'o' hermit - The Inseparable and Indigenous love

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Let me bless 'o' hermit - The Inseparable and Indigenous love

Once upon a time there lived an old man with majestic power in his eyes. He could see future of the individuals. He helped a lot. His wife was sober and loveable. Both lived together as if they were one. The lady cooked food, some times the man. They had no fighting in their life. Their kids became young and left them.
They used to stay in a deserted forest where the murmuring river goes. They always listened the song of cuckoo. Both of them enchant mantras of God and goddess. Though They looked old but lived like young. Once a prince visited their place with his grief stricken heart. Both of them welcomed him as their son. The prince said he is from Kantaraka. He had lost his lady. The old man said why are you worry. Have patience the lady will return. The prince smiled and stayed with them. The old couple continued their journey of life. Few days later the prince saw his bride in the forest. Both of them met each other again and returned to the kingdom. Before that the prince requested the couple to return with him. But both of them denied. The old lady told it would be my husband's wish and the old man said it be my wife' s wish . Finally the prince returned with his bride and promised them to help in their difficult condition.
Days passed came the winter. Throbbed was their bodies. They hold tightly each other at night to sleep. The old man was coughing and the old lady was feverish. The old man used to tell stories to the old woman. She was a good listener. She supported her a lot. Both of them were similar in nature. They were not different. Every morning they awoke together. They had a small hut and a beautiful farming land near the river. They talked each other sang eachother. When they laughed, they see beautiful peacocks were sitting on their field. Together they were giving them food. Deers were also coming to their house. The old man was surprised to see a beautiful tree having golden fruits. He shouted loudly to his wife come dear come dear. The lady came and also saw it. She began to touch the tree and all the golden fruits fell down. They thanked God and the old man said now my dear wife kindly go and prepare a delicious meals by using one of the golden fruits. The lady became happy.
In the afternoon time she served the food . They were eating together in a single plate. That day they sat but the man eat early because of his old age. He ate the first morsel of food and died. Thereafter seeing these things the old lady cried loudly. In the mean time the happy prince arrived in his chariot. He took the dead body to the physician. All the physician of that kingdom watched it and declared him dead.
At night the old mans soul returned in front of the small hut. The lady was glad and opened the door. She hugged him but could not. The soul of the old man said I am not present now physically but I am with you for ever. The lady cried again. The soul of the old man said her to throw the left over food in the afternoon into that river. The man disappeared then. The lady cried late at night. All the animals surrounded and gathered near the small hut. After crying few hours at the dawn time which was approaching she decided not to throw the food but to eat herself. She thought that what is the importance for her to stay alive without her sweet heart, the man who tied her hand with himself. She again cried and When she began to eat the first morsel of food .
She saw the chariot of the happy prince where her husband was sitting on it and the prince was driving it. the old man shouted and said am alive dear. It is god who send me again because he can't see us lonely. It was a lovely morning. Both of their eyes shines like cool morning sun. The animals around their bowed down their head and said welcome back dear in this dense forest. Then after they lived together for years .........