Revenge of the Ghost - 5 in English Horror Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | Revenge of the Ghost - 5

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Revenge of the Ghost - 5

Satya and Ravindra both were shocked. They stared each other trying to process they just witnessed. It was a gruesome scene. Satya wanted to speak something, but her brain was just frozen. She stammered and said,’ Ravindra who could do something like this’. This is a heinous act. Ravindra nodded and said, ‘In my entire career I have not seen anything like this before’. Satya agreed without saying anything. Her tongue lost words and she could not say anything. She was still shivering like the aftereffects of the shock.

Forensic team finished their examination and they moved out. One of them approached Satya and said, ‘mam we are going to office to start the testing.’ While saying that there was a sheer presence of horror in his eyes as well as face. His face was pale while like the blood was drained from his entire face.

Satya said yes and added,’ I need the report by tomorrow end of the day’. They all left and Ravindra asked Satya, ‘would you like to revisit the scene, or should I drop you home?’ Satya said,’ Let us check the scene for any clues. They both entered the room once again and there was a sense of dark feeling cling to their hearts. Sayta had goose bumps and she almost crushed Ravindra’s forearm. Ravindra was staring the hook from which the body was hanging before a while. He realised something that there was no rope. Surajsinh’s skin and throat muscles were used to hang the body.

Ravindra started to scan the room. There is a huge carved wooden bed in the room. There are windows on the left side of the room to fill the room with natural light. It was airy. There is a painting of Lord Krishna and Radhaji on the wall in front of the bed. Surajsinh seemed to be a religious man. Now the question is, ‘who could murder such a person in such a nonhuman way’. There was nothing inside the room. Because of the winter all the windows were closed. There was a bedside desk and there are reading glasses and jug of water on it. Ravindra checked the room very minutely and there was no sign of forced entry. Suddenly something said to him that, ‘open the window’.

Ravindra walked towards the windows and opened them. Windows slightly creaked and added salt to the wounds of shock. Ravindra looked outside and there was pitch black outside. There was nothing to see over there. He closed the window and suddenly he opened back as he got the feeling that somebody was watching him. He tried to check using the mobile light but could not find anything. He finally closed the windows and turned towards Satya. At the same moment, two red eyes flashed in the dark on a nearby tree and looking straight at the shadows of Ravindra and Satya. Ravindra still could not shake the feeling that somebody is watching him. He was feeling uneasy. He just held Satya’s hand and almost dragged her out with him.

Both ran straight towards the porch and Ravindra asked Satya to stay there with the constable and he ran towards the back of the mansion. Satya almost screamed his name, but he did not stop. His back was vanished into darkness very quickly. He just ran towards the jungle to clear the thorn of the doubt he had. He stopped at the compound wall and gathered his breath and thoughts. He gazed the height of the wall through his eyes and applied needed force to jump the wall to the other side. He landed with a light sound. His heart was thumping and making a loud noise. He could hear leaves being crushed under his legs. The light was not enough so he had to stress his eyes. He slowly reached nearer to that tree. He looked up and stretched his eyes as far as he could but could not see anything apart from leaves and branches of the tree.

Finally, he decided to go back, and he started slowly to walk back towards the compound wall. As soon as he turned back, two red eyes flashed again and staring at his back. After taking a few strides towards the wall, he turned back with lightening speed but still no changes apart from the sounds of cricket and all the other insects. There was a stunned silence despite of the noises.

What is the mystery of those two red eyes? Will Pratap call Ravindra will some information? What will be found in the forensic report? To know all the answers please read the next part. Please provide rating and reviews whenever possible. Thanks.