Fearlessness ......the great. 4 in English Fiction Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Fearlessness ......the great. - 4

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Fearlessness ......the great. - 4

As we show in previous chapter, fear is the deadliest thing in life. As a humanbeing we have to conquer fear. The another from which fear comes,is delay your work. This is the dedliest enemy of mankind.

In my group, I am the most regular person who is going to gym. In my grouop,so many friends every time says I will start regular from next week but next week never comes. So many gyes says I will start from monday. But the danger word is monday in human life. Because so many guys says I will start from monday and when monday comes,some strong reason they find to delay ,and immidietly thay think I will do it tomorrow and then next day they further delay and then thinks o.k. now from monday I will start, this is the very danger circle.

When you want to do some work, never thought so many things. When you starts to think about your work than you are going to think so many thinks. Suppose you have decided that tomorrow l will go to do gym. And l will wake up at 7.00 o clock when you wake up thoughts are starting and we thinks like that way yaar yesterdy I didnot sleep well and today I am not feeling so easy and if i will go than I will be late in the office and so many other things comes in mind and we are very lazy person so we tell ourself that today not possible and from tomorrow I will sure go. Our mind is very lazy so it will immediately accept not to go and we delay it. At that time you should tell yourself no nothing doing I have decided means decided anyhting may happen I will go and if you start and go than and when you finish your gym you will have a tremendous happieness in you.

Many times we decide to go to meet a important person and we delay. Suppose today you have decided to meet a very important person tomorrow at 12.00 a.m.
And in back of the mind you have some fear that person is srick and you have fear of so mnay things and you have fear if whether what he will do and he will respect me or not. That all fear stops you to go so you think that if I go and if he not favour me than what happen. This all types of fearfull thoughts prevent to start your work. But this work you have to do this work and nobody will do your work than why delay. So do it now and tell youself anyhting may happen today and today I will do. And remember tomorrow it will be never easy so finish. If you delay next day more bad thougtts come in your mind and you will become more fearfull.

Very good sentence is that you don't say mood will come and I will work but start the work mood will come. This is important if you sit sit and sit than automatically mood will never come. But if you start the work than mood will sure come.

Fear increase when you delay the work and remember more time paas fear will be more and more.

If you really want to rid from fear write this sentence in your heart
Never never never delay your work.