Fearlessness.....The Great - 1 in English Motivational Stories by Hiten Kotecha books and stories PDF | Fearlessness.....The Great - 1

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Fearlessness.....The Great - 1

Every human wants to be courageous. But it is very hard to have courage. The great philosopher j. Krishnamurti says if you understand the thing, it will be easy for you. So first we have to understand what is courage and what is fear.

There are so many reasons for fear. First reason is when you want more and more, than fear arise. Suppose you are a student, you have capacity to get 75 %. Now if you want 90 %. Than obviously fear will be there. You know this is your not capacity to get 90 %. Yet you want than obivously you will be feared. To get rid from this fear, you have to be calm first of all,and take one pen and notebook and write your fear and your solution. Writing is the best best and best habit to get solution cause when you write you will be more and more clear. And you will get clear way for solution. Without writing, mind will never ever be clear. Now if you have only capacity to get marks 75 % than accept it and be satisfied with 75%. Because when you accept the reality than there will be no fear. If your parents tell you to bring more percent than tell them clearly that I have no capacity to bring more than this percent and i am happy yes utterly happy with this,than no fear will be there. See when you understand the problem, the solution will be there. In this case when you want more marks than your capacity, and if you goes to temple and worship the god,or if you try to search more and more tricks to get more marks than problem will always arise. So accept the reality and there will be no fear.

Like that way I have seen so many persons who are earning less but they want more more and more. There is no harm to want more but it should be with your limitation. The great word given by the great philosopher shri jidu Krishnamurti is Discontentment with joy. This is real thing if you are earning 50000 per month and if you try to earn directly five lakhs per month than you never be happy.And you will be feared, If you want even more than fifty thousnad per month than also first of all be happy with fifty thousand and than try to earn more. but if you will remain unhppy in current situation and try even for 75000 than also you will be feared. So first of all happy with current situation and than try to improve your position than you will never be feared .

There are so many other things from fear comes,but this is our most most most important thing that we should get rid of the fear. Fear is the most most dangerous thing in the human life. We should understand the fear and finished it, as soon as possible.

We will see in next part what are the others things from which fear comes. Further we should remember shri jidu. Krishmamurti who says a feareless person is really intelligent person so we will try to understand more things in next part.

......to be continue.