Taste Of Fear - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 6

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 6

A black Mercedes Benz with ‘New York’ number plates stood under the porch of what was regarded as a haunted house. The night was calm and still, silence blanketed the property, not even the rustle of leaves could be heard. Moonlight glowed in the cloudless night over 42 Avenue, the mist was thick and any passer-by would be forgiven for not noticing the board with the name ‘Desouza’ in front of the bungalow.

The Desouza house bore a haunted look, accentuated by the empire of bare trees surrounding it, it seemed uninhabited. People never went near that house, believing there were ghosts. Ghosts of Mr and Mrs Desouza who were lynched in their home many years prior. The killers were familiar to the Desouza they were members of the gang they lead. The story told was that after a bank robbery the gang had disputed the shares received and this lead to a fight and ultimately the deaths of the Desouza. Save one the son, he was only ten years old at the time of his parents’ murders and had seen it take place. He narrowly escaped the gang and before the age of twenty, he had avenged the murder of his parents, wiping out the entire gang and their families. He was now a notorious killer in New York.

To the people that knew the history of the home it was considered unlucky or even evil, but not so to the inheritor – Simon, it brought him luck as it was his hideout from the law who never thought to look there. There rested Simon in the second-floor bedroom. He had generally preferred to sleep on the couch in the foyer, but today he had a companion with him Lily which made the bedroom more appropriate a spot to rest.

An owl perched on one of the bare trees hooted and shattered the silence outside the house, but this wasn’t heard by either of them inside, as Simon had closed the windows knowing the numerous owls would make a din. He could do nothing to silence the sharp ring of the landline telephone downstairs, Simon rose from bed glancing the quartz on his wrist, it was 1:30 am, he looked over at Lily who seemed peacefully asleep his ears were sharply trained to notice any sounds, who could it be at this hour he wondered as he walked to attend the call. He cursed the caller and answered the call scratching his bald scalp. He never wore hair on his head, a style he had learned from the traditions on the New York mafias.

“Hello” he spoke in his sleepy vocal tone.

“Simon?” the sharp and crisp voice from the other end sought confirmation. The voice had an Indian accent instead of a western one.

“Yes, speaking” he replied.

“I am Victor from India” on hearing the name Victor, Simon’s mind was quickly brought to full alert.

“Yeah,” said Simon calmly.

“I have a job for you”

“The objective?”

“I require you in India, take the soonest flight to Delhi, you must leave tonight.” Was Victors’ instruction.

“India? What is the job, Sir?”


“The target?” inquired Simon

“Agent Shyam, trained in Dehradun and sharp as a razor.”

Victor had ended the call.

Simon had replaced the receiver into the cradle and walked back upstairs. Victor was one of Simons oldest clients, He had done many exterminations in various countries for Victor, in fact, it was Victor who guided him to the world of crime.

“Baby, are you going to India?” asked Lily as he entered the bedroom.

“Yes Baby”

“Now, at this time?”

“Yes love I have to take care of my clients.” He spoke while packing his backpack.


Simon placed his backpack in the boot of his Mercedes and took off towards the airport.

The Bungalow was lonely once again. Simons was disappointed, he had been in a relationship with Lily for the past four months but knew never to leave any clues behind. Lily was no longer he had to silence her as she knew he was going to India. Victor used Simon as he knew Simon never left any traces behind, he needed to erase agent Malik, known to him as Agent Shyam without any trace.


It was 8:00 am on Sunday. Archana had taken every opportunity to remind Shyam to visit in Chandigarh after Diwali by any means. She had unsubtly dropped many such reminders in conversation such as:

I will keep the meal ready when you come here. Should I wear a pink dress or a blue one when we meet? These had not slipped Shyam’s attention.

It was a Sunday, this allowed Shyam to wake later than usual, his mom had entered the room.

Shyam loved his mother, she understood and cared for him. He had spoken to his mom about Archana before going to bed the previous night.

Mom looked uneasy, “Son, Take a bath and be ready” she spoke in a neutral tone.

“Why mom?”

“Your father needs you for something.” She spoke leaving the room.

Shyam went downstairs after his bath and worship, it was 9:00 am.

“Where are we going, papa?” Shyam was always respectful, to his father and spoke to him in a subservient manner.

“Nowhere” father replied.

“Didn’t you call me?” he was confused, why would papa call him if they weren’t going anywhere he wondered.

“Someone is coming to see…”

“Me?” Shyam was startled.

“Yes,” father dictated.

“Who?” Shyam couldn’t hold his curiosity.

“I was occupied for a month and have now fixed your engagement. The brides’ father and uncle are coming here, we will go to their home next Sunday and your marriage will take place within a month. Ramaniklal and I have decided.” Father declared his decision.

The trouble Shyam had actively avoided had finally apprehended him today, yet still attempting to escape it, he dared to ask Papa, “Who is Ramanikal?”

“Laxmi’s father”

“And who is Laxmi?”

“Are you a fool?” father became impatient, “the one to whom you will be engaged.”

“When will they come?”

“Within the hour”

“I don’t want to marry any Laxmi” Shyam spoke frankly.

“Why?” father was shocked to hear his son speak to him in such a manner.

“I like someone else.” The latter shocked father more the former reply.

“Do you realize what you are saying? The guests are coming soon. What will I say to them?” father stammered uncharacteristically, his anger had begun to reveal itself.

“Did you ask me even once?” Shyam tendered as an excuse.

Father’s anger was elevated by the arrogance of Shyam. “Why should I ask you? I told Ramanikal, he agreed and all is fixed. Am I a fool? Do you think my decision is harmful to you? Laxmi is a good girl, beautiful, cultured and decent too.”

“But I like someone else.” Shyam dared speak further.

Dad now enraged, rushed towards Shyam, and slapped him not once, twice but thrice. Satyam and Kalpesh pulled papa away and helped to sit on the sofa. Anirudh was stuck to the earth, watching as if it were a television serial.

Dad was panting for breath, “You dishonour me, what should I say to Ramamnikal?”

Shyam was silent.

“What of my prestige and position?” father continued.

“You should have asked me before...” Shyam’s voice choked.

“I had no idea you were so cheap!” he shouted as he took out his mobile to call Ramanikal and said to him that his son did not like the girl and cut the call.

“You disobeyed me today but…”

“But what?” Shyam interrupted his father.

“Don’t you show me your face, and don’t even touch my corpse, I wouldn’t like you to even be present at my cremation.

Shyam’s eyes were wet and so was father’s.

“How can I show my face to Ramanikal?” father kept repeating.

Shyam walked upstairs sobbing, he wept all day in his room. He had no appetite at lunch and stayed in his room, hugging his tear-soaked pillow as the only comfort he had, he fell asleep his tears and sobs his morose lullaby. He arose around 8:00 pm, he found a meal on his study table, knowing it was from his mothers’ love and concern, he respected her wish and sated his hunger. He afterwards switched on his laptop and when Archana was online he told her all that had happened. He went back to sleep afterwards, not feeling conversational.


Shyam was busy, as usual, Monday through Saturday, tutoring his students. The change in his routine was only reflected at home, he no longer took lunch or dinner with his family on the ground floor instead his mom would send his meals to his room where he ate alone.

He awoke around 8:00 am on Sunday. He had not spoken to any family member for the past week, he went downstairs in an attempt to talk to his father and beg his forgiveness but he couldn’t as his father turned his face to remove Shyam from his view, his mom fearing they would quarrel intervened and signalled Shyam to go upstairs to his room.

“Tell him he must not come to the ground floor and never show his face to me or I will have to leave this house.” Shyam’s father spoke to his wife, but indirectly to Shyam.

As Shyam walked up the stairs Satyam, Kalpesh and Anirudhdh entered the room, he heard his father say to them “Tell him not to come in front of me until my death”

Shyam sat in his room and calculated there would be no scene or dialogue that could convince his father to forgive him or even look at him. Mom had always supported him but in this matter she was powerless. Kalpesh hadn’t the courage to speak against father. Anirudhdh was papas’ pet but in this matter, he would prove ineffective and Satyam, well there was no use even hoping for his assistance as he was the same as his father they were cut from the same cloth.

Shyam felt alone in the world.


To be continue...