Warm nature comes to mind,
Kindness is remembered.
Touch will save me from evil eye,
So sure of my feelings
Remember me and you
Me and you
I and your gaze
I and the star touch
I and your breath
I and your realization
I and you, you and I.
One of our souls.
Let's get wet
Let's go
To rain
Let's just wear a raincoat.
Saath ma tara bhijavu gamme,
Like to soak you in remembrance.
To do injustice is a sin,
Tolerating injustice is a sin.
Has oppressed the eye,
Remembrance has wronged.
Filled with emotions,
Has been wronged.
The kind mind claps,
Emotions clap.
Stay together for twenty four hours,
Demands clap hands.
Loving heart
Stays young.
Cheerful mind
Stays young.
Eager to soak you in love,
Umgi is eager to melt the heart.
Warmness is necessary to make oneself
happy with your family life
Warm tempreture is pleasent in winter
Try to wet by lots of feelings to make someone
very special.
Don't do wrong to achieve any dam things
If you want to be young forever live with
every age of people
Creative mind is always keeping you young
Listen to what the parents have to say and yield it.
Learning nature always keeps you Young, busy
and updated.
If you want to be young be zealous
Marvelous success requires Zealous, passion,
dedication and devotion.
Try to get inner peace by zen
The best way to get harmony by music.
The actual worst circumstances is 10% and
we take it 90% worst by the mentally
One has to find Actual reason behind any action
Live Alive and let Alive
One has to Alive oneself desire to be Alive
We have to Alive our senior parents by giving them Love, Care, attention, affection and compassion.
Do what you want to do to make your life Alive