The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 2 in English Love Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 2

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The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 2

Oh, What a pleasant surprise, it's nice to meet you after so long ....Wifey!", He said in an icy cold voice flashing me a huge grin, the smile not reaching his eyes.

I slightly flinched on hearing the word Wifey from his mouth because it brought back certain memories which I don't want to remember.
I swallowed in nervousness when I noticed him coming closer to me, his cologne hitting my nostrils reminding me of his intoxicating smell which always drives me towards him.

My eyes closened on their own as soon as he took a step further into my personal space.

A gasp escaped my mouth when I opened my eyes and found him standing very close to me, his gaze fixed on my lips.

Unknowingly my attention also diverted on his face and I couldn't help myself from getting lost in admiring his face. His dark black eyes, his sharp-pointed nose, his sharp jawline with small dark stubble, his perfect lips.......he looked as handsome as he used to look earlier but what really changed in his face was the frown on his forehead, the bags under his eyes, his eyes lacking warmth ...somehow he looked tired.

I gritted my teeth when I saw him looking me with a smirk as if he has caught me checking him out.

" Move back Vikram....Please ", Gathering some courage I mumbled faintly without meeting his eyes, trying hard not to get affected by his closeness.

Without even waiting for him to move, I tried to sidestep and push past him but all of a sudden he blocked my way by keeping both of his hands by my side trapping me against the wall of the lift. I looked at him in shock.

" So Eager to leave, Aren't you ?" , Vikram whispered meanwhile staring me with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

I found myself getting lost in those eyes again.

Amidst everything I failed to notice when he closed the door of the lift because suddenly it started moving down.
He kept on staring me with emotions which even I couldn't decipher. I lowered my head avoiding his unflinching gaze and my eyes landed on the trophy he was holding in one of his hand.
As if on noticing my gaze on his trophy, he snickered drawing my attention towards his face once again.

"Beautiful, isn't She?", Vikram said as he pulled back slightly and raised the trophy present in his hand.

" Tell you what. You might have heard that behind every successful man there's always a woman but guess what? This quote is true in my case too and the lucky woman behind my success is you, my dear Wifey. If you haven't shown your true colours then I would still be trapped in your pretentious act.
If you haven't shown your real nature, this trophy would not have been mine. "

Tears rimmed in my eyes on hearing his harsh words but I tried my best to not cry in front of him and show him my weakness.
No, No cannot be affected by his words, remember you're stronger than this.

I really need to get away from here, away from him. I held back my emotions and glared at him," Whatever you say, whatever you do is least of my concern, you can say whatever you want but remember that you don't affect me in any are no one to me," I stated in a harsh voice.

Hurt flashed in his eyes on hearing me but he instantly masked his emotions and looked me with a blank face.

" Oh really, Well its good that you're not affected by me anymore", Vikram whispered in his husky voice, glaring me back but then he smirked and said, " But do tell me something Wifey ..?"

I winced when he again addressed me with that word.

" Will you not be affected when I will touch you? "
In the next second, I felt his finger trailing down my bare arm slowly. Involuntarily my eyes closed on their own as I felt his touch.

" Will you not be affected when I will kiss you ?" He whispered near my lips making a jolt of pleasure rush through my body.

I felt like hating myself to behave so vulnerably in front of him but my traitorous body was reacting to his touch and his closeness even though my mind was warning me again and again to stop him.

A part of me waited for his kiss but when a few seconds passed and he didn't do anything I opened my eyes and saw him looking me with a humourless smirk.

" You're clearly affected by me whether you admit it or not but let me tell you something, I really don't care about how you feel or if you're affected by me or not. I despise you to my very core and that's it. I don't like liars, gold diggers like you," He spat glaring me with anger.

Pain was what I felt at that moment. All the emotions I was feeling a few seconds before crushed as I heard him.
Tears of anger and hurt pooled in my eyes.
" I hate you too, you understand I hate you too ......", I yelled at him in anger and in the next second I pushed him from my way and rushed out from the lift.

I ran towards my car meanwhile pressing my hand against my mouth so that the loud cries doesn't escape my mouth.
I unlocked my car as soon as I reached up to it. Settling on the driving seat, I started the car instantly speeding off in rush from the hotel.

All the moments which happened with him in the lift were flashing in my mind along with everything that happened in the past. I have locked all these memories in one corner of my mind trying to start a new life but every time my past comes in between everything. Tears of helplessness were falling from my eyes...............

I remembered the first day I met him, the day which I would never forget in my life, the day things started changing. It was the freshers meet up in the college where each fresher have to show their talents .........
