Taste Of Fear - 5 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 5

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 5

As the seasons birth new habits, as the winter brings a warm dress and summer cooler garb, the spring of Shyam’s love had delivered to his schedule a new habit. He would wait daily for Archana’s text message or missed call as an invite to come online. He would wait until 11:00 PM, yet she normally did so by 9:00 PM should she be unable to talk or go online.

Through their conversations, determined the likes and dislikes of the other. Archana’s favourite colours were blue and purple, while Shyam preferred Pink. Archana’s favourite dish was ‘Chhole Bhature’ an item of a gram and Shyam’s was ‘Mung Dal’ also an item of a green gram and a loaf of millet.

He was familiar with the word ‘Chhole’ and he knew from Archana ‘Bhature’ means a big puri, a fried chapatti like item. Shyam’s menu list consisted of puff, burger, Kachori an item of wheat flour or Khaman an item of gram flour looking like a sponge. They had arguments as well, one of such the subjects of their favourite movies Archana claimed as hers ‘Vivaah’.

“All girls claim that movie!” Shyam exclaimed, he contended that it was because only the boy had to make sacrifices for love.

“Ha, ha, I enjoyed it, it forced the surrender of my heart… Which was yours?” replying to Shaym’s comment.

“Ram Teri Ganga Meli”

“Why?” she with curiosity asked.

“Because the girl had to struggle hard for her love.”

“Shyam! So, it means you want only I should suffer?” She joked.

“No, ha, ha both male and female should contribute equally.” Smoothly slating away the folly statement, he thought to himself.

Their debates would remain eternally undecided.

“I enjoy speaking to you” she smiled coyly over the phone.

“You will enjoy our life together as well.”

“I have full faith in you that you will never make me feel unhappy. We will be together should God will it.” Archana used to show her trust and faith in Shyam.

A fair was held every year in the home-town of Shyam when he was a child. He used to go to the fair with his father. The fair had always a section for kids with magicians, merry-go-round, giant’s wheels, shooting balloons with an artificial gun and a mini train. The mini train had two or three carriages and it was equal to a bus length. It took round and round on its railing. Shyam was fond of the journey in that train. It was a great fun for him.

Shyam was once again in that train. The same train, the same tracks. Taking round and round but reaching nowhere. No destination. Only moving with the train round and round. His life was indeed so now. Talking to Archana, expressing his love for her but feared they would never meet each other. Maybe selfless love! He tried to console himself.

Human thoughts are always changeable and how long do you run on a track without a destination!

“I was certain you would accept me and you have, I must go I have some housework to complete”

They ended their conversation with ‘byes’.


Diwali, ‘the festival of lights’, was approaching. The sky appeared cloudless. The climate had a delicate cold suggesting the arrival of winter.

It was a Sunday just before Diwali, he had not received any call or message from Archana over the past three days, His heart danced as this rhythm was defeated by a call from Archana.

“Hi, Archana, how are you? You hadn’t called me over the past three days, what was the matter?

“My younger sisters Manisha and Kavya got engaged on Friday, I am so happy for them, I was busy preparing everything for the ceremony I hence had no chance to call you.”

“Wish them congratulations on my behalf”

“I will, some wishes in my heart were also aroused while watching the ceremony” she sighed.

“What are those?”

“I wish we marry and have a happy life,” Archana replied.

“But what can we do? Your father does not agree and you are not willing to elope”

“I have taken a decision. We will elope and be married, it is better to die together than to suffer the pains of separation.”

“Archana I felt, in this life I had been going in circles, until I met you I had no goals other than my studies, now you are my goal”

“But you must follow a condition.” She spoke.

“What is it?”

“Well if I elope with you now, the engagement of my sisters will be broken at once. Once and only once their weddings are complete can we flee”

“I agree”

“They will be married soon, we won’t have to wait long”


Shyam felt as life had brought him new hopes and joys, He was cheerful, he even began shaving his usually unkempt face daily. His life now filled with love and delight. He thought, how wonderful the surrounding atmosphere has become and how Archana had opened his eyes to all these joys. The folder on his laptop that previously contained ‘sad songs’ was replaced by the love songs of the 1990s’

Whenever he offered flowers at Kajal’s photo, Kajal seems smiling in the photo and as if she were asking him, “Are you doing all these for me? A handicapped girl, a strange girl still you love her. You are offering her what I couldn’t get.”

He imagined as if Kajal asking him all these with a shining face, and he nodded his head and replied, “Yes, it is all due to you.”


A year had passed since the couple had first met online. Shyam was relaxed after finishing the third year examinations and was confident that he would achieve his degree with flying colours. Archana had called him, he realized that it is good news by the way her “hello” sparkled like a mountain stream.

“I have the Job!” she gleamed “The government one”

“Job!?” he replied in surprise and wonder about what she was referring too.

“As a stenographer at Haryana Secretariat, in Chandigarh” her voice still brimming over with joy

“That is Good, but you further away, instead of closer to Gujarat” he spoke annoyed.

“One day you will overtake me” she laughed to him, “do you know what my salary is?”

“How will I know if you don’t tell me?” he asked feigning interest.

“Seventeen thousand, I am very happy!”

“Don’t forget me,” he said while still trying to get a handle on the news.

“How could I, you are more than a Job”

“Time will tell” was his reply

“Yes. Time will tell” she also insisted and cut the call.

Archana settled in Chandigarh within a month. She had taken a room on rent. She lived in that room with either of her sisters, Manisha lived there for a little and Kavya a little longer. The couple now spoke every night and Shyam also spoke to Kavya sometimes.


Time flew by with conversation, sometimes joys and sometimes sadness. The lovers also differed on certain things and quarrels would erupt, sometimes they would last a moment at others they lasted weeks with no words exchanged.

Their methods of communication had changed by now, they both had ‘Android Mobiles’ they had no longer used ‘Google Talk’, they had arrived on ‘Facebook’ before their ‘Orkut’ accounts were closed. ‘Whatsapp’ replaced their text messages and enabled them to send photos also. Archana was not traditionally beautiful, she was of dark complexion it reminded Shyam of the myth ‘Radha’ the Mythical Lover of ‘Lord Krishna’, She was beautiful and he was dark, reversed in this case, thought Shyam. That didn’t matter to them.

One more year of joy had passed, memories of Kajal still sometimes stung the heart of Shyam, and he maintained in his heart, Never will I allow destiny to do to Archana what has been done to beloved Kajal. He hoped that his love for Archana would spare her Kajal’s.


Archana called one morning, “Shyam,” she said without the usual greeting, “I feel all alone now, I need you now, I would fear nothing if you were here with me”

She had intended to flee without her father’s consent although she wished her father would accept Shyam and their love.

“Archana we can only marry after your sisters’ weddings. You must wait until then.” Shyam stated trying breaking her impetuousness.

“Will you accept a suggestion?

“What is it? ” he enquired.

“Promise me you will settle in Chandigarh”

Shyam was silent, he could not answer her as it never occurred to him to leave Gujarat he was confused.

“Please, if you are here, Papa will surely agree to our marriage. Please, please…Please” her pleas continued “If you are here Papa will surely agree to our marriage.”

She was not wrong, If Shyam were in the same city, her father would perhaps trust Shyam, which would increase the likelihood of a positive decision.

Shyam suddenly wondered how his father would react? Then he thought that her father would definitely accept him as he is ‘normal’, what good luck for her father. His thoughts turned again…what if her father did not trust him and suspected him of some intrigue or conspiracy, why would a normal boy, marry a girl with polio in her legs?

“How can I settle there?” he spoke eventually.

“You must get a job here, Please try”

“Okay, but it will take some time,” he said still in doubt and pondering the request.

“how long?” she impatiently asked.

“Maybe a year?” he guessed.

“Why so long?” she complained.

“I am a tutor. I cannot leave my students during the academic year, I can only come once it ends.”

Shyam took his work and students seriously to him they were just as important as Archana, he could not bear on his conscience failing his students, he was uncertain of his future as he was well aware but dared not mess with theirs.

“One more wish Shyam”

“What is it?”

“I understand that you can’t come to settle here, but will you come to meet me? Please I have a severe urge to see you”

“I will come to meet you, Archana”

“Will you visit next Sunday?” she asked excitedly.

“Are you crazy, Archudi?” he blurted wondering where ‘Archudi’ snuck in.

“Archudi?” she asked smiling, Shyam smiled embarrassment.

“I like it. So why don’t you wish to see me?”

“I always do, my classes have just begun, I can’t declare myself on holiday now”

“Will it be possible in August?” she asked with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

“No, it will only be possible after Diwali” Shyam plainly stated.

“Why so late?”

“I will have saved up some resources by then”

“What is the need for money? What are the fares for a return trip?”

“I will meet you for the first time, I must bring you some gifts.” He said trying to sound romantic, yet still confused about how he would settle in Chandigarh as he promised her aside from his visit.

“To me, you are a precious gift, I need nothing else” her heart spoke aloud.

“I will surely come after Diwali” he smiled to himself thinking of what she had just said.

“Okay, but don’t make any excuse after Diwali”

Archana disconnected the call, she was very pleased Shyam would come to Chandigarh to see her. If her father met Shyam and agreed to the marriage, her life would be wonderful she thought. Unknown to either this would be a courtship of death.


To be continue...