Every man is searching happiness.when a person pass his study period, he finds job or business or anything for his livlihood. Whenever he choose or does his job, his ultimate goal is to be happy, nothing else.
When a man choose his job or profession or business, he should have clear things in his mind that am i satisfied or happy to do this job. If he is not feeling happieness in his job than he should think about another job. But if he can't change the job he sbould do his job very happily. There are so many people who says do what you love.i am totally agree with them but my philosophy is go beyond that, i firmly says if you don't get your job as per your choice than do your job with love and happiness,. Never thought any job is boring, every job can be interested. If you do it with interest and happiness it will become most cheerful. I firmly belive in LOVE WHAT YOU DO.
The another important things about your job is very important, whenever you do your work, aware of your thought if your thoughts are not good and if you are continuously thinking negative and you are doing your work than it will give you too much trouble, first be in happy position and than start your work. Happieness may come or not after doing the work , But important is this first you be happy than do the work and you will see the real difference.
Pleasure is physical.pleasure is most superficial things in life.it can be sexual, it can obssesion with food but it is temporary. It is not permanent. It is just like that when you give some toys to child he becomes happy and as soon as you take his toy he becomes nervous. Man has to develop his own mentality that he will be happy in any circumstances. Whatever it may happen. I know very well this is too hard but not impossible, any person who seek happiness he should learn this . Suppose you are in s.s.c. you are studing very well. You know very well that i will sure pass and i will get sufficient per cent. But if anything wrong happen and you become failed. Now at that time nobody becomes happy. It is natural that you will sure upset . But if you cry cry and cry than what will happen, you are not capable to change this result , now what you will do. When i was studying we were in s.s.c..one boy was there. We were all in one group. When result came he failed ,we all passed and we show within very few hours he was very normal. we were unhappy but he was very balanced and he told us very good thing that i will never forgrt his words he told see this is not my last exam. I am fail today but i will try next time and i will get better result next time.
And in my free time i will start a small business and simantansly study also. He was not upset at all . Today now he is doing very well in our group and almost more successful than all in our group.so one failure never means finished. From that time i decide i will never upset or unhappy whatever may happen.
So friends we all find happiness outside in our success but it is not true find happiness inside and you will never fail.