Taste Of Fear Chapter 3 in English Fiction Stories by Vicky Trivedi books and stories PDF | Taste Of Fear Chapter 3

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Taste Of Fear Chapter 3

The exams were over; Shyam had never been as busy as he had over the last fifteen days.

The subject of Taxation had played a great role to keep him busy. The head ‘Salary’ from Income Tax had consumed his three days. There were five holidays before the paper on Taxation. He could not sleep until 2:00 am on the previous night of Taxation paper yet the chapter ‘Transfer pricing’ was left unread.

He was compelled to take tablets of Aspirin because of various yield curves under different market conditions and ‘Purchasing Power Parity’.

It was the last Sunday of June and he had not spoken to Archana during the exam, but today he would relax and remove the shackles of stress brought on by the examination. He was exhausted by the time he returned, yet he texted Archana to meet him online. After a few minutes, Archana called.

“Hey, how are you Shyam?”

“Fine” was his weary response.

“I have missed you too much in recent days, I had to fight the urge to contact to you many times”

Shyam had informed her he would be writing exams and would be unable to communicate.

“May I tell you one thing Archana?”

“What is it?” she inquired.

“Well you are from Haryana and I am from Gujarat.” He answered.

“And what difference does It make? She questioned him.

“I think it is long distance”

Shyam spoke about distance prior to feeding it thought, and Archana had misinterpreted his mistake.

“Shyam, I have already started to find us together in my dreams, even if only for a few moments, but those few moments brings me happiness” she stated.

Her sweet sentiments had touched Shyams heart. He had promised her since the first chat that he would accept her’ as she was’, and this phrase meant many interpretations including the distance that separated them should not matter.

“You misinterpreted my words, I meant how can we meet?” attempting to tide the conversation in his favour.

“I also considered that, how will we?” she asked in an eager, curious voice.

Uncertain himself he resigned the answer “We will meet anyway”

“Sure?” was her smiled reply anticipating a favourable response if not a definite “Yes”.

“Promise” he stated with resolve in his tone.

“Think seriously Shyam, before promising, as the words are simple yet the deeds less so” she urged.

“Heroes always keep their promise” he declared boldly, yet more so to lighten the mood of the conversation than to show ego.

He awaited her reply but there was none for a few minutes.

“Hello?”, “Are you there?”

The response he received was “I hope you will always remain my hero.”

He replied, “Trust me I will”.

The call was disconnected.

Shyam had already promised Archana that he would marry her, he realised he didn’t know her well enough, but the past taking the form of “Kajal” ushered him forward in his love for “Archana”.

He didn’t know what was to come, the path of love, as he thought he was on would be a far more dangerous one than he had ever imagined. If he could see the future he may not have taken his decision, nevertheless his words, ‘Heroes always keep their promise.’ would now imprison him.

He texted Archana – Please come online I really miss you. She was online in a few minutes.

Archana# Network problem.

Shyam # No Problem, it occurs here as well we experience fluxing connectivity. I like the photo you sent me.

Archana# Thanks.

Shyam# Do you like my photos?

Archana# I like it very much, but there is nothing more Important than you like me. I regard the heart and spirit more than the body and looks, looks change and beauty decreases with time but the heart and spirit remain the unchanged.

Shyam# Your lecture on the subject of the heart deserves an ovation.

Archana# You take every matter as a joke.

Shyam# Do you want to hear something significant? You appeared in my dream last night.

He told Archana the sweet lie which is liked by every girl.

Shyam had that haunting dream at the night just after his exam was over and he remembered the dream again.

Archana # How amazing! I was in your dream and I am unaware of it. May I ask what my role was in your dream?

Shyam# You were following me and said, “Walk slowly I can’t walk as fast as you.

Archana# I can’t walk fast in reality either.

Shyam# I am sorry.

Archana# It’s Okay.

Shyam# Do I appear in your dreams?

Archana# Why not?

Shyam # What is my role in yours?

Archana # My dreams are unique. Your part is very different but important in my dream.

Shyam # I didn’t get you.

Archana # I have a dream for ages. I am a handicapped and simple girl still feel that someone will surely come into my life. The one who understands me, the one who likes me, the one who loves me, the prince of my dreams.

Shyam # This means I am your prince.

Archana # Please, let me complete my words first. When you told me that you liked the girl who never visited the beauty-parlour, I fell into deep thought which made me disconnect the call. I thought whether God had sent you in my life. And your answer having that term of beauty-parlour made me feel the God had sent you in my life.

Shyam # means you believe there is providence behind our meeting.

Archana # I don’t believe but I am assured of it.

Shyam # I didn’t get what you mean by ‘assured’.

Archana # I mean it’s not my belief only but it’s a reality.

Shyam # Do you really like my nature?

Archana # Not only like but something more.

Shyam # Something more means...

Archana # Something more means I LOVE YOU.

Shyam # Really? Have you started to love me so soon?

Shyam knew that if any normal boy likes a handicapped girl, she will surely be mad due to over joy. She will take the boy as her God but still, he was asking such questions to make Archana fell pleasure. It was difficult to was difficult to understand whether he as wishing to keep Archana happy or Kajal who was no more in this world.

Archana # Why? Have you not started?

Shyam # Yes, I have. I love you.

Shyam had a different feeling in his heart. After sometime she sent a word – BYE. He also typed BYE and disconnected from the net.


It was rainy of the month. He could also not ask his father why he, made him go along with him to the home of the host to do Karma-Kand. He did as requested.

“Hello...” he moved little far and received the call as his father and some other Pandits were chanting mantras on the loudspeaker, “Archana, I am busy now and I will call you in the evening.”


“At seven” he disconnected the call.

He had to spend the whole day at the house of the host. His father performed a Yajna at the home of the host. He instructed Shyam to come along with him. Perhaps father wanted his sons to learn something about Karma-Kand hence he would take any son with him to the home of the host.

Shyam was fatigued when he returned home. He felt the deep urge to sleep yet he missed Archana and wanted to talk with her. He could not deny himself and called Archana.

“Hi, how are you?”

“Fine” Shyam replied.

“Where were you in the morning?”

“With Dad”

“What were you doing with him?”

“Papa has gone to perform yajna and made me accompany him.”

“Are you Pandit?”

“Why? You have read my profile before accepting my interest, haven’t You?”

“We will have a storm of troubles.”


“I am from Haryana while you are from Gujarat. I am Sagar and you are Pandit. I am handicapped and you are normal.”

“What differences do these make?” Shyam replied but he knew. A non-handicapped boy and a handicapped girl! There would always be a storm of problems around.

“So many differences between us. Haven’t you thought yet?”

“Archana, The major difference without which the relation of husband-Wife can’t be created is that I am a male and you are a female, why should we bother about other differences?”

“Great philosopher!” she exclaimed, “But I am anxious about...”

“For what?” he interrupted her words.

“Will your family accept me?”

The angry face of his father passed before his eyes but he asked overcoming his fear, “Will your father agree?”

“To convince my father is a child’s play for me because Papa loves me very much and he always fulfils my any wish but I am suspicious whether your father agree or not”

“Then, no problem,” Shyam replied.

“Hmmm, bye” Archana disconnected the call.


They were unaware but a tender relationship had formed between them while talking. They exchanged untold promises to live and die for each other. They no longer chat on Google talk but by phone.

Shyam subscribed the free plan of BSNL.

You must have the determination to reach the destination however the journey may be, they felt they should be together.

Shyam called Archana on a Sunday.

“Hello, I miss you.”

“Miss you, too” he heard the voice which drove him crazy.

Words like ‘Miss you’ and ‘Love you’ were natural in their talks.

“May I say something?”

“Of course”

“Do you not feel that we must be under a roof?” Shyam asked.

“I do feel so.”

“Then, talk to your father about our relation.”

“I feel fear to talk to papa.” Archana hesitated.

“Victory always awaits us behind the fear.”

“If my papa will not agree, then...?”

“I will talk to papa soon.”

“Negative thinking at the beginning? It is never better to predict the end before starting.” Shyam started his philosophy.

“Don’t be disheartened even your father disagrees,” Shyam advised.

“Okay, I will talk to papa next Friday. Friday is a lucky day for me.


To be continue...