Pregnancy Journey - Week 4 in English Health by Dr Kinjal Shah books and stories PDF | Pregnancy Journey - Week 4

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Pregnancy Journey - Week 4

🤰Week 4️⃣⁣

Hello friends , Welcome again to your pregnancy journey !!!

👉 Hope , You all are enjoying the series to " know more about pregnancy " .

It is always better to have a full knowledge 💭 before you are planning for your pregnancy & get rid of a pregnancy related myths also .

👉 You have to be extra careful if you are planning for pregnancy to prevent some pregnancy related complications also .

This week you can know in detail about week 4 of your pregnancy !!!

✨ What changes occur in your body ?
✨ Is there any specific symptoms of week 4 ??
✨ Can you know about your pregnancy at week 4 or not ??
All questions will be solved by reading this .

So friends , let's start the reading 📖 .

👉 A tiny life will set into uterus and grow for next 9 months . That's really amazing , right 💃 You have your baby within you , yeeeeaaah 🚼 So , just be ready all Mommy ' s ..

👉 That tiny life is know as 'embryo' at this stage . It's size is of around 0.2 mm , even smaller than peas 🔹.

👉 There will be detectable increase in Pregnancy Hormone , that is known as " beta HCG " ( human chorionic gonadotropin ) . It can be detected by blood test or by even home pregnancy test kit also . So , what are you waiting for ??

If you can not find any thing in your home pregnancy test kit & also you have not get your periods , don't be panic , just wait for one more week to check again .

▶️ Follow some Tips for week 4 .⁣

👉 Eat well .⁣
👉 Do regular exercise .⁣
👉 Control your anxiety & depression . ⁣
👉 Continue your prenatal vitamins .⁣
👉 Do pregnancy test at home .⁣ ⁣
👉 Take guidance of gynaecologist to avoid false negative and positive results .⁣

▶️ By the end of this week 4 , implantation will be completed and you will have little embryo in you. So, get ready for the positive news . ⁣

There is no as such specific symptoms at this week , in some patients only , Nausea & vomiting type morning sickness symptoms will be seen while some has no symptoms at all . So , take better precautions with your diet & medicines .

I will tell you again & again in every article that , please don't take any medicines without asking a Gynecologist if you are planning for pregnancy because it can harm your baby , also make some birth defects in them , It is called " Teratogenicity " . It can also increase the chance of miscarriages , preterm deliveries also .

Avoid oily , spicy , packaged food items . Add healthy & fresh home - made foods for your healthy pregnancy . I personally have a thought about not eating raw papaya in pregnancy to avoid early miscarriages .

Follow @amaira_clinic for more knowledge on pregnancy and healthy lifestyle .⁣

Tag your #wannabemommydaddy friends. #sharingiscaring .⁣

Preconceptional Counselling available at #amaira_clinic .⁣

DM us to know more about it . ⁣

Stay Tuned for Week-5 . ☺️☺️