SCHOOL DAYS - 2 in English Short Stories by Lokesh Kumar Yadav books and stories PDF | SCHOOL DAYS - chapter - 2

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SCHOOL DAYS - chapter - 2

It was the winters, when one day just after the recess break our chemistry teacher along our chemistry teacher came in our class and asked for some students named Ankit, Sanket, and Kajal they were taken to the principal office.
We all were thinking about why they were taken to the principal office?
Meanwhile, within the fifteen minutes our principal Rakesh gupta, physics and chemistry teacher along with Ankit, Sanket, and kajal; arrived in the classroom and the present teacher of the class was ordered to leave the class for a while.

Then the principal asked something;
Principal: Standup whoever sits around or nearby to Ankit, Sanket and Kajal.!
Then few students stood on their respective bench who used to sit around them in the class.
Principal: I think everyone in the classroom would be knowing why am I here in your classroom, yes or no?
Students: No sir!
Principal: oh! But I thought you all might be knowing, what about those students who sits around these students in the class?
One of the girl named Arpita standing among the students said; yes sir I know what the matter is!
Principal: Then please tell to your class!
Arpita: one day ago the boy ankit and Sanket humiliated this girls Kajal by saying very rude and harsh words!
And used some abbusive words too!
Principal: This, matter is really serious and is fact to think how could you use abbusive words to any girl just to humiliate them!
For a while keep this matter aside and tell me the names of those students who uses abbusive words in the classroom?
But no one said anything?
For handling this the principal used and gave alternative to know the name of those students.
Principal: everyone pickout a single page and write the names of those students who used to say abbusive words in the class!
And you all are free to write “I have no objection if you reall don’t have any!”
After 5 minutes pages from every student was picked and and opened and read by the teachers who found some similar names in almost in around 7 pages.
The names were of Raj, Pawan, Rishab.
After this they were asked to standup and then asked about them in the class and with the teachers about how they behave in the class and how they treat teacher in the class.
Chemistry teacher: Sir the boy Raj is good at studies but I was anaware about his such bad phase.
But Rishab is bit naughty and indiciplined student!
While Pawan is good but he would be in these things is really shocking for us!

Then the same question were asked to the other students in the class particularly girls were tageted by principal to get answer to his questions.
Girl sitting at front bench of first row stood and said yes sir they use abusive words in the class but Pawan and Raj uses less words as compared to Rishab.
Same reply were received from almost every girl in the classrom except one.
It was prakshi who said yes sir they uses abusive words in the class, but what about the girls who do the same?
Why only they are targetted? All the other students in the class are there in the class who also uses abusive words, I think almost everyone who is present in the class.
Meanwhile there was a slow and quite discussion was going on within the group of the Raj and their other fellow friends.
It was decided that in any case no other member of our is allowed to expose themselve as guilty.
Principal: Three of you come forward and stand beside me.
All them done the same and then:
Principal: Tell me the names of other member of your group.
But all three of them remain quite!
It was the worst trick of the Principal to deal with the case.
Those three were trapped in the worse situation without any fault.
Me as writer also agree that using abusive words in the class was wrong but they had never used these words to trouble anyone intentionally!
Principal of this school always use to dictate other staff and students he never used to listen one’s views.
They were suspended from the class untill they don’t call their parents to meet the Principal.
Meanwhile the boy Ankit was also calling himself as innocent but the principal was not ready to listen anything. They all were taken to the Principal office meanwhile the teachers remained in the class and started to scold the students and then they found 2 slips in which it was written
“yes I don’t have any objection with those who uses abusive words”
It was the pages of Jatin and Rupesh, Jatin is was also a parts of that group and was very intelligent and studious too.
Teacher: Jatin and Rupesh please standup.
They stood at their place.
Teacher: both of you don’t have any objections why?
Rupesh and Jatin: because they don’t uses any wrong word publically and not for any girl too!
Teacher: so if you want to stick on your so called friendship then be there but one day both of you will be in trouble!
Both teachers left the class and remainder lectures were taken as usaul.
Meanwhile there was a serious discussion were going on among four of the students in the class they were Raj, Pawan, Rishab and Sahil,
Few stuents from the class were called to Principal office they were Ankit, Sanket, Kajal and Prakshi.
In the principal’s cabin:
Prakshi was again asked about say about their behavour in the class!
Prakshi: sir no one is bad they all are good but I accept they uses abusive words but another fact is also here that they never used any wrong words to say to anyone intentionally to harm or insult anyone!
Next day parents of Raj, Pawan, and Rishab came to meet the Principal any they were told about their childrens behavoiur and and were allowed to go to class but with accepting sorry in written.
From that they a new group originated in the class named Trio group. They boycotted almost everyone In the class. Specially the firs bencher who were like the pests on the whole class they always interefare in other’s works.
It was very crucial time when a shocking news came in the class. That the boy ankit who was suspended for humiliating the girl in the class with his words was not a real accused he was called again in the school and their parents were really felt shamed on the worst decision of the principal.
Their parents came with the police in the school and the police started to interrogate the girl any the Boy Ankit, Sanket and arpita who gave a supporting statement for the girl.
After an interrogation of about 1 hour it was found that the girls accused the boys only for her ego problems.
Police filed an fir aginst the girl after the statements of Ankit’s parents and police also arrested the principal whose wrong decision has almost ruined the life of an innocent one!
But on the other hand old group of Raj , pawan and Rishab were somehow distorted. Any created a communication gap between them.
From there some kind of distances occoured betweeen those friends and a new Group was in the frame everytime, “Trio”.
This was turning point from where the group of nearly 6-8 friends were divided and some small groups was found to be formed.
Rupesh was continuously busy in thinking about every past moments, meanwhile he heard a voice, “Rupesh are you listening to me or not where is your attention”

it was the voice of the chemistry teacher who was scolding him!

He was totally unaware the the 4th lecture has started by now and was almost to end in about 5-10 minutes.
Then he was ordered to go and stand outside the classroom as he was not mentally present in the class.

After 5 minutes the recess bell rung and teacher went outside the classroom after it Rupesh entered the class and put his book and notebook in the bag. He was about to leave the class for spending his 30 minutes of time alone in the ground, but suddenly he heard a voice of someone calling him, come lets go to the grond we want to talk with you.