Pregnancy Journey - Week 2 in English Health by Dr Kinjal Shah books and stories PDF | Pregnancy Journey - Week 2

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Pregnancy Journey - Week 2

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This is the time to know about week 2 . You can read here about changes in week 2.

🤰Week 2️⃣:⁣ But before reading this,ensure that you have already completed reading about week 1 of pregnancy.

➡️ #BabyDevelopment:⁣

⚡You are not technically pregnant yet, but you’re closer than ever to the goal. It is the time to pay attention to your body's fertility signals and spend some quality intimate time.⁣

⚡An egg is maturing and getting ready to rupture from your ovary. It's called Ovulation.
The endometrial lining of uterus is getting thicker to accept and nourish a new life. At the end of the week 2, ovulation will occur and the egg will release into fallopian tubes.

⚡An egg can survive for 12 to 24 hours after ovulation.⁣

➡️ #MentalPreparation:⁣

• When you are trying to conceive, plan your intimacy when you're most fertile.

• Ovulation kits are readily available in market to predict ovulation day.

• Healthy sperm can remain in your cervical mucus for 3 to 5 days.

• However, your peak fertility window is probably the two days before you ovulation & the actual day of ovulation.

• You can have intercourse alternate day during this week.

• Hormone changes leading up to ovulation can give a boost to sexual desire during the most fertile time in a woman's cycle.⁣

👉Trying to conceive can be exciting, but it may be stressful if you are trying from few months.

So take care for,
✨your physical and mental health,
✨Eat well
✨do regular exercise
✨avoid stress
✨take enough sleep.

High stress and the performance pressure may negatively affect fertility. ⁣

➡️ #AdviceforPartners :⁣

Week2 brings a partner's most important role. It takes an egg and a sperm for this production to continue. ⁣

Try to take some time to connect and focus on each other rather than the task at hand.

Some couples use a lubrication gel during intimacy for both comfort and pleasure. If you are using that, keep in mind that commercial lubricants can affect sperm and their mobility. When trying to conceive, it's a good idea to use fertility-friendly lubricants.⁣

➡️ Time to get Pregnant:⁣

👉 Around 20-25% of couples below 35 years of age can conceive in first attempt. ⁣
👉 Remaining 75-80% couples have to wait up to one year for conceiving. After a year of unsuccessful trying, consult gynaecologist. ⁣
👉 If you are older than 35, seek the guidance of your doctor after six months of trying.⁣

Follow Instagram 👉 @amaira_clinic for more knowledge on pregnancy and healthy lifestyle.⁣

You can consult us for #preconceptional #counselling which is also ñow available through #teleconsultation & #onlineconsultation.⁣ No need to go to clinic or no need to wait in queues. Just be in your home & ask your questions comfortably without hesitation. It's strictly confidential.

Tag your #wannabemommydaddy friends. #sharingiscaring.⁣

Preconceptional Counselling available at #amaira_clinic.⁣

Contact me to know more about it. ⁣
Stay Tuned for Week-3. ☺️☺️⁣
⁣You can also message me about your questions regarding Pregnancy.