HE WANTS YOU - 3 in English Children Stories by Deepti Khanna books and stories PDF | HE WANTS YOU - 3

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Eyes wide open , my heart was sinking in the sea of his words .I was trying to unblock the mystery of his words as he passed by me
with a grinding the earth with his tip of his pole.
I was in a state of shock as i sat of the red seat of the auditorium that was about to be locked. As the tears rolled down my eyes , with the fear where i was lost . I shouted to myself 'oh! God , come and save my life ."
The words echoed in the air with a lightning i have travelled to somewhere else.
I found i was standing in front of a man with big beard . Dressed in white , he looked saint from my view of side. He asked me "why you have called me?" and i in an irritating voice answered him "i haven't called you insane man, leave me alone"
As i spoke the words again there was a thunder in the air and again i was standing in the auditorium which was vacant and dark.
I sat on the red chair thinking about what was going around me. The words of the magician
we're echoing in my ears , as i sweated in tears .
I don't know when my eyes closed and when i slept . But in my dream the time i spend throughout the day moved in my mind scene by scene. All words spoke between two of us, repeatedly yelled in my dream .
As i woke up , the sun was high . No one was around do I tired to assemble myself and went out in shine. I wanted to talk to someone, but I couldn't find any as the wherever I went there was no one , but only
me .
My mind was in a topsy-turvy. As where i went i saw the place was empty . There again i screamed " If only i could talk to someone around. " There was a loud thunder and i was in a playground.
A lady dressed in white came up to me and asked " Why have you called me?" I wounder that why in the world i have called her , as she was a stranger to my heart.
I looked around for a while , the lady was still standing beside me . I said to her "First, the old man came and now you , i don't know what is going around me."
The lady in white answered me "you wished for him , so the old man came and now you wished for me so i am hear.
With an eyes wide open i said to the lady who seamed to me frozen ." The same words the magician had spoken to me and now you , what is the mystery of the ground ?"
The lady answered me " You are in wishing land . " I answered her back in a loud voice so
"i wish to go back to my house"
Again there was a thunder but this time the voice of the magician echoed " Haa…Haa you have wished earlier that i when i will leave you back to your house , so now you are trapped in my land...Haas."