The Suspense Mail in English Book Reviews by Aman Joshi books and stories PDF | The Suspense Mail

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The Suspense Mail

Getting into a new school was really enjoying for Roy. The school was situated on banks of a river that covered with a dense forest.

Sam,Mike and Joy were really happy to enter into a new school with Roy. They were spending most of their time on their ciriluccum activities.

Roy became the leader of the football team in a very few days. Sam would spend most of his time in his art class. Mike and Joy had join a band group which took most of the time on getting ready for the upcoming celebration for the Freshers.

In the lunch

"Hey Roy Wassup!"

Sam climbed on Roy's shoulder in excitement. Roy looked back and found Sam having a broad smile on his face.

"Hey Sam, What makes you too happy today ?"

"I have been selected in the inter school drawing competition"

"Hey! that's great"

Sam was very happy and it seemed as if he was too confident to win the competition. And why wouldn't he. He was such a great artist.

Sam punched me on my shoulder and I looked back at him.

"Hey why did you punch me ? It hurts!"
Roy seems surprised on Sam's actions and Sam smirked at him.

"What are you looking over there ?"

"Ummm.....Do you see that girl over there ?"

"Yeah so ?" Asked Sam.

"That girl seems really very beautiful"
Sam's faced turned serious and he looked at Roy with a grin in his face.

"Roy, Listen I don't want you to fall behind any girl that you wouldn't respect at all"

Roy turned down his smiled too. He could not believe what Sam was saying . He seemed confused. He couldn't get why did he say such words.

"What's wrong with you Sam ? I did not expect such kind of words from your mouth"

Roy seem very furious on Sam but before he could say anything, Mike and Joy arrived from behind and greeted them.

"Hey wassup guys" Spoke Joy.

Sam turned to Joy and spoke nothing. He still had the frown on his face but as he wouldn't let anyone get to know about it so he spoke nothing on front of them.

Roy calmed down and looked at Mike and Joy with a smile.

Sam went away from there.

"What the heck is wrong with Sam?" Asked Mike.

"I don't know, I guess he might have got a mood swing."

After having a short conversation everyone went back to their classes.
Sam did not seem happy at all.

Roy went and set beside him he hit his elbow to him to gain his attention. But Sam gave him no response at all.

And soon the school was over.

After Sam left the class, Roy followed him down the steps.

Roy held his arms and turned him around.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Because you have no right to hurt a girls feelings according to your own will and satisfaction"

And Sam left away from there.

Roy was still confused for Sam's such behaviour....