Room in English Short Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Room

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He was stuck in that horrible dark room for the last three days, at least that is what he thought. He could not remember why he was captured or even what was the reason for keeping him there.

He is not sure of the actual time; it might be three days or more.

The only thing indicating him that days were passing by was the presence of a very dim light that appeared every day for a certain period of time. He presumed there might be any hole in the walls which allowed the sunlight to enter the room.

He searched the entire room for the source of the light, but could not find a single hole in the wall. As if it was directly coming from the walls.

Then he started searching the walls to find the door, but there was nothing, no handle, no knob or even any slight curve that indicates the presence of a door. The only thing he could feel is the cold smooth surface of the metal walls.

He received no food nor water for the last three days. He thought he would die of thirst and hunger.

He asked, he cried, he shouted but nothing, no one came, not even a single reply.

It seemed as if there was no one. Not a single sound of talking or even of breathing.

No one even bothered about his existence.

Suddenly after passing of this horrific three days which felt like an eternity, he saw a ray of bright light coming from a corner of the room. He reached there with his feeble body, barely able to walk.

At this point the only thing that made him reach the door was the reason to get out of this hell hole. He finally found it, a slight gap between the walls allowing this bright light to enter.

He put his fingers in the gap and pulled it towards him. But his body was too weak to move the door. He was again preparing himself to try to open the door.

But this time he could not even believe his eyes. How could this happen?

It seemed someone actually understood what he was trying to do and the door opened automatically.

He came out of the room. There was a corridor and the bright light was coming from the neon lights attached to the ceiling. He reached the end of the corridor to an open space.

First he looked ahead, there was large trees. Now he understood that the room is deep inside a forest. He could smell the sharp scent of soil, mud, leaves everything around him.

Then he looked up and saw the moon was spreading its soft enchanting light with all its beauty.

It’s the middle of the night, he looks back for a moment to see if anyone is chasing him. No, there is no one. He feels a bit relieved.

He started walking ahead, but after three or four steps he felt it. A slight inching in his throat which was gradually increasing. He was gasping for air.

It did not matter how much he tried, but it was not enough. It was like suddenly his lungs stopped working and then he felt the second attack.

His entire body started to burn from inside. He felt his eyes were getting filled with tears and his sight was getting blurry. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the water, but the liquid coming out of his eyes is not water, its dark red, its blood.

Finally, the burn inside his body was too greater for him to retain his consciousness and he fell to the ground.

R2181 felt a metal tap on his shoulder. His eyes lit up with red light, B8671 was standing behind him.

B8671 asked “What was your experience this time?”

R2181 waited for a moment to reply, because whenever his memory processor is linked with human mind after the exercise it heats up and takes a while to reboot all the processes.

“The body survived the initial 36hour exercise, which it thought was 72hours due to its slower neural calculative capacity and lack of observing ability.

However, after entering the earth’s environment from the HBRC (Human Body Regeneration Center), it died within 6minutes through continuous bleeding from all the holes of its body”

B8671 wrote the entire report in his log and sighed

“I really don’t understand the point of this exercise.

Why is the leader so bent on reviving the human race?

They polluted the world with nuclear and biological terrorism and destroyed themselves.

It’s their fault they can’t survive the VX-20 virus which one of the stupid tribal leaders so called presidents created for world dominance.”

R2181 agreed

“Really this time I had to endure this trauma and physical pain for 36 hours.

Can you believe it? This worthless junks don’t even have the strength to move a simple metal door.

Its feels ok when it dies in HBRC, but it really hits me every time when it dies in the earth’s environment”