Engineering Love in English Love Stories by Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy books and stories PDF | Engineering Love

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Engineering Love

Engineering Love

“Hello, may I have your number please?”

Anshu said with a confidential note!

Aarohi looked on his face shockingly and simply denied with a sweet voice note.

After listened to her Anshu suddenly started saying again

"Ok, can you give me your Facebook id?”

Anshu repeated his voice again to show eagerness.

He failed again; her answer was like the opposite of Anshu's willing!

"Sorry, but there is no network in my place!"

Aarohi replied in a little bit of anger.

"Okay, I will manage please give the id."

Anshu forced!"

Finally, she gave her id to Anshu and gets downed out from the bus!

That incident happened on the 7th day of Ansu's first year of engineering.

Sometimes you cannot change your destiny else you try for that or not!

After completion of his +2 science with not a very good, that means with an average percentage Anshu himself decided to go to the field of engineering.

Considering his past which was as clean as the holy water of the divine Ganga Anshu's parents did not think a lot upon his decision.

They granted him saying one word that was "yes" and Anshu prepared for his dream career.

“Hey, why are you looking her like a mad?”

A friend asked sitting next to Anshu on his college bus while going to college.

Anshu sat silently as he didn’t want to ruin that moment of looking her for a friend who is going to be with me for the entire 4 years!

Finally, Anshu got a chance to change his seat or you can define an opportunity to sit next to her as her friend’s stoppage already gone!

Anshu started with something that was not new to Aarohi.

"You checked your Facebook id?"

"I already sent you a friend request."

Anshu asked.

“No, I didn’t.”

Aarohi replies to him usually.

Anshu knew that she was lying still he tried by saying...

“It’s okay but if you see my request please accept."

He knew that his words are working a little to the rigid decision of Aarohi!

"Ok, I will"

She said and stood up indicating Anshu to give aside to her to get down from our college bus.!

Before Anshu tried to speak something she gets downed from the bus.!

"Are you really want to join in engineering?"

A question asked by Anshu's mathematics teacher on his +2 institution.

Anshu didn’t know what to say at that moment as he has not a vast knowledge of engineering academics so he stood silently.

Math teacher again poured confidence on Anshu's collapsing body by saying

"Don’t worry Anshu I know you, engineering will not be so hard for you. Be free I know a good college. Will you join there?"

Without any doubt, like an obedient student, Anshu replied:

"yes sir."

They both were happy.

Anshu was happy because finally, he got an opportunity to join in an Engineering College.

His teacher was happy because he will surely get some payment by joining him there which in later Anshu came to know.

"Hey accepted my friend's request?"

An as a usual line being asked by Anshu to his dream soul you can say.

“No, you didn’t send me one”

Aarohi replied.

“What still I didn’t send you a request on Facebook?”

Anshu asked her with doubt.

Sending her Facebook request was quite an important schedule in his daily life.

"But as of my knowledge, I sent a request already."

Anshu said.

“Every Facebook id with my name is not me Anshu.”

Aarohi replied with a smile.

Oh god, she speaks.

Anshu smiled back looking at her moving red sweaty lips.

They both smiled indeed.

"Okay, can I get your id information?"

Anshu asked her.

"Ok, I have a 3-d designing name logo of mine on my Facebook id."

Aarohi confirmed the clues to Anshu to reach her account.


Anshu replied.

The conversation ended with the arrival of her stoppage!

"Sometimes it is better to stay silent rather than speaking useless stuff."

That phrase suits a lot to that angel, Anshu talked a few moments ago.

Aarohi was the only girl whom Anshu liked most among forty-six girls the strength of her branch.

People were saying at that time that lest Aarohi was an example of silence because she remains silent on almost everywhere including class and at outer places of the college also.

Anshu didn’t know up to which extent they were true.

Perhaps she knew the magic or something else but her silence was killing Anshu inside every moment and second then and even now also!

"Okay, you have deleted my friend request?"

Anshu asked.

Aarohi turned on Anshu with anger after listening to the unwanted line.

Silent came in between them without their permission.

Anshu thought she was angry upon him.

But it’s impossible to angry with someone whom you even don’t know.

But she was.

"Is that silent girl like me?"

"Am I means anything to her?"

This type of thought came to Anshu's mind.

But all vanished with seeking her permission to go away from him.

That means the permission for the same incident of getting down.

"That is a really good college you will definitely going to like that.

I can see it is going to suit you completely."

These types of positive thoughts are being poured on my mind by the person who always wanted to see my best of course with a very little profit in turn.

Okay, sir. Reply of an obedient student came with a polite flow.

Days were passed.

Anshu became silent more silent as she was behaving like he was her enemy so.

Anshu behaved like innocent which actually he wasn’t in completely.

Aarohi used to get down before her stoppage as he was involved with her Anshu thought that he is the reason behind that.

One day Anshu went near to her.

When Anshu was trying to speak she turned towards the window opposite to his face.

After that also Anshu spoke to her

"Look the way you behaving last few days is giving me a lot of pain’.

She turned around towards me with her bright face.

She was looking gorgeous on that evening sun rays.

Maybe the word pain turned her face towards Anshu.

Anshu continued

"Do not get down on your friend’s stoppage, I promise I will not disturb you!'’

Anshu said the emotional lines and without listening to her words he went to his seat with a face which was saying that

"Yes, the boy really cares a lot about you."

Anshu went with a pale and frustrated face from her.

He then couldn’t dare even to look at her face.

She turned to me while getting down from the bus!

Anshu could clearly notice her worry about his sentiments.

Because of the suddenly created pungent.

After that incident, she didn’t get downed on that stoppage.

Days were passing as they should be but the boy was behaving like an unknown he felt quite uncomfortable to say anything to her.

Anshu was just behaving like a stranger, and also became the first bencher rather last on the college bus!

Those activities were developed due to a reason.

Anshu heard from somewhere what Aarohi likes and whatnot.

He used to behave which He wasn’t before in his whole life.

Those all strange behavior came from the strong affection and touchy effects of the recently created emotion of love.

That whole process hurt some of my friends.

Those were my newly created engineering friends.

They dare to ask every time but Anshu wasn’t replying anything so in this way,

He finally came out from the well-known uproar of the returning bus.

Day by day Anshu was becoming more silent.

Which was impressed by her thought later he came to know.

“Anshu tomorrow you have to submit the Electronics record’”

A friend shouted.

"Okay we will submit on the day after tomorrow'’

He said showing my carelessness.

"You know the BE sir?" He replied.

Anshu stopped as he knew him very well as compare to the other students in his class.

He used to put all pressure upon him as he was elected as the Class Representative of the class that to be by his grace.

So how could he ask for an excuse for that person only who had a lot of confidence upon him?

So he agreed with the friend!

‘'Okay come to my house in the morning we will go together'’

Anshu agreed with his friend's opinion.

They both went for the bus there was no place on that bus.

They both being in the first year student didn’t have much dare to say anything to anyone.

So they did what they should.

Stood up like the cudgel in the veranda.

Suddenly Anshu’s eyes pointed out towards her.

Aarohi was sitting on the window side of a middle line seat.

He looked in front as there was no scope for him because of the side seat was covered by a handbag.

Which in general the students do for reservation.

As they don’t want to spend the 30-minute gap within some unknown guy on to that boring bus.

Anshu stood up.

After a little duration, the bus left from our college bus stand.

After reaching the college gate he again looked to the middle line seat.

Where his dream girl was sitting.

Anshu saw that the lifeless bag was still on that seat where a student like him should be seated.

He went to her within the pushing of his heart.

The last benchers were staring at him like they will eat him as if he was going to do a sin.

"May I seat here?"

Anshu asked very politely.


Aarohi said.

Her white and bright hands got busy with removing the lifeless bag.

Finally, he could get a seat to be next to her.

Anshu was so happy as the months before the dream finally came to true, but he sat like a basalt.

“Which branch you are in?"

He asked her breaking out the silence between them.

Although Anshu knew everything about her including her roll no also.

I tried to listen to something from her mouth the sweet and red lips uttered finally.

‘‘Computer science and engineering’’

She replied looking at him.

Again the silent bird dilated her wings between us.

“What is your stream by the way?”

She asked gently.

“Mech” I replied.

“Is there any branch called mech?"

She asked with a strange face.

“Yes, mechanical.”

“I am in the mechanical branch.”

Anshu replied.

While Anshu was preparing himself for more conversation..she slept.

While sleeping she was really looking like an angel the flowing wind was enhancing the sleeping girl's beauty you can notice.

He was looking her nearly about 25 minutes then she woke up after a few seconds, she gets downed.

Anshu again got angry on the stoppage that could come later he said to himself.

He said a ‘bye’ which he was not saying in words the actual meaning of a bye rather something more than that.

Aarohi smiled actually not smiled but made a face which was quite similar to smiling.

Anshu went to the friend’s house tomorrow morning.

They both finished the task given by BE sir then got out to the bus stoppage.

Anshu opened his Facebook on the crowdie and temporary college bus stop.

And got busy on doing what he was doing last few days went on the search bar on Facebook and typed her name.

He saw that they became friends.

That is in passive Aarohi accepted his friend request.

Suddenly Anshu checked his Facebook notification.

“You and Aarohi have now become friends’’

This line was highlighted in his notification.

Well finally.

Anshu said to himself.

But didn’t show his high range of happiness, the bus came.

Anshu and his friend sat together and got busy.

His friend started listening to the song and Anshu got busy finding her, finally, he could get the shine and smile of her sweetest face.

After he saw her face Anshu smiled looking at her as something happened which he was intentionally wanted to happen.

We all got down from the bus and moved towards our respective branch blocks with energetic faces.

At sharp 7:30 the class started when my favorite BE sir entered.

As a responsible class representative (CR) Anshu collected all the assignment copies from his friends and submitted them.

"Have you submitted your copy Anshu?"

Sir asked his favorite student who was indeed Anshu himself.

"Yes, sir, I have submitted."

Anshu replied.

He smiled and said to me to go to my seat.

After the class, we all went for lunch to the quite long way the Canteen of our college.

On the way to the canteen, a book and Xerox shop were there.

While entering the canteen Anshu saw Aarohi on the Xerox shop.

She was waiting in the line for her photocopy.

Anshu moved a few steps and tried to talk with her but as some seniors were a part of that crowd he couldn’t dare.

Still, on his reactionary movement, she notices me and smiled little.

Post lunch we had three more classes but on that day Anshu was completely out of his mind which was, in general, a symptom of falling in love.

He was eagerly waiting for the last class to end as you can’t bunk a class with the first year uniform on your body.

So that he can reach the bus stop as soon as possible.

Because as a first-year student of an Engineering college if you wish to have a seat of your own then you have to move as fast as before the other arrive at the bus stop.

Finally Anshu’s wait over when the last class ended.

He quickly got out of the class and moved speedily towards the bus stop.

On the bus, he reserved a seat for her by putting his bag on the right seat next to his seat within the hope that she will seat next to him.

A full crowd of students came towards his bus after some time,

of course, she was also a part of that crowd.

When Aarohi entered the bus Anshu indicated the empty seat next to him.

But Alas… the situation completely reversed.

She just moves back completely ignoring the efforts of Anshu.

Anshu got upset.

But what to do?

Anshu traveled alone some distance than with a super senior.

After reaching home with a pale face Anshu opened his Facebook and in sudden..

He texted her.

“Can not you saw the seat next to me?”

“I did a lot of effort for the seat only for you.”

“You can seat there else just can once be smiled at least.”

After telling all Anshu got busy with his homework and scheduled planning

At midnight when Anshu lost all hope that she will reply.

Mobile beeps.

Of course, that was Aarohi's reply.

The reply was quite like

“What was your intension?”

“Why you reserved or intended to set with me?”

“Are you going to tell the rest of the students that I am in connection with you or what?”

When Anshu saw the messages he just got angry as He didn’t have any type of the wrong intension that she was mentioning.

In anger Anshu too replied.

“If you think like that then I am so sorry but I was not having any intention that you think of.”

“And if offering you a seat was my crime then okay from tomorrow I will not ever do that again”

“And last, I don’t have any intention of sharing the social link in between us to the other people.

And after saying all Anshu just got offline then after in sudden.

On the next morning when Anshu got ready for college, he saw the unread messages of his Facebook.

The messages were her.

“Sorry I didn’t mean that I just don’t like this show-off and all”

“Good morning and do not angry”

After reading those texts Anshu's mood changed totally.

With a happy note, he went to the college bus.

At her stoppage, Anshu was eagerly waiting for her entry.

Here she came.

Aarohi entered the bus with an enlightening and energetic face.

On the morning sun rays, she was glowing and her red lips were too.

As the bus was crowdie Anshu could not reach Aarohi.

Somehow the day passed and all the classes too by thinking about only her.

While I set foot into the bus…

Aarohi was already on the last row of the college crowded bus.

You can imagine the situation.

That means what else a lover will demand after seeing his dream girl.

Anshu sat in the middle row and looked her back.

She was looking damn cute.

Anshu smiled.

Aarohi too…all started at that moment only.

The bus started and moved on to his predetermined way.

Before her stoppage, the bus almost quite free.

Anshu and a few friends along with her were on the bus.

Anshu looked back again to her.


She was too looking at him and was smiling.

With all energy, Anshu had at that moment he stood up and went to Aarohi with an enlightened face and a happy smile.

Anshu sat on her side…and deeply lost on her eyes.

That was like the ever delighting feel.

"How are you?"

Anshu asked her.

"I am fine how you are?"

She asked again with a smile looking at Anshu.

"I am great."

Anshu replied.

"I can see that from your face completely."

Aarohi spoke with a sweet laugh at her face.

What a cheerful happy smile, Anshu just captured the moment on to the very cavernous region of his heart.

Within that minuscule skull secession, they both were happy.

Aarohi's stoppage comes finally.

She asked Anshu to let her go.

Anshu just gave the side while leaving him, Aarohi continuously looking, in fact, they were both glancing each other.

A love born on to that split second.