Leela samgraham :A Travel Beyond Time and Space (lagu yogavashitta) in English Spiritual Stories by Gowri books and stories PDF | Leela samgraham :A Travel Beyond Time and Space (lagu yogavashitta)

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Leela samgraham :A Travel Beyond Time and Space (lagu yogavashitta)

The secret creation and Maya is beyond the imagination of human mind.Maya has the potential to create that which is not created before. It is difficult to measure the realm of Maya which is latent in our cousiouness through logic. This is the story of Leela. Once there lived a great king Padman was his name.He who was adored with all virtues had a dear wife Leela her husband was dearer to her than her life.If her husband was sad,she would also be sad.If, her husband was angry,she would be afraid.If,her husband was happy, she would be happy.Thus they lived an ideal life

She thought her husband is dear to her like herself.He is blessed with youth and So she may live with him happily for long.But her king should never get old.What is the solution?She invited elderly Brahmins and saints for suggestion. They said: Through japa and tapa any Sidhi could be achieved.But death is inevitable. You cannot increase your husband's longevity. Hearing this she felt depressed.

Leela thought her husband is dear to her like herself.He is blessed with youth and vigour So she may live with him happily for long.But her king should never get old.What is the solution?She invited elderly Brahmins and saints for suggestion. They said: Through japa and tapa any Sidhi could be achieved.But death is inevitable. You cannot increase your husband's longevity. Hearing this she felt depressed. In her solitude she was worried about her husband's future departure.She could not bear his death So she took a decision if her husband died first,she will not allow his soul to depart from her palace So she started fasting and ate once in three days.She meditated upon Devathas,Brahmins and Gurus.She engaged herself in Bathing,Thapa, meditation,charity rituals and oblations.Thus 300 days and nights passed in strict observance. Goddess Adiparasakti became impressed by her devotion and appeared before her.The Godess asked: "Daughter,I am extremely happy with your devotion toward your husband.Through continuous prayers you have pleased me,you may ask any boon you like" Leela humbly said : o goddess,who protects the world from birth,death,age, miseries with your compassion like moonlight,hail to thee! Victory to o mother,who shine as a sunlight in the darkest hearts.o goddess of the world,I pray for two blessings.One that, if my husband died his soul should not depart from the palace and from me.Second boon is that when ever I desire,you should be pleased to appear before me for guidance." Goddess granted the boon and disappeared.

After the goddess disappeared Leela was happy and returned back to her normal the course of life, one day Padman,her dear husband had a sudden death. His soul was departing this body.Now,goddess appeared before sad Leela,and said ' don't be sad. Preserve your husband' s dead body with flowers.You will soon be able to be one with him.His soul will never leave your palace and his body will never be decayed.' Leela preserved her husband's dead body accordingly. Leela again approached goddess and asked ' Devi, where is my husband now? What is he doing? How does he look like now?' Goddess replied: " Daughter,there are three types of akashic spaces.Chittakasam,that is mind space,akasham / space and chidakasham/ universal space.Chittakasham is obsessed with imagination,akasham is obsessed with worldly scenes,while the universal chidakasham is infinite,purest and real.Mind is always engaged in imaginations .When the mind discards one thought and focus on the next,there is a time gap in between. Concentrate on it and any one can see the chidakasham. If you wish to see this universal space, remove all your worldly thoughts for a time period and you will see the chidakasham. This is true consciousness which leads to realisation of universal truth.But you will have to remove all your worldly imagination to a time period.This is unobstructable meditational trance/samadhi.This can never be achieved through a mere boon.If you have this realisation you will get answer to the question you asked" Goddess disappeared. Leela through her earnest effort attained this nirvikalpa samadhi.Her spiritual body departed from her physical body and travelled though the chidakasham.On her way she saw her husband.He was sitting on throne and ally kings were seen with him along with saints and gurus.Leela travelled though out his territory.Leela was happy that her husband looks young and So she came back to her physical body.When Goddess appeared before her she asked: " mother,I saw my demised husband in another world.How is it possible?".Devi replied:" It is all due to memories of previous birth.Listen, in your chidakasham somewhere there is another world.Just see" Leela meditated.Devi said in that hillyregion you can visualise a village.Girigramam,is this village known,there lives a he was equalent to vasishta Rishi, so was his name visishta and his wife Arundhati. One day a king and his family went there for hunting.Vasishta thought,when will I have such kingly pleasures in life! He imagined kingly pleasures. Although vasishta was engaged in dharma his mind became full of strong kingly imaginations.He was desirous of kingly life.One day the Brahmin died of old age,along with him his wife also died.They had sons and enough wealth.Devi told, today it is 8 th day since they had died in Giri gramam.Leela you should know this.That Brahmin is you husband and you are his wife Arundhati! Due to strong imaginative bharminical powers you both took rebirth as royal couples.This is the stroy of your previous birth.Creation is just an illusion of chidakasham.Vasishtta born in girigramam thinks that it is the real world.Thus you both never had memories of previous birth.Your dream brought an imagination, imagination of being a king. So you both had to take birth here.Now the same soul is experiencing a new world and matters.This royal experiences are due strong imaginations which bring forth creation thorough illusion or Maya.Hence the same person will have to take birth again.Everything is played inside the inner soul of chidakasham or universal space.Living cell is similar to an atom.Inside this there is infinite crores of 'universal egg' brahmandam,which is reproducable.This is the ultimate truth. " Leela asked : " mother,but you said that the Brahmin died 8 days before, and I was born years ago?" Devi: " Truth is conciousness, creation is imagination including time and space.Death brings an end to life and memory.When new birth take place,body conciousness grows,ego and attachment grows along with it.This is mine,I am this and so on."After hearing this Leela asked the Goddess,"Mother, I would like to visit the Brahmin's house" Devi replied You see them with your present body.you will have to get into the chidakasham and be pure consciousness,then you will be able to see them.Since you have the ability to visualise you can easliy enter chidakasham. Through constant effort you will be able to inculcate the cosmic form then you will not need to put effort to remain in the chidakasham for long.Then you will be able to see the whole creation." Goddess trained Leela to retain the chidakasham through samadhi.Her subtle body departed her physical body.Both of them travelled through space.They travelled through many worlds and came to an earth where the Brahmins family stayed.When they reached the Brahmins house his family members were in deep sadness over their parents demise.Leela and Goddess Parasakthi took their physical form and appeared before the family.The Brahmin's son wished them and told them the demise of their parents.Both of them blessed the family and disappeared.Then Leela asked, "when I went to see my husband in another world as king, he was unable to see me.Now,in the village his Brahmin sons could see me! How is it so? " Goddess replied that when she went to see the king she had the conscious imagination that she is Leela.Nothing else was in her mind.Now when she saw the Brahmin's children she desired that they should see her. Now, Leela replied that she could visualise her previous births when she was a gandhava's daughter,a woman, a snake,a tribal lady wearing leafs, a bird who fell into the trap of a hunter and all.Later Leela brought herself out of this delusion.When both of them came back to kingdom,she saw her husband engaged in ruling his country and was about to enter into a war with his enemies.The war became fierce,when it became evening both the armies stopped the war.When they appeared before the king, he treated them with fervour.After hearing this Leela asked the Goddess,"Mother, I would like to visit the Brahmin's house" Devi replied You see them with your present body.you will have to get into the chidakasham and be pure consciousness,then you will be able to see them.Since you have the ability to visualise you can easliy enter chidakasham. Through constant effort you will be able to inculcate the cosmic form then you will not need to put effort to remain in the chidakasham for long.Then you will be able to see the whole creation." Goddess trained Leela to retain the chidakasham through samadhi.Her subtle body departed her physical body.Both of them travelled through space.They travelled through many worlds and came to an earth where the Brahmins family stayed.When they reached the Brahmins house his family members were in deep sadness over their parents demise.Leela and Goddess Parasakthi took their physical form and appeared before the family.The Brahmin's son wished them and told them the demise of their parents.Both of them blessed the family and disappeared.Then Leela asked, "when I went to see my husband in another world as king, he was unable to see me.Now,in the village his Brahmin sons could see me! How is it so? " Goddess replied that when she went to see the king she had the conscious imagination that she is Leela.Nothing else was in her mind.Now when she saw the Brahmin's children she desired that they should see her. Now, Leela replied that she could visualise her previous births when she was a gandhava's daughter,a woman, a snake,a tribal lady wearing leafs, a bird who fell into the trap of a hunter and all.Later Leela brought herself out of this delusion.When both of them came back to kingdom,she saw her husband engaged in ruling his country and was about to enter into a war with his enemies.The war became fierce,when it became evening both the armies stopped the war.When they appeared before the king, he treated them with fervour.

When the king saw Goddess Parasakthi and Leela, he wished them and offered pooja and pada namaskaram. The goddess was told that, the king was Ikshaku dynasty's ruler Maharadhan's son Viduradhan . Mother Sumithradevi. He was now 17 years old.Now Goddess put her hands on Viduradhan' s head and asked him to remember his previous birth.Now, Viduradhan started telling that he could see everything,it was only one day had passed since he had died. Here in this birth 17 years have passed.He could remember all his relatives and events of his previous birth.Now Devi told him that birth and death are mere delusion.When we are in a dream,we feel each moment is 100 years of experience.Region,time are then imagination.Similarly Maya is also a delusion.Only pure consciousness is truth.in this world we experience cruel thoughts, empathy, prosperity, wealth,love, hatered,good and bad.She said this to ensure him that all worldly persuits are mere all should realise this truth.Goddess told him that in the war he will die and will go back to his previous birth and will rule that place.He told Goddess to take his wife with them.Goddess, then told Leela that what ever we experience are due to our own thoughts leading to birth cycle.Since your husband died thinking about you, you took birth along with him who is his present wife.Goddess told Leela that when Leela was in girigramam as Brahmin' s wife she prayed for mukthi/ l goddess blessed her with this realisation.Thus although Leela experienced royal pleasures along with her husband,she was able to experience spiritual liberation through her devote Goddess soon as, Viduradhan died in the war his soul went back to his previous life and entered the dead kings preserved body.Goddess and Leela also came to this world,along with Viduradhan' s wife.Now Leela' s soul entered her body which was in samadhi,due to Goddess help.On seeing Viduradhan' s wife Leela's husband was embarassed and asked who she was? Goddess replied that this is your second wife! For helping you some here has took the form of a reflection using her imagination! Although both are two bodies,they are one! It is created! Now Goddess said,to find out pure consciousness in oneness of truth, one should find it in one's inner soul.The mystery behind experiences of the universe are beyond rationalism.Rationalism cannot find out pure consciousness of Advaita.Once the truth is experienced,then only the truth will remain.Then, it not necessary to realise the cosmic secrets. After blessing the three,Goddess disappeared into the infinite.