THE BOY I SAW NEXT DOOR in English Short Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | THE BOY I SAW NEXT DOOR

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Bored is how I can describe my mental status right now. I have already watched many movies on Netflix , readed many books so at present I don't have anything to do more . I couldn't go out and meet my friends because right now its dangerous. Everyone is locked inside their houses due to the outbreak of pandemic covid 19.

" Samara , Do clean your room before the lunch ", my mom yelled from downstairs making me frown in annoyance.

" Come on Samara you have to clean your room else be prepared to hear a huge lecture from mom ," I pep talked to myself and sighed .
Picking up the broom in my hand I started cleaning my room.
" Woah , where were these ? I have been searching for them since god knows how long ".
I grinned in delight as I looked at my precious Binoculars which I have brought from a gadget store during last summer break.

In a second I threw the broom at one corner of the room and immediately rushed towards the window of my room with the binoculars in my hands.

" Woah..! They are working great , thanks to mom I cleaned my room and found them again ", I yelled in happiness as I looked outside into the street . I observed everything on the street was looking so zoomed in and magnified through my binoculars.

"It would be cool though if their wouldn't be any lockdown because their is noone on the street ", I muttered softly while looking at the empty street .

Should I peep into my neighbor's houses ?
No Samara that's wrong . It's bad manners to invade in someone's privacy and what if someone caught you peeking ?
No , No you can't do that .
Peeking for just ten minutes and never after that ?
Heck yeah.

I instantly focused my binoculars vision onto my neighbor's house setting my mischievous plan of peeping into their house into action.

" Uhmmm it's boring , I can't see anyone inside and almost all the room's windows have their curtains drawn", I literally whined like a child on not finding anything interesting inside the house.

All of a sudden I heard my neighbor Mrs. Thomson's dog barking . I focused my binoculars on the small kennel which was build in their garden inside from where the dog's bark was coming.
I stiffened when I saw some shadow around that kennel.

I readjusted and focused my binoculars again at Mrs. Thomson's garden and this time I saw a silhouette of a tall figure of a man standing beside the kennel.

For a tiny second I stilled in surprise because I didn't expect anyone to be standing out in the garden in such hot weather.

I tried to shift at my place, readjust my binoculars, narrowed my eyes to have a proper look at him but his back was what I could see.

I stilled when I saw him turning around slowly in my direction .
This time I got the opportunity to look at him properly. I noticed each and everything about him. He was quiet pale and tall and if I may say a little cute too. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black pants . His face looked quite blank and his gaze fixed somewhere in distant.

I didn't know for how long he just stood still and I kept looking at him.

" Huhh " , I gasped in sudden surprise as out of nowhere my cellphone rang .
Goddamn I was so concentrated in looking at that boy that a sudden ringtone frightened me.

I walked towards my studytable to pick up my phone and saw my best friend Tiffany's name flashing on the screen .

" Hey girl , What's up ?", I said as I walked back towards the window.

" Nothing much Sam, getting bored. You tell what were you doing ?"

" I am spying on my neighbor's Tiff, infact this is my latest hobby during this Corona time ", I replied her back with chuckle.

My gaze drifted on that boy again and I observed him walking slowly inside his house. Curiosity got the best of me and again I focused my binoculars on him meanwhile putting Tiffany on the speaker.

" Cool, so did you find anything interesting in your neighbor's house? "

" Yess , I did find a cute boy and right now I am stalking him ", I answered her back with a smirk meanwhile looking at him.

I noticed him walking inside his house but the doors closed as soon as he walked inside .

The urge in me to stalk him didn't stopped and I searched all around the house with my binoculars to see any open window or door to look inside .

Guess the luck was in my favor because I did find one . It was Mrs. Thomson's kitchen window because I saw her standing in the kitchen and cooking something .

" Woahh , cute boy ? Lucky you Sam . Look at me I am trapped in my house with my younger siblings who are busy in fighting with each other and my neighbors , well let's just say they all love to gossip and bitch about each other ."

A chuckle escaped my throat on hearing her. Everyone's neighbors are like this only, aren't they ?

All of a sudden my lips straightened when I noticed that boy walking inside the kitchen. He stood rooted to one place watching his mother while Mrs. Thomson didn't said anything and kept on cooking the food.

" Hello ?Hello ? Hey , you're there Sam ?", Tiffany loudly shreiked from the other end of the phone bringing my attention back to the phone and making me divert my gaze from that boy.

" Umm yeah Tiff, sorry my attention got diverted ," I replied her back awkwardly.

" Haha , Is your neighbor that cute Sam that you're loosing you're attention on everything else ? By the way what's his name , you must be knowing him since he is you're neighbor ."

For a second I felt completely puzzled too. Yeah he is my neighbor ,I should have know him right?
Mrs. Thomson has been living in my neighborhood since five year but I have never seen that boy .

Thinking about him , I again looked in the direction of Mrs. Thomson's kitchen through my binoculars but this time I didn't saw him.
God , where did he go ?
I tried to focus my binoculars here and there around the kitchen but I couldn't see anyone apart from Mrs Thomson.

" Sam ?" , Tiffany's voice rang in my ears again .

" Yeah , listen Tiffany I will call you later , sorry girl ", I replied her back in haste as my gaze kept roaming on every room of the house trying to find that boy but nearly all the windows were closed and covered.

" Okay Sam , talk to you later . Byee " , Tiffany answered me back and cut the call.

I sighed in dissatisfaction when I couldn't find that boy even on looking everyplace of the house properly.
Samara , you can give up on searching that boy now , besides ten minutes have already past since god knows when ?

The moment I decided to gave up on this spying thing , a loud noise of the creak of moving of some window or door reached my ears making me focus my binoculars towards the area from where the sound came.

My breath caught in my lungs and my eyes widened , the binoculars fell from my hands and a loud gasp escaped my throat when I saw him standing behind one of the window, staring right back at me.
A jolt of fear passed through my body and I literally freezed under his unflinching gaze on me.

As soon as I overcomed my initial petrifying stage I instantly pulled back from the window and kneeled down on the floor of my room palming my heart with both my hands.

That was very terrifying especially the way he looked at me. God I felt scared literally I could feel my heart pounding very loudly against my chest .
That's it Samara , never ever are you spying on someone again.
" Did you cleaned your room?", Mom asked me raising a brow.

" Yes mom " , I replied her back as I munched on the bread she has prepared for the lunch.
No matter how hard I was trying , I don't know why but I kept on remembering the incident which happened with that boy earlier .

" Mom I never knew Mrs. Thomson has a son ," I stated in a low voice as I quietly ate my food.

" Oh yes , Aidan used to come to our house when you were little kid and he was six year old . He used to play with you all day long."

" Oh ", I mumbled in a low tone, quiet surprised by this revelation about which I had no idea uptill now?
But I mean comeon I was just a kid at that time how could I remember him.

My mom looked me with a frown on her face, " But why do you ask now Samara ? He already died six years ago , what made you remember him again ?"

I choked on my food and my face paled as soon as I heard her .
