HAUNTED - 2 - how i guarded my office in English Horror Stories by Lokesh Kumar Yadav books and stories PDF | HAUNTED - 2 - how i guarded my office

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HAUNTED - 2 - how i guarded my office

How I guarded the office

One day I was guarding an office at night. There was a minimum of obligations - to ensure that no one burst in (I’m a noble driver, but if someone managed to break open this unrealistic iron door at night, he would have been unlikely to be able to stop him, so I was more likely to be there for information), to let in the authorities and also so that it does not flow from the ceiling - sometimes there pipes burst on the second floor there. And once a week, you need to wash the windows from the inside. In general, the work is simple and dustless. And there were computers with all kinds of simple toys, such as the “Heroes of Might and Magic” of the third - but I don’t need it anymore. In this office, I spent nights from Saturday to Sunday. Everything was always calm, only the director, some manager, and I had the keys.

Once, on Saturday, I was sitting behind the heroes and suddenly something began to zabashalil from the other side of the door. Once. I walked over, looked through the peephole - nobody. I decided that they had passed by, and returned to the game, but did not have time to sit on a chair, as something scratched again and a completely inaudible male voice was heard and a knock on the door. I decided that it was the director who came in, inserted the keys. He turned one turn and looked again through the peephole - there was nobody there. I said aloud: "First name, is that you?" In response, silence. I turned the key back, right from that side of the door I heard a voice - this time a woman, again I didn’t understand a word - it seems to be saying, but some syllable after syllable are meaningless. Then I sent them all out loud through the door and threatened to call the police (I was telling you there were no phones inside, I only knew that theoretically there should be a button to call the fire somewhere, I still don’t know if it’s there or no). About a second later, the female voice fell silent and there was such a soft knock on the window. I pushed the blinds open and sank. No, not just fucked up.

Frightened with fear - my legs bent and I sat on the floor. A man is hanging on a grate (I want to think that a man). Everything about him was completely unnatural. It seems that someone saw people only in the movies and made a costume to resemble a man and put it on himself. I can’t even approximately determine what gender it was. And as soon as he saw me, he spoke - first with that female voice, then alternating according to the man’s syllable, then it seemed as though the voice came from several sources, with some creaks and rustling. Lord, his facial expressions were completely inhuman - he simultaneously moved all his facial muscles in all possible directions. At the same time, he tapped his hands and feet on the glass, and he himself went up. Maybe he squeezed the bars between his knees and climbed - I don’t know. At that moment it seemed to me that he was taking off. It was clearly visible and he hung for such a very long time, probably a minute, but I couldn’t do anything at all - I just sat on the floor and, frozen, looked at this creature.

Somewhere in a minute, a sudden deliverance came - suddenly the whole cacophony fell silent, and he turned sharply (I swear, he turned his head about 100 degrees, already over his shoulder) and froze for a few seconds, staring somewhere, and then abruptly jumped and something uttering in a new, low-vibrating voice, withdrew. Where did he go - I did not see from the floor. I only had the strength to push in the blinds and crawl into the room, from which neither the door nor the windows can be seen. There I sat down and cried - like a little child, the last time I cried eight years before. Then this state passed and a big tremor began to beat me. So, on the floor, I sat until 6 in the morning, scared of every rustle, until the next shift came Artyom. I, probably, examined him for two minutes through a peephole and asked him to either move away or say “something.”

In the end, he let me go, he immediately gave me a slap in the face, and in response I only laughed happily and hysterically (again to tears in my eyes). In general, I came home - my parents can’t understand what happened to me - pale, circles under my eyes, weighed - I lost seven kilograms per night. Since then, I often sleep poorly at night and have nightmares. None of the acquaintances - not a word, not a hint - will be laughed at ...