HE WANTS YOU - 1 in English Horror Stories by Deepti Khanna books and stories PDF | HE WANTS YOU - 1

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Evenings attracted me to my balcony .

As the sun sinked in the welkin ,

i watched the crazy man

standing at the corner of the streets end.

Dressed in black suit ,

a red bow suited his personality on road.

Trick ,by trick he showed on the foothpath

with his stick and a black cap on his wick.

Admiring his tricks from far ,

i always wanted to go to him and watch his tricks.

But a rumour had spread in the air ,

that the magician hypothesized the kids

and take them somewhere.

My elders always dared , to send me out ,

My pals were also scared to come out ,

when the magician was around.

Stuck on the words of our elders ,

we never dared to come out of our heaven.

Only the moving around pedestrian ,

watched his show

and threw pennies for him on floor.

His name was dared to be called out ,

locality kids screamed

as he walked on the road.

He was named as by the kids


as no one knew his real name.

Rabbits popped out from his cap ,

steamers and eggs from the sleeves of his coats hand . Black brows lifted high as he saw the pedestrian with his big eyes .At this time the locality people said he will pick the child to whom he will say , "He WANTS YOU!"

One evening, i got late from tution . The sun had already sinked in sky .As i rushed through the street .A manly voice called out to me "Shiksha , come and have a look at the magic tricks. You always watch it from your balcony. Today stand hear and watch ."

His heavy voice held my heart , salty sweat appeared in my arms , as i kept my books at the corner of the path and started watching his art. My conscious was not willing to see the tricks , but something attached me to it hard .

I kept on starting at the tricks , i knew all of them , as i have seen them repeatedly now and then . Then Suddenly, he played with his stick and said pointing at me "HE WANTS YOU ! "

A cold shiver ran through my spine , as he called out to me with a deep voice "come to me Shiksha ."

I unwillingly stepped towards him and suddenly sat behind the box behind him . He said hocus-pocus!

And rabbit ears grew on head .A loud laughter roared on streets, and the passers-by starred and laughed at me.

Again he said hocus-pocus and the rabbits ears vanished from my wick . He asked me to leave after this , as i rushed to my flat , my heart beating in speed of light. That night i slept with my parents thinking the magician would come and kidnap me.

Next morning , i narrated the incident to my pals, and they were surprised that i wasn't kidnapped. A week passed by my pals surrounded me everywhere .I slept with my parents , making them believe that i wanted them during nighttime.

As the days passed of me and friends thought that why i was not disappeared till yet. One evening i gathered my courage and went to the magician.

As his show got over i asked him " why didn't kidnap me ?" He turned around me with a smile and said " WE WANT YOU " and i was gone from my life .