People Term Him as Unsuccessful Person - 1 in English Short Stories by Rayees Tantry books and stories PDF | People Term Him as Unsuccessful Person - 1

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People Term Him as Unsuccessful Person - 1

I am personal witness, to the grief stricken by the tragedy He met. The story is a dedication to, "The unconsoled‟, characterizes truth as his principles, crazy by his style, good at heart, austurnity being his style, loved by more and hated by few.

Debates and the legal stuff intrigued him to pursue a degree in law. Being crazy wasn't enough for him as it alone had no fun at all. So he decided to impune his time in playing, traveling, watching movies, enjoying hostel life and much more. Instead of studying, he firmly believed, there was a need of modification in our studying structure which resulted him to focus less over his studies however he didnt find it difficult to graduate on time.

During his university years he fell in love once and almost completely, both lovebirds fed each other and luckily both were batch mates. So they visited daily as both were at the same level of training , completed their degree and left the campus simultaneously. These lovebirds belonged to different places,however the distances didn't cage them as it couldn't place them seperately. They continued loving each other a lot and had hoped to get married. They just loved each other each day and there love and affection grew stronger and happier and they were just doing it perfectly. Least did they know that it was just the beginning, but this isn't about infidelity. Alas situation changed its course and they got separated. Both tried a lot but all in vain, separation, pain, sleepless nights, foes, depression this is all they got at the end, out of a blood-tie.

Someone has rightly said, bad luck is an unpredictable and unprecedented outcome. This misfortune struck, say it a bad luck or ill fate. While I personally term it as a lesson and a part of life or blessing in disguise. However there is no escape route out of it,you have to live life without a person with whom you had once made promises to spend life till eternity. As i came back time and time again to wonder why my life isn't aligned, i realized this is not the only thing in life we are here for, there are other things as well like our family, friends, aim so i accepted this tragedy as a destiny and moved onwards. Moreover we all owe to society, (being literate is not enough) but we need to give something back as a goodwill gesture ,so be brave. Now i firmly believe the only person that can figure out what you want in life is you. “Whether You Believe You Can Do a Thing or Not, You Are Right”.

A verse of poetry I would like to quote :

اود بی گم یے زمانے میں گمے مہبت کے سوا
There are other things than love as well
اور بی داتے ے وسل کے سوا
And nights other than night of separation
Hope whoever is going through the contents of this story will be eagerly waiting to know ,
1. What happened to both of them.
2. How they accepted this separation.
3. How they moved ahead, without being their true love side by side.
4. What are they doing right now?
5. Do both still miss each other?
6. Did they got married? if yes with whom?
7. How they moved on?
8. Did life give them a chance to recall the tragedy? If yes then, what they did to overcome?
9. Do they live happily now?
10. What is source of happiness now because they loved each other more than anything and they had never thought of seperation.
11. Do they still survive if yes then, where are they? What are they doing?
I am vary close to them and they are to me, I am watching them keenly and with open eyes.
Let me answer your one question yes both are alive and both are living their life separately .
Part 2nd coming soon