The Real Me - 4 in English Fiction Stories by Bihag Trivedi books and stories PDF | The real Me (part-4 )

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The real Me (part-4 )


( The life after all )

The days , weeks and months were passing too quickly , we were getting close to the biggest day of our life , when we will have our piece of heart in our hand. We have started the shopping like clothes , rattles , toys and other lots of things what we have thought and planned. Yes we were not sure its He or She but frankly speaking it wasn’t matter at all ..

Slowly – slowly the days , weeks and months were passing , my parents came for some rituals and it was pre-decided that my wife will go with them to her parents house for delivery . I was not happy though as we both wanted to be with each other during the delivery time but my work didn’t left any choice for me but to stay and let her go. Finally , the day came , my wife went to hometown with my parents and the loneliness has taken entire home under her effect…

Though at that time video calls are not that much in fashion no the whatsapp , yes we used to call and send massages 8-10 times in a day J , she used to ask me what I had in breakfast ? what’s in lunch ? what you have made or what you are going to make in dinner ? and than suggestion .. but frankly telling I was enjoying all these questions and suggestions as its for betterment …..i have learn to make lots of items like parathas , khichdi , almost all sabjis , sweets , olo ( baigan bhartha ) etc.. though I knew few of the things like Tea , coffee etc . I believe that if you want to survive , you need to learn all other things apart from your routine like cooking , cleaning , washing clothes etc. it doesn’t mean or make you mumma’s boy or wife’s follower but it will make you a better MAN .

My days were going or in another words me and my wife were living the life we hate the most , though we were also waiting our piece of heart but staying apart from each other was not in plan………..

The due date was in the second week of October and we were eagerly waiting for that .. in the September I have one meeting in Rajkot , I was on the way to Rajkot and I got a call from my wife that she is having a routine check-up so may be not able to answer or reply on calls , and I was also ok with that as I was traveling and in that time we had a lots of issues of network as well .

She went for the routine check up in the evening of 5th September , I was in the train towards rajkot as I have a meeting on 6th , suddenly I got a call from my wife saying she has a labor pain and doctor ask the family to go the delivery today only , I was speechless and at the same time helpless as I was in train , I cant reach to her when she needed the most.. I was tensed , I was worried as there were some complication In the delivery so doctor suggested to go for cesarean rather than normal delivery .

I was just waiting , waiting and waiting about the update , about the news , meanwhile I was become nervous ,sometime I felt like I miss the heartbeat , I was just roaming in the train coach , everybody was observing me , they know that something is wrong with me , I was tensed and all can see and sense that but we are leaving in a country where , you can’t ask any person what’s wrong with you even if you know !! , I still remember that I hardly set on my seat , I hardly drink water or have anything , just checking my phone that in anxiety i may missed the call , but nothing was there , the screen was blank , and so the my mind …..

I was waiting for the update , at 9:30pm I got a call from my younger brother saying it’s a BOY ……………. You can’t imagine the happiness I got not because he told me it’s a boy but he told me that yes its premature baby but mom and baby both are in good health.. i was feeling like , jump from the train and run towards hometown , wants to see the baby , wants to meet the wify but I feel like I became handicap , in the fluke of a second I plan to pull the chain and stop the train but than I thought not to do it ….

After getting lots of calls , I reached the Rajkot where my meeting was , I drop down to train station , called the boss and inform him about the situation , he told me to go to home and postponed the meeting as per my availability. I have done it without loosing a minute , called my brother and ask him to send me the pic of a baby .. he told me they have shifted baby to NICU as baby is under weight . I was shocked and shattered at the same time I was concern about the his health , but my brother told me that not to worry and everything will be ok , you just come here without any tension. A sign of relief run through my vain and I was all set to reach home. All the way down to hometown , in bus , I was watching videos of how to hold the newborn babies , after all I became the father………


( A cycle of life repeated )

Finally, I reached hometown at midnight , brother came to pick me up , I have asked him about the situations and he told me all is good , baby is in NICU and they will allow us to take him after 3 days as he is a premature , they have to put him in incubation box but all is good . I have also asked him about my wife’s health and I good to know that she is fine but she is unconscious , during the time we were talking , my phone rang , it was my mother in law , she asked me have I reached or not ? and also inform me that my wife is conscious and asking about me . I hang up the call and went straight away to the hospital where she was admitted.

Finally , I have met her , no words , no communication , we have allowed our eyes and emotion to talk , as I have seen in movies and in TV’s that husband bring something for wife , but I couldn’t as I was travelling from the morning , and more in this this wasn’t planned and expected so I wasn’t prepared for this and I have not bought anything….

So , I have hugged her , congratulate her , she just asked me that how is baby ? have I seen her ? , as she has also seen him on the operation theater table only , after that the doctors have taken him to the NICU and it’s a different hospital , so she hasn’t seen him . I was getting more worried now about the health of my little champ, and more in this I want to see him……..

It was 8am in the morning , I reached at hospital where my baby was admitted , I don’t remember I have ever passed these much lengthy hours before… it was 4 hours……. The longest time of my life. But anyway it was about to end , I was taking two steps at ones and thinking, why people are having hospital on 2nd -3rd floor , can’t they think about the patient’s situation ? can anyone who has emergency , have this much time ? all this thought were roaming around my mind , and I have reached the 1st floor , where my champ was admitted .

I have met the doctor , he make me understand about the situation and told me there is nothing to worry as baby born before the due date , we have put him in the incubation box , so he can develop like he is in the womb and also make me understand about other medical terms and situations so that I can be relax . I still feel that ,we were lucky to have him as a doctor.

So he made me understand , that I can not go to my champ and see him , I can’t hold him as there is a danger that he may be get infected form us , what I can do is , I can just see him from the window L… imagine , you are thirsty , the water is there in front of you but you can’t drink it , in other words , you are dying , the pill that can save you is in front of but you can’t take it …. I felt so helpless , so annoyed , so frustrated … meanwhile they have take me to the room from where I can see him ….

Finally, I have seen from far distance , there were 3-4 kids in the same room , so I was get confused , but the nurse and assistant doctor know this immediately and told me that , the boy who is having a black cartoon bandage on his forehead is your son , she was telling me something else as well but I wasn’t aware , I was just looking at him , just looking at him , just looking at him…..

Tears run down from my eyes and reached to my chicks, wants to hold him , wants to hug him , wants to kiss him but but but …. It was just a distance of may be like 40 footsteps , but like he is 400km away from me , I felt so small that even I can’t reach him , but then I thought if I will not do it all right now its good for him.

“ A father will always catch you , when you fall , but instead of that he will pick you up , and tell you to try again ” ..

And somewhere in the corner of the same hospital , my dad was watching me and I am sure he was remembering the same situation when doctor handed over me to him…

A cycle of life repeated…………….