Complicated Lovestory in English Love Stories by seefa divan books and stories PDF | Complicated Lovestory

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Complicated Lovestory

"I love you” Ronak typed.

" I love you too dear" Soumya replied.

" really? ??" Ronak asked.

" what type of question is that Roni??? I always have."

" but, do you love me as I love you" Ronak again asked.

" Now, what is this ??? and more of that, what is like yours and mine?? Love is love." Soumya replied.

" But you told me that love has different types. Which type of love is this, I want to know." Ronak asked her curiously.

" Dear, you have been a best friend of mine. You are very close to me. No other friend is so important as you in my life. You understand me well and always help me in any condition. You are indeed very special. That’s why I love you very much" Soumya answered with full emotions.

"Is that it???" Ronak asked with disappointment. He was expecting something more than just that.

Soumya was much confused about what to answer. She was wondering why Ronak was asking such questions at that time. She thought for a while and typed.

"You are so sweet and understanding. I am proud that I have a friend like you. It feels so secure and happy to have you in my life"

" Not a satisfactory answer. Please, I don't want to hear praising words" he replied.

"Then?" Soumya was puzzled more now.

" I want to know what you really feel for me. Do you feel the same way I feel?? I really need to know. Ronak said.

Now, Soumya had no words as she was not sure what exactly he wanted to hear. She asked,

" I did tell you, dear, now what else you want to hear?"

"Can I call you right now?" Ronak asked.

" ok. Call me"….

It was about 7 in the evening. Soumya’s mobile rang. The mobile screen flashed “Ronak”. Soumya instantly picked the call.


" Hello"

Then they became silent for a moment. None of them utter a single word. Both were looking for words. Ronak wanted to speak straight but somehow, he didn’t know how to put his feelings into words.

Soumya spoke first in a low voice,

" What has happened to you?"

"Nothing," He said.

"Will you please say? Or Do you want a punch from me" Soumya laughed to break the awkward silence between them?

It never happened before that. Soumya and Ronak were the best of friends. They never had such awkward silence before. They could talk about anything and about everything. But, today was different. That day probably was a new beginning for them in a new relationship.

" Please, I am not in a mood of joking" Ronak spoke in a serious tone.

Then, they became silent for a while.

" ok my sweet little bandar, tell me now. What is bothering u?"

" your behavior," Ronak said.

" now, what did I do? " she asked.

" are you seriously not understanding me?" Ronak asked in a low tone.

" yes baby, I understand. But what has happened to you now? " Soumya said.

" Oh come on Soumya. You are not a fool to understand. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart. Can't you see?? I am seriously in love with you. I am very serious about my feelings. But you are pretending like you know nothing about it. Ronak spoke all that in one breath.

Soumya was shocked for a while. She knew that Ronal loves her very much. But Soumya was not sure about his feelings whether it was for a close friend or it was something more than a friend.

She was shocked and confused also. She also has loved Ronak very much, but she didn't think like that something more than Friends. But yes, she knew it very well that Ronak was very special to her. She couldn't go a day without talking with him.

There was a silence for a few minutes over that call

Ronak was eagerly waiting for Soumya's reply. Soumya was not able to speak anything. She tried to speak,

"Ronak, you have been always so close & special to me"

" only a close friend??" Ronak asked as he wanted her to say something more.

" please Ronak, you know my condition very well. You are very special; you have been there always in my tough times. I respect you; I love you. But I can't think further right now. I never want to lose you. That's what I know right now" Soumya was getting emotional then.

" I know everything, but still I want you to feel my feelings. Please Saumya, move on from those things. It’s now your past. You should be happy. I want you to be happy always and the same I want for me. & that is only possible if you try." Ronak spoke with all his heart.

" I think it’s not possible for me to love again. I can't.” Soumya sadly replied. Her mind fleshed lots of old memories. She became upset. Suddenly, tears were falling from her eyes.

" Soumya, I know what you are passing through. I know you are having tears of those things in your eyes. But trust me, I love you so much and I will never let you go in any condition" Ronak wanted to comfort her as much as he can.

" I know, you always care for me. You will never think of hurting me. But I can't love anyone like that. I don't want to hurt you. Please don't expect. I will not be able to do so." Soumya cried.

Ronak didn’t want her to break down like that. He wanted to cheer her up. He said…

" stop crying baby, you know na???"

Soumya had always loved that. She knew what it could be. She smiled and asked, “what? "

" I love you so much," Ronak said with full of feelings.

" I love you too so much, my sweet little bandar" Saumya said with a smile.

Both laughed.

It always happened. Whenever Soumya got serious or sad, Ronak always spoke those things to make her instant smile. Ronak's sweet gesture and voice always make Soumya smile whenever she is sad. Both knew each other well in a short period of 6 months.

" ok now, Soumya... I know it’s not easy. But you have to do this. For me at least..." Ronak said.

" I don't think I can. Please try to understand" Soumya requested.

" No, you have to understand it for me. Please, tell me now, u would do it, won't you??" Ronak said.

" please yaar, I love you. Isn’t that enough for you?" Soumya asked.

" yes, but I want you to be mine, only mine. I want to be that close to you. Don't u feel the same for me? " Ronak asked curiously.

Soumya thought for a while. She knew that sometimes she wants Ronak to be close to her only. She never liked anyone getting close to him

She was still unaware of her own feelings. Yet, she knew, she wants him by her side always. She spoke,

" yes, I agree. I want you that close to me

But still, I can't say that I love you that lover’s type"

Suddenly, Ronak’s phone vibrates for a moment. He got a text from someone.

“I think I like it. Can we meet tomorrow for lunch??? Waiting for your reply…. Nisha….

Will Soumya ever be in love with Ronak??? Will this sweet friendship ever turn to the best feeling of love???

Will Soumya realize her love for Ronak??? OR Will that be too late for Soumya to realize her love for Ronak??

Stay tuned with the story and tell me how do you feel about it…