Passing By - First Ride in English Love Stories by Griffith साहिल books and stories PDF | Passing By - First Ride

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Passing By - First Ride

I don't understand why people hate Rain so much? I mean, yeah getting wet and humid is inconvenient and all but do you ever think like 'man the water is hitting every inch of the city at the same time.' ?



It is so majestic to think like that! I don't know about you but I love the season by my heart. Do you know what else I love? Long Drives. Long Drives during Rain nonetheless.

That speed, the wind hitting your face, your hair flying with the whoosh & droplets of water splashing you all over, altogether. I just can't describe that feeling, you have to feel it on your own.

Anyways today was a great day, Not because it was Sunday.,



maybe partly yeah, but it also started raining, that too heavily. Voila, that was all I needed. I got out of my dark and depressing room and went to get my jacket before storming off on the roads.

A white T-shirt, a Blue Jacket, Torn black jeans and a pair of sleepers are all I needed to make myself comfortable on my Kawasaki. Just to be honest, I love that beauty so much. Her green gaze was giving the bystanders an urge to turn around & see me flyby.

About in 40 minutes, I reached the Highway, the perfect place for a drive. Or as I Thought. The Rain hadn't slowed a bit and I was going from 80 to 90 km/h on an intersection. The speedometer hit 100 and I Finally looked around to enjoy my surroundings at that optimal speed.

If you think about it, the Highways are super boring. Tons of cars and trucks going here and there with urgency, bushes, and flowers on the divider passing by. The casual hotels and dhabas on the side also that constant urge to go faster to reach your destination a tad bit early.

But have you ever noticed the world around you at 100 km/h? The Road beneath looks still and yet the air hitting your face can tell you are moving. Your eyes slowly becoming used to that rush but your ears still feel this irritating but likable sense of swinging. Your muscles become relaxed by the passing moment and your brain wanders off to think about everything except your destination. At that specific moment, look around, look around the road and see the world the way Only you can. The trees and flowers become one single haze of green which feels like this wall constantly following you. The vehicles in front look smaller & slower but you chase them anyway. The mirror will always stay empty & the engine roaring beneath you will give you this sense of superiority for an instance.

I was lost there too, in my own world.

Until that bastard overtook me at the worst moment. I didn't think anyone will overtake me at 120 km/h so I didn't pay much attention to the caravan behind me but out of nowhere, this fella came behind me & overtook me via a puddle of mud & left me behind. Which means I was Splashed by the foul water and mud. The culprit roamed ahead.

I know I was already wet and all because of the rain but no one messes with the jacket. But now that guy had stained it the way I hated & it hurt my male ego. Because why not.

Angry as ever I started chasing him & noticed his ride first. It was a KTM RC 390. A beauty in Orange. It's pretty common for me to drool over exotic vehicles but no time to zone out. I pulled beside the bastard & noticed his attire, black dome helmet with gloves and a leather jacket. A leather jacket? Who wears a leather jacket in Rain? Must be crazy I thought. I stayed beside him for a mile & two but it seemed like he didn't notice me or chose to ignore me.

I saw a puddle coming after a mile. Because revenge was necessary, I gained some distance between us by the throttle and at the right moment splashed the man at point-blank.

I hoped to stain his jacket too but I kind of overdid it and covered his helmet in mud too. Panicking because of it he hit the brakes & made an ear-piercing sound with it. As I looked from the mirror, he barely avoided getting hit in the divider and that was the moment I knew I should apologize for the overkill.

I slowed my ride & indicated him to pull over at the next roadside dhaba. It wasn't too far so I made it first and parked my bike, looking behind as the fella wiped his helmet by his hand and pulled over beside me. His bike was covered in mud, so was he. The leather jacket looked like it was just dipped in the mud, the helmet was messed and the gloves seemed worn out.

"Look, I'm really sorry for the overkill, but..."

Before I could finish my apology, he pulled off his helmet and apparently it was a she.

Her hair now released from the helmet rested on her back and her eyes looked at me for the continuation of the apology. I was actually caught in a surprise as I planned on scolding her after the short apology but her eyes, those black eyes just stopped my poor heart for what seemed like several minutes.

"You guys are the same everywhere!!" She called out in a rather irritated voice as she parked her bike.

"Excuse me?" You can't blame me for defending myself right?

"Excuse you? Idiot, look what you did to my jacket and helmet." She said as she placed her helmet on the tank of the bike. She opened her jacket to take it off and I as Every possible pervert was caught off guard staring at her bosom. The white T-shirt she had inside was killing it.

"My eyes are up here." She said after an awkward second.

Was I that much zoned out? Do something Dev, I told myself.

"Oh, you have eyes? I didn't know because about 30 km earlier you did this to me." I replied as I took my stained jacket off too. "And hey, who wears a Leather Jacket during rain?" I added because I had to.

"So Revenge huh?! How childish." She said with a smirk. " Look I was tailing you for about 20 minutes but you didn't give me side so I had to rush, I was already drenched because of the Rain but now this." She called out as she removed her gloves too.

"The bloody rain." She sighed.

"I guess, we are even now?" I said as I got off my bike. She raised an eyebrow at me with an 'are you serious' look. I knew I wasn't getting out of there so easily.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for the overkill. But you should take care while driving. Back then you almost got rammed into the divider."

"Oh, but how can I? I got covered in mud because of a certain Someone was too reckless for revenge."

I know I walked into that sarcasm myself.

"What? Are you worried about me now? Pity a girl because she's weak and all? How typical." She started ranting about as the rain increased a gear or two above us.

"Hey, Hey. First I already apologized. Second I was worry about this Beautiful RC 390." I interrupted her as I moved a hand on her ride.

"And more important the third is, I Don't believe in Feminism. There are enough girls out there who have kicked my ass on more than one occasion so can you please save me the rant?"

She chuckled a little on that note but followed it by a sneeze. I shouldn't admit but she looked so damn cute with that red nose of her. That's when both of us looked up and came back to our senses, it was still raining, and more than before now.

"Not like I'm flirting but I guess we should call it a truce and take shelter for a little while?" I said looking at her as I wrapped my jacket on my waist.

Looking at the road again she nodded in agreement followed by another sneeze.

Control your dumb self Dev. I scolded myself again.

We locked our rides and she wrapped her jacket around her waist. Holding the helmet in one hand, she followed me inside the Dhaba.

We sat on the table in a corner. Both were dripping and kinda staring at each other in irritation. She placed the helmet on the table and got her messy hair done.

Can I say she looked adorable while doing it?

"Boss, a chai" I called on to the counter for a tea. She looked back at me with her stoic look, "I don't drink tea but guess you can use on" I said followed by a sneeze of my own.

"You don't drink tea also?" She asked me with a little hint of humor.

"Wait you don't drink chai too?" Man, I finally found someone who can't judge me on the topic of a bloody tea.

"So what should we have?" I asked out of courtesy, "consider it my apology." I had to add because she was too good to get mad at.

"Are you sure you aren't flirting or flattering me?" She raised an eyebrow again.

'First, how can a human raise her eyebrow so wide, I can't even move mine.' I wanted to say that but my brain as always stopped me from being that guy.

"Oh no, not at all. This is purely an apology."

I looked past her & called to the counter, "Boss cancel the Tea, bring two glasses of lassi."

".....I just placed the order, You are gonna pay. Because of feminism." I finished my say as she started to chuckle again.

"Oh, okay that's perfect." she barely spoke between her laugh.

Dimples, she had these breathtaking dimples and I, on the other hand, have a thick beard that kills any potential dimples I may have.

On the second note, I noticed both of us were sitting there in white T-shirts. Something so trivial felt a bit special suddenly.

"So Mr.Male Ego, are you alright? I didn't hurt you right?" She asked me, braking my trail of thoughts.

"You just spoiled my Favorite jacket but Thanks for your concern, I & Savy both are alright."

"Savy? What's Savy?" She asked because she is also a normal human being unlike me.

"Oh, My Bike, I named her Savy," I replied with a light laugh.

"Okay, but how did you assume it's a 'she' ?"

"Just look at her, look at her curves and those magnificent lights. She's an elegant lady alright." I added as both of us looked at Savy standing there in the rain with all her Pride.

"That's something new." She clapped dramatically in response.

The waiter arrived with two enormous glasses of Lassi which we both didn't touch at first.

"So where were you off to in such a hurry?" I asked to add a topic.

"Going to Pune, for a party."

"Going to Pune from Mumbai on a bike? It must be one hell of a party to attend. Though I would say a KTM isn't the most comfortable choice for such a distance."

"Hey, he's super comfortable." She leashed back.

"Now, how is it a 'he' suddenly?"

"If Savy can be a 'she' then why can't be my KTM a 'he'? Look at him, don't they look like a couple?" She said as we both looked at the duo of bikes parked together.

"Well I hate to admit but you have a point. But by those standards, both of us in our similar attire may look like a couple as well." I said with a straight face and lifted my glass of lassi.

"You weren't going to flirt if I recall correctly." She said as she lifted her drink too.

"Oh if you consider that flirt then I don't have any problems, but before we start let's have a toast," I said as I hold my glass above the table.

"A toast, but why?" The confused woman had a point.

"Do na, I'll tell," I said trying to convince her.

"Whatever." She said as our glasses tipped to each other

"And cheers to us because we aren't a couple," I called the toast as she started laughing again.

"Now, do you know the Rules?" I asked.

"Rules? What are we talking about?" She asked curiously.

"There are Rules to drink Lassi, you drink it all in on go. No cheating." I replied in a rather serious tone but truth be told I wanted to make fun of her.

"Well okay, let's do it." She nodded in agreement and I as always was caught off guard. Those dimples again.

"On the count of Three.....




Three." I said and started gulping down my glass. She soon followed realizing my ploy.

After what seemed like an eternity I barely finished mine and put the glass on the table. Looking at her, she was still at it.

She finished soon after and damn I was impressed as she actually pulled it off, the glass was empty. Apparently, she had a white mustache over her lips and I was thinking about clicking a picture.

Being a lazy gentleman I indicated that to her upon congratulating.

We talked for half an hour, up until the rain stopped outside.

"I guess we are good to go now," I told her as I looked at Savy and her new friend outside.

"Yeah I'm, how about you? Where are you off to?" She asked me as she placed her hands on the table making a face at me.

"Well I was on a drive without any destination, I love to ride in the Rain but as it has stopped now, I would probably be going home," I said standing up.

We both walked out of there and as the joke went, she actually did pay the bill.

What a relief !! Because the great Dev Mehra decided to go on a drive without his wallet. Survived an embarrassment there. I thought to myself.

We sat on our bikes as I inserted the key to Savy, "Ready to Roll Savy? Say bye to your Friend KTM &.....? Wait,

As cliché as it is, I forgot to ask her name and so did she. Well better to be late than never.

"Meera here and I guess I'll name our dear old KTM, let's see... Jake?" She asked starting up him.

"Well Savy, say bye to Meera and Jake." I waved at her with a smile which may look stupid, "Hey Jake its Dev here." I said as I gestured a handshake at the bike's sidelight.

"Ok Dev great to bump into you, I hope Savy and Jake run into each other someday again." She called out as she rode off to her way with a little wave.

"Bye Meera bye? Wait does she meant to run into me or Savy?" I asked myself out loud because I know I was way out of my League to ask something like that.


- @_griffith7


So that wraps up our first one-shot specially written for my #Scribblers_fam.

I hope you enjoyed it ladies & dear amigos. Do tell me your reviews & remarks in comments & Vote for the story to get a part two or a new story? Ps. Let's see.