ITRAFAROSH in English Short Stories by Rohit Sharma books and stories PDF | ITRAFAROSH

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1. Free Stuff

As soon as the new General Manager joined, he threw a farewell party for the previous General Manager in the most famous restaurant of the city. The previous General Manager, new General Manager, Managing Director and the top officials sat at one table. The other employees sat at various tables ensuring that they stick to the same groups as in the office. The bearer was taking orders for food. All of them were placing orders for various kinds of food.

“Two plates Dal Makhni, two plates Shahee Paneer, two plates Dum Aloo, two plates Stuffed Gobi, two plates Raitha, ten pieces of Gulab Jamun and vanilla ice-cream at the end for everyone” said Anil.

“Brothers, does anyone want to order something else? All the stuff is free here”, said Vimal.

“Order Aloo Parantha and Rasmalai as well”, said Rajneesh.

“Rajneesh! Aren’t you diabetic?”, someone asked. Rajneesh replied “My friend, I do not care it in a party like this.”

“This was fun! God bless the new General Manager and may these parties continue like this in future also. We have not even completed half the dishes we ordered and my stomach is full and ready to burst!”

After finishing eating, the new General Manager got up from his seat and said “I will bid farewell to the previous General Manager and other top officials and come back.Till then, all the employees will remain seated at their tables”

After bidding farewell to the top officials and coming back, the new general manager announced to the employees that they will be allowed to leave their tables only after completing the food that they had ordered.

It was worth watching Rajneesh, Vimal and Anil’s situation there.

2. Grapes

Country’s prominent group started a hospital that was well-equipped with modern facilities in this city. The nearest bus stop was approximately one and half kilometres from the newly built hospital.The patients and their families, who didn’t have their own vehicles had to go by foot till the bus stop.

Parikshit daily passed in front of the hospital when going from home to the secretariat. Whenever someone requested him for lift, then he used to drop them at bus stop. One day, he was passing in front of the hospital like any other day. A Woman who was carrying some paper bags asked for a lift. Parikshit stopped his car. The woman thanked him and sat in the car.

“Where are you going? “ The woman asked, keeping the paper bag on the dashboard.

“I’m going to the secretariat. Where do you want to go?”

“I stay in Maheshnagar.”

“I cannot drop you at Mahesh Nagar but I can leave you at the nearby bridge. From there you can either walk or take a bus. “

“Thank you so much. I found you, otherwise reaching the bus stop is really exhausting!”

“No problem ….If you don’t mind, may I know your name?”


After a few minutes of silence, Raashi pointed towards the paper bags leaning to pick some grapes and asked Parikshit “Do you want to have some grapes?”

“No, I am a diabetic.”

Parikshit and Raashi reached the bridge and Parikshit stopped the car. Raashida thanked him while getting out of the car and said “please take my mobile number”.

“I don’t need it but I would like to say one thing. I don’t have anything against you or your profession. But I request you not to use an institute of service like a hospital for that. Otherwise, no one would help another patient in need in future.”

3. Endless tenacity

Teeja made her three-year-old son sit under the tree and was busy breaking the stones. She was thinking…. So now it’s a matter of few days, then I will go to the city with Mahaveer.Mahaveer holds an LLB degree. His one year practice is also nearing completion and after that he can start his own practice. Now,little time is left.Now,the days are going to change for me. I will admit my son in the city’s best school. I will do this and do that for Mahaveer. He will become the boss.

Then she began to remember her struggle. She was eighteen years old when she got married and came to Mahaveer’s house. She studied till fifth standard. Mahaveer had just done his B.A.There was acute poverty in the house. In the conversation, Mahaveer said “Teeja, I want to study law,but the grains that my father grows in the field is just enough to feed the family”.

“You don’t worry,I will work hard. I will raise the money by breaking stones to pay for your education.” Teeja firmly assured Mahaveer.

Just then, her sleepiness was broken by a taxi’s pom pom sound. She saw Mahaveer coming out from the taxi. She went running to him, but was startled to see a woman in the car. She asked “who is this lady?”

“Teeja I have finished studying law. She is practicing law with me.”

“Now, are you taking me with you to the city?”

“Teeja, you will not be able to come to terms with life in the city. I’ll keep coming here.”

Hearing those words, Teeja turned her back to him.

Mahaveer shouted “Where are you going Teeja?”

Teeja pointed towards the son and said “Right now,I have to educate one more man”

Then she started hitting large stones quickly with sledge hammer. The large stones broke into several pieces with crackling sounds.

4. Annamma

Today was the last day of the year and there were some leaves left over. Workaholic Manoj took a day off from work upon his wife’s insistence. When he reached office after spending the day off, he began to feel someone’s absence in the office. He then realized that Annamma was not in the office. He asked his colleagues “Has Annamma madam not come to work today?”

They said “Didn’t you know that yesterday was her retirement day? She had asked many times in her retirement party “Has Manoj not come today?””.

For the first time in his life, he began to regret taking a day off. He began to remember some of the memories associated with Annamma.

After getting transferred back to his previous office after 5 years, Manoj was relieved when he reached the office. Most of the staff remained the same, but the officer had changed. He gave joining report to the officer who gave it to the PA. It was as if the report reached the PA from the officer’s hand on its own.

“How are you Madam?”

“Hey! Have you come back here?” Curly haired Annamma Wargiswas now looking tired. Her hair had mostly turned grey. Annamma originally hailed from Kerala and she spoke to everyone in female gender. In their conversation, he got to know that she had become paralyzed. One arm and one leg work less compared to the other.

Manoj didn’t have a phone at his desk. So, he had to go to the PA’s desk to make any phone call. Like every day, he went to the PA’s desk to make a phone call. Annamma said “Hey! Everybody in the office has lot of fun. Why do you work from morning to evening? Everyone in the office get equal pay.”

“You also work from morning to evening in this condition” .Hearing these words, a slight grin came on her face.

“You are god’s servant Manoj.Come and sit with me for sometime.” Now, whenever he used to go to make a phone call, Annamma made him sit there for some time. In their conversation, he found that she didn’t have children and her husband works in another office. Mostly, her husband dropped her at the office. Sometimes, she also comes by auto. She also walked slowly. But on the way, if she met Manoj, she would holdhis hand for support.

When Manoj reached the office day after Christmas, Annamma was waiting at his desk with the cake.

“Merry Christmas Madam”

“Merry Christmas Manoj. I made a cake for you.”

“But, I’m a vegetarian”

“I know that you are a vegetarian”

“Is there egg in the cake?”

Now, Annamma’s face had a faded look. She asked “Manoj! Isn’t egg vegetarian?”

Seeing Annamma’s face, Manoj extended his hand towards the cake .But, Annamma stopped him and said “I will get a vegetarian cake for you.”

Memories related to Annamma were disturbing Manoj and he was sitting there hiding his head in his hands. He then heard the familiar sound of someone dragging their feet. Manoj could see Annamma in the front gallery and she was carrying a packet of sweets in her hand.

“Manoj, why didn’t you come yesterday? I got vegetarian sweets for you.”

Manoj stood there with eyes lowered almost like a criminal.

“I couldn’t avoid taking one day off and despite retiring from your job, you came here in this position. Why did you take so much trouble to come here? What is our relationship?”

Annamma pressed the mother Mary’s locket in her necklace and said “Manoj! I will leave now.”

5. Why Now?

Grandmother’s body was getting colder and she was only looking at the door with empty eyes. I have never seen you both talk for the last 40 years. You probably never expressed it to the outside world but every member in this family knew your anger for each other. You lived in the same house but were always away from each other. You talked to each other through your kids.

“These are her last moments, now say something.” Ramjeevan’s sons, daughters-in-law, daughter, grandsons and daughters sitting in the veranda were now begging him who sitting quite in the veranda.

Ramjeevan just started at the sky for some time and then got up with great difficulty using his walking cane for support. He put on his thick glass spectacles and walked with a bent pose to the room at the back. He told his wife who lay motionless on the bed “Manorama, Look at me Manorama. Please talk to me once Manorama!”

It was as if her lifeless body suddenly got lots of strength. Manorama turned her eyes towards Ramjeevan. It looked as if her eyes were asking a lot of questions. Her lips were trembling. Her breathing had become heavy and her chest was rapidly moving up and down. Tears started trickling down her eyes. Her tired body tried getting up but she couldn’t do it.

Suddenly, her facial expressions began to convey anger. Manorama’s face turned red. “You did not find any reason except my death to talk to me for the last 40 years?”. Saying this, Manorama just turned her face to the other side. Ramjeevan kept on calling Manorama’s name again and again.

Manorama’s body was beginning to go cold.

6. The Real Kalam

On the last day of the three day training program for bank employees, entertainment and solo-acting programs were arranged after lunch. The organizer of the program introducing a young guy dressed in Jeans and a T-Shirt said “This is Mr. Naveen, one of the famous theatre artists in this city. In a few moments, he will perform a solo act “I want to become a Kalam”. At the corner of the stage, there is a donation box. At the end of the play, you can drop your donations in that box.”

After a few minutes, Naveen came on the stage wearing a multi coloured rag torn short and a torn Pyjama. Naveen’s play showed a poor and intelligent kid who loses his father but struggles to continue his studies while working. All the employees were moved by the amazing performance.

After the performance, the organizer of the play dropped an Rs. 100 note in the donation box and this had now become a standard for others. Others started donating similar amounts in the box. Naveen collected almost Rs. 10,000 and went away in his car. On the way, he found a boy dressed like Naveen in the play. He was trying to sell candies at the traffic junction to the bank officers and was requesting them to open their car windows. But no one was sympathetic to the boy’s plight. In this process of selling the candies, the boy fell on the footpath.

Naveen helped the kid and asked him “How much are these candies?”

“Each one costs Rs5. But If you buy 3 of them, I will give them for Rs. 10.”

“How much will you sell all the candies for?”

“Why are you joking sir? But if you take all of them, I will sell for Rs. 200.”

“Here, take Rs. 500.”

“But Sir, I don’t have…”

“Keep the money. Even if it was for an act, I just lived like you for a few minutes. I can understand your difficulties. But since you do not know acting, a real Kalam can earn only this much in this world!”

7. Ego

District judge Raghuveer Sharan and his wife Meera reached the bungalow after their morning walk. As soon as they came home, Meera called out servant Sitaram and said “Today, we spent more time than usual in our morning walk. Get the copper mug and fill it with water.” Meera worshipped the sun god with water every day after her bath.

‘But madam, there is no running water in our tap. Shall I go to the Munsif’s house opposite our house and get water?” Hearing this, Meera immediately saw her husband with a look full of questions.

Raghuveer Sharan immediately called the Water Works Department and asked the lineman to come home. He asked him “What is this? Why is there no water in my house and why does the Munsif’s house have running water? He is a junior officer to me!”

“Sir, the tap in Munsif’s house is at a lower level compared to your house. Shall I keep your tap at a lower level than that of the Munsif’s tap? Then, you will get water for a longer time in your house.”

“No No. The tap is at the right level in my house and the water flow is sufficient. You do one thing. Go to Munsif’s house and raise the tap to a higher level than here.” Saying this, he gave a haughty look towards his wife.

Meera began to think “I wish there was a way to offer away ego as sacrifice as well!”

8. The Tears of Automan 2032

“Son, I want to say something”

“Yes, go on dad”

“Son, my diabetes is getting out of control. The boil on my leg refuses to get healed. It is becoming an ulcer!”

“Dad, this disease is part of our family history. You have to bear this.”

“Your mom remembers you every day. Take some time, come and meet her!”

‘Dad, what can Mom do except remembering me? Please keep her busy.”

“Son, her Arthritis has become worse now. One of her leg has become stiff and she is having great difficulty to even sit up”

“Dad, I have bought an automan for you. Its software is very good. It is loaded with all emotions. You can consider the automan as your son instead of me. You can call it by my name and it will respond to you. It will work as per instructions. It will help you to get up, to sit and it will even play with you.”

“But son, your mom is not ready to listen. She insists to meet you.”

“Dad, I have lots of work here. It is not easy to get a vacation.”

“Son, you get two days off for a weekend. Why don’t you come for your mom’s sake? It has been over one and a half years since we saw you!”

“Dad, out of seven days, I get only two days off. Do you want me to waste them as well ?”

Seeing the tears in dad’s and mom’s eyes, automan hugged them. He took out a handkerchief, wiped their tears and said “Dad, Mom, I am here for you.”

Automan called his software engineer and said “You have uploaded emotions in me. However, seeing the conditions here, heavy current is flowing through my emotion circuit. I cannot bear this and I fear there would be a short circuit soon. Can you please install a tears based safety valve in me also?”

9. The hasty Camel

Dinesh’s dad wanted to transport the manure dung from his animal shed to the fields. He asked Madho uncle to come along with his camel drawn cart. Madho uncle was known in the village as someone who knew a lot about Camels.

As per dad’s wish, Dinesh and Madho uncle took the manure in the Camel cart and started their journey towards the fields. They started chatting on the way.

“Uncle! Have you bought this new Camel?”

“I just got this two days ago. I will observe this Camel for a few days. If I like it, I will then buy it.”

Dinesh felt that the Camel’s walk was a bit strange. The road to the fields was rough and bumpy. The Camel was walking at a slow pace. There was a small climb ahead. Seeing the small climb, the Camel started to run and went up the slope in no time.

“Wow, this camel is superb. It was able to run the whole time while going up the slope!”

“Dinesh, A good camel never runs up a slope. This Camel is hasty and cannot be trusted. Such Camels usually fall when going up such slopes. Those who behave hastily generally fail in tough conditions. There is a bigger climb ahead. This Camel can endanger our lives. “. Saying this, Madho uncle turned the camel around towards the house and abandoned the plan to go to the field.

10. How many more Gandhis?

Srikant and Madhuri had come to Indore from America to see a girl for their son, Praveen. The girl’s father, Sanjay, had come to the airport to receive them. As soon as they sat in the taxi, Sanjay started singing praises about his daughter. “She is very fair and beautiful”

Madhuri said “But our son is of dark complexion.”

“Who would look at a guy’s complexion?”

Madhuri tried to remember something and said “Mr.Sanjay, Aren’t you from Mirzapur, a village near Indore?” Hearing this, Sanjay was very surprised. He had always mentioned that he was from Indore.

“Yes, Yes. How do you know that?”

“Do you remember? Thirty years ago, you had come to Devas to see a girl?”

Hearing this, Sanjay got a shock. It didn’t take long for his to realise that Madhuri was the same girl that his family had rejected as she had a dark complexion. Sanjay was trying to wipe away the sweat on his forehead repeatedly.

Madhuri said “Do not worry Mr. Sanjay. Praveen likes your daughter Sanjana a lot. But this is not because she is fair. He likes her because she is very capable and intelligent. Both have been talking to each other for some time. They like each other a lot. People. Western countries have changed attitude toward skin colour. But no one knows how many Gandhis need to be born in this country to change this thinking?”

11. Helmsman

“Hey god, please give me another grand-daughter.” Shoba’s mother in law was trying to give her a message through god.

“Mummy, what will you do with so many grandkids? Will I be just stuck in this? Why don’t you think of my health? You already have a grandson. Your family line is taken care of.”

“Have one more child, my daughter-in-law. We are doing fine and can take care of the kid. We can get the child educated and give a good citizen to the country.”

“Sorry Mummy. Please forgive me. One child is enough. I have to live my life. I cannot live a life of hardship like you.” Saying this, Shobha took her car and got ready to go to the club.

As the car stopped at the traffic junction, a beggar woman with two children following her and another innocent kid in her arms, pleaded with Shobha to open the window of her air-conditioned car. Lowering the car’s window, Shobha asked the beggar “Why did you have these many children if you have to beg to make your ends meet?”

“Who gives alms to any woman here? A new child is our only way to earn some money.”

Shobha tossed a two rupee coin towards the woman and rolled up the window of her car while glancing the country’s helmsman growing in the woman’s womb.

12. Falling Water Table

On getting to know that his grandfather had fallen ill, Vinay who was settled in America started his journey to India along with his wife and daughter. In the plane, he began narrating tales to his wife and daughter about the time he had spent with his grandfather and in his village. “You know Kathy! People in my village may be poor. But they are very affectionate towards each other. They help each other in times of need. There are green fields all around the village. We used to spend most of our time in the fields.”

On reaching the airport in his home country, he was startled to see a modern and new airport and looked at his wife with pride. However, he had to abandon the plan of staying in a hotel in the city and going to his village after eating something because he got to know that his grandfather had passed away. He hired a taxi at the airport to go to his village.

The three of them hadn’t eaten anything for some time. Kathy was worried that their daughter was hungry. When someone dies in the village, the kitchen in that house is not used for that day. But, other members of the village take care of food for that family.

The taxi had rapidly reached the road towards the village. On seeing good roads instead of the old mud roads, he began to feel happy even in those moments of despair. He told Kathy that they should be able to see the green fields very soon.

But he felt devastated on seeing the fields. Plastic bags were strewn all over the abandoned fields. Kathy’s look at Vinay was full of questions.

The mud houses in the village were replaced with modern houses. Expensive cars were parked in front of many houses. Vinay was again happy to see these changes in the village. As soon as Vinay arrived, they left for the funeral. At the funeral, most of the youth were busy with their mobiles as if all of them had come to count something. Some of them talked to him but they were more interested in the latest features in Vinay’s mobile. After the funeral, most of them went away. The kids were wailing with hunger. Vinay’s uncle asked him to go the nearest town and get some poori and curry packed.”

‘Uncle, neither there are green fields in the village nor people take care of the family when someone passes away. The situation has changed a lot.”

“My son! Here, Level of water table and moral of people is lowering day by day here.”

Kathy was listening to this conversation. Vinay’s eyes were looking down.

13. Gabbar

1977. In the bandits infested ravines of Chambal, the police inspector of a small village called Sarmathura asked his colleagues “Will you all just waste your life in these ravines or will you get out of here?”

“But what can we do? Forget going out in the night, going out in the day is also fraught with danger!”

“This is due to Sohan Singh and Gajju Bandit’s terror!”

“But sir, we have never heard about these bandits.”

“If you didn’t hear about them, then create them. Spread news about them. Fire some bullets in the night.”

As per the inspector’s instructions, the two bandits appeared in the police records. Every day, some new incidents about these bandits were getting registered. The police tried hard but the bandits were never caught. Even the local newspapers started printing stories about these two bandits. In a few days, there was a reward announced for capturing these bandits.

Everything was going ahead as per the plan. The police got two rickshaw pullers to the station. Their hair was dishevelled and both had some torn slippers.

‘Sir, why did you get us here? We are poor and haven’t done anything.”

“There is no bigger crime in this world than being poor. Anyway, your poverty ends here. Take these clothes and shoes. You will look like Gabbar !”

“Sir, you are very kind-hearted”. Both the rickshaw pullers looked very happy in the new clothes.

“There is a feast in the temple at Beehad. Both of you have to go there.” Both of them were happy going to the feast.

On the way back, the vehicle stopped. It looked like the vehicle had broken down. All of them got down from the vehicle.

“Sir, we get scared here in the ravines.”

“Why do you get scared when you are with the police?”

Both of them were given empty rifles. And the Jeep went away.

“Sir, we got left behind. Please stop the vehicle.” And then, all that was heard was the sound of bullets.

A famous newspaper published the photos of the bullet strewn bodies of the bandits and called it “The end of terror”. Along with it, the newspaper also published the photos of the proud S.P. and Dy.S.P. The government felicitated all of them on Independence day and also promoted the inspector and his team.

14. Self will

There were many houses of potters in the village. Most of the potters made vessels out of mud. Maliram was one of the potters who had a house here. The house was made of mud bricks and a roof made of reeds. A particular kind of chaff was used to make the thatched roof. In the village terminology, this chaff was called ‘Kooncha’s pani’. Maliram used to make the thatched roof for his house. Maliram used to carefully place each straw and every passer-by would stop and admire the roof of his house. Many people had asked Maliram to make a roof like his but he never did it for anyone else.

Maliram’s house was right opposite Sohanlal’s Bunglow. Sohanlal was a famous merchant in the village. One day Sohanlal called Maliram and said “I want to build something stylish in the hallway in front of my house. You have to build the roof for that.”

Maliram refused and said “You must have heard that I never build a thatched roof for anyone.”

Sohanlal said “I know it. I can get it built by anyone. But I like the way you build these thatched roofs. Ramprasad was asking three thousand rupees for this work. Harishankar was ready to work for four thousand rupees. You can take six thousand rupees.”

Maliram refused. Sohanlal increased the price to ten thousand rupees, twenty thousand rupees and finally fifty thousand rupees. But Maliram refused again.

Sohanlal increased the price to one lakh rupees and told Maliram “Think about this offer. You cannot earn a lakh even if you work for one year!”

Maliram said “Sir, making pots is my family profession. I do that to make ends meet and to feed my family. But making these thatched roofs is my hobby. I do this work for my satisfaction. If you have money, does it mean that you can get all good things? You can quote any price but there are some things that I do only for my happiness. I will not make another thatched roof.”

Accepting defeat, Sohanlal got the roof made by someone else. But it could not match what Maliram could have done. Bunglow’s conceit is now daily teased by a self-willed hut.

15. Didi

“Nishi, this is your Uncle.” said Gayatri, as she introduced her cousin Prashant to her daughter-in-law.

Nishi touched Prashant’s feet out of respect.

“Stay happy my child. I am your mother-in-law’s……..”

“I am seeing you for the first time but I have heard a lot about you. Mom always talked about the time that she spent with you in her childhood. One time, you even…”

“Yes, it must be thirty five years ago. I might have been eleven years old. I and sister whom I used to call Didi and your mother-in-law, grew up together in our village. Sister was just a few months older to me but was always more mature. I don’t know how girls become solemn so quick but boys never get even a fraction of in his whole life.”

“Uncle, what happened?”

“Nothing as such. It was Holi. Sister was drying dung cakes on the second floor of the house. I also went up to the terrace and noticed that a beehive had formed near the stairs. I immediately told sister that I would break the bee hive to collect honey and asked her to go down.

Didi said “Prashant, wait for a few minutes. There are some more dung cakes to be dried. And by the way, this is not your cup of tea!”

I did not listen to her and threw a stick at the bee hive. The bees got disturbed and started attacking us. I escaped down the stairs but sister was stuck. The vast number of bees pounced on her. Hearing her cries, the entire family rushed up to the terrace, wrapped her in a blanket and brought her down. I got scared and ran away from the village. I thought that I will get a good thrashing from the family members.

“Your sister would have got very angry on you!”

“No, sister was falling unconscious frequently. There was no doctor in the village. She was being given some pepper heated in water. Sister would wake-up and then fall unconscious often. But whenever she got up, she would say “Please don’t scold Prashant. Call him now.””

“And then...”

“The family members found me and got me home. As per sister’s wish, no one said a word against me. After a few minutes, I stood near sister with my head hung in shame. Even in such pain, Sister was happy to see me. Sister recalls those moments even now and laughs at it. But I feel bad at my ignorance.”

“Come on, take some snacks”, said Prashant as he saw his sister come over. He turned his head a bit and wiped away the tears.

16. The Independent Country

The minister had arrived to meet the Secretary, Director and Deputy Director to discuss about the vision document that was prepared to improve the level of education in rural areas.

The Secretary gave a beautiful folder to the minster and said “Sir, I got the cover page of the document made in blue glossy paper. I knew that you like blue colour”.

“That’s good. Now tell me what is in this document.”

“Mansingh, please give the details to the minister”, said the Secretary as he looked towards the director.

“Sir, I changed the font size from 10 to 12 and increased the line spacing to double. Now, it would be very easy to read the document.”

“But what is written in these paragraphs?” the minister was beginning to get irritated.

Immediately, the Director glanced at the Deputy Director Mrs.Sakshi urging her to speak.

“Sir, I wrote the introduction of this document. I thanked you as well as the Secretary and the Director in the document. In the end but not least, I have also thanked the author, Kalyan, who had written the document.”

“It is shameful that none of you read such an important document so far. Who is Kalyan? Please call him.” The minister was now losing it.

Kalyan was arranging for tea and snacks for this meeting. He came over running and stood in the room with folded hands.

“Kalyan, I am proud of you! But there is no advantage to be gained by your capability. Gone are the times when a clerk became a Ramanujam. The country is independent now!”

17. Goddess

As Bhagwati was coming down the stairs of the goddess temple, she ran into her friend Vimala.

As soon as Vimala saw Bhagwati, she said “Congratulations sister! I heard that you became a grandmother.”

“Sister, I am not that lucky. I again had a grand-daughter.”

18. Angle of View

“Hi Grandpa. I secured the first rank in the school. All my friends are way behind me.”

“But Samyak. The mark sheet doesn’t say good things about your behaviour.”

“Grandpa, is that something to care about? In my case, check out my marks. You will be stunned.”

“How was your performance in sports?”

“Lower than normal. Ravinder always does well in sports. He is a vagabond!”

“And how is your performance in music and singing?”

“Grandpa, when I sing, the whole class just runs away. Ruthu, Varma uncle’s daughter, sings very well. Because of her, my school stood first in the entire state in the singing competition.”

“Samyak, you are intelligent. Tell me how does a rainbow get formed?”

“Grandpa, fine drops of water are present in the air after rainfall. When the sunrays go through these drops, it gets split into seven colours.”

“You are right Samyak. A rainbow never forms in dry air. Similarly, you can never appreciate others’ talents with a narrow mind! Just like air gets heavy with water droplets, if you can expand your thoughts, you begin to see special talents in not only the people around you but also in plants and animals.”

Samyak’s views had changed. He saw a rainbow not just in his class, but inthe entire world.

19. Staring Eyes

“A colleague who is close to retirement age, keeps staring at me. His eyes are always following me. These men do not change even after growing old”, said Krishna to Rajini, her friend and roommate in the working women’s hostel.

“Good, you found someone! I was kidding. Why don’t you ask him what his problem is?” said Rajini in a teasing tone.”

“What is there to talk? I will confront him today when I go to work.”

Krishna walked towards the old man as soon as she reached office. “You are always staring at me. What is the problem with you?”

“Yes, I observe your confidence and your working style. I imagine my daughter in your position. She has completely broken down after her divorce.”

20. Dealing with Insomnia

At 12 in the night, the mobile phone of Executive Engineer, Narendra, was constantly ringing. He wondered who was disturbing his sleep at this time. He then noticed that it was the Superintendent Engineer who was calling.

“The minister is coming to our area. You know how strict he is!”

The executive engineer immediately got up as soon as he heard that.

“Sir, when is he expected to arrive? This is so sudden.”

“He is not visiting tomorrow. He is expected to visit sometime next month.”

“Then, you could have told me this tomorrow as well. You have disturbed my sleep. Now, I have to be awake all night!”

“I told the same words to the chief engineer when he called me. He disturbed my sleep. Anyway, if you are not able to sleep, go ahead and call your assistant engineers. Now, I will go to sleep”

The Executive Engineer immediately began to search the phone number of the Assistant Engineers on his mobile.

21. Scamper

“Uncle, my plane doesn’t fly. Tell me, how do you fly your plane?” Rahul asked Pilot Sudarshan, showing his paper plane.

“Lot of power is needed to offtake. Real planes have powerful engines.”

“Uncle, why do that need this high energy?”

“For any object to fly, the two main obstacles are gravity and inertia.”

“What does they mean?”

“Gravity refers to its weight. An object cannot fly due to its weight.”

“And Inertia?”

“According to Newton’s principle, an object tries to maintain its state unless an external force acts upon it.”

“I have understood it uncle. That is why you need the such a tremendous power to offtake.”

“One more thing. When you try to offtake, everything will try to obstruct you even the thin air.”

“Then, what do you need to do?”

“Increase your speed. The same air will then start helping you to take off.”

“Oh, will everything then help us to fly?”

“No. You will find some obstacles like birds, animals and clouds. You should avoid those things. It would be disastrous if a plane crashed against any of those.”

“Uncle, you are an expert. Can’t we avoid these obstacles?”

“You have to fly very high to avoid these obstacles. All of those things will be left behind and you can fly at a great speed.”

“You must be having lots of fun.”

“Yes, but remember that you cannot fly high forever. The destination is always on the ground.”

Hearing the conversation between uncle and the nephew, Rahul’s mom said “What has happened Sudarshan? You have become a philosopher!”

“Mom, who is a philosopher?”

“Someone who shows us the right way in life.”

“What is this right way in life?”

“Oh my god! Sudarshan, you please handle your beloved nephew yourself!”

22. Treasure

Muralidhar was not married and now he was old. His younger brother’s family gave him food, two times a day. There was a rumour in the village that Muralidhar had stored his entire savings in a pot buried in the mud floor of his house. People’s speculation varied from a thousand to a five thousand silver coins. Muralidhar’s three nephews always spent time with their uncle. Even if one of them had to go somewhere, they would leave someone in their family with the uncle so that the other two brothers do not turn him towards them.

The three of them always tried to outdo the others when it came to taking care of their uncle. They knew that these were the last days in their uncle’s life and he could give the treasure to anyone. One would get milk with saffron while the other would get hot Jilebi in the morning. Another would get him new clothes.

Everyone came to know that the pot was buried in the mud floor. The bulge could be seen from outside. Uncle always had the pot in his sight wherever he sat in the house. He always locked the door when he had to go out.

Uncle passed away one day even as he was getting good care from his three nephews. Even at the funeral, the three of them kept thinking of the treasure. As soon as they came home, they dug up the floor and took out the pot. When they removed the boulder on top of the pot, they found stones inside the pot. There was a white paper on which was written “Dear nephews! You took good care of me! I didn’t have anything but I spent my old age in comfort using my clever thinking. Please take care of my brother. He is a straightforward person!”

23. Network Signal

“Hello, Greetings Sir!” said the branch manager and got up from his seat as soon as he got the call from the general manager.

“Mr. Vinod. You haven’t sent the monthly status report yet.”

“Sir, I am not able to hear your voice.”

“Fifth has been fixed as last date for submission of reports.. Today is the twelfth day and you haven’t sent the report. I need the report today at any cost.”

“Sir, I am not able to hear you. Network signal strength is very poor here.”

“And Yes, I have given my acceptance for your training abroad. Please send your details so that we can complete the other formalities.”

“Ohh.. Thank you very much sir. I will send those details today. What details do I need to send sir?”

“There is no reason to say thanks. I was checking the network. It looks like the network is doing fine now. Please send the monthly report. And I need it today itself.”

24. The fifth clan

The boy’s family had come to Raman’s house to discuss the marriage proposal for this daughter Kirti. The boy’s father, Mr. Bhanvar, started the conversation.

“Before we proceed, I thought we should get some information about each other.”

“I had sent you the bio-data.”

“Yes, but some things are better discussed face-to-face.”

“Yes, as you wish.”

“What has Kirti studied?”

“She has completed her B.Tech from NIT Jalandhar.”

“Very good. What is she doing now?”

“She is working in Bangalore in a multinational firm.”

“Very good. What is her salary package?”

“15 Lakhs.”

“Very good. We check for 4 clans. What are your 4 clans?”

Raman gave the details and said “I have already checked the clans and there is no problem.”

“Very good. Shall we now talk about the 5th clan?”

“What is this 5th clan?”

“The things that you plan to give your daughter.”

“Oh! You are talking about dowry.”

“See, we don’t need anything. But I am sure you want your daughter to roam in a big car, watch a movie in a big projection TV, and eat food at a big dining table. And I am sure you will not send her empty-handed. Everyone gives Rs. 10 Lakhs these days.”

“Yes, we will give all of those”.

Hearing this, Mr. Bhanvar became very happy.

“But my daughter will deposit her salary in my account then.”

Bhanvar’s face suddenly became pale. He said ‘It looks like you took this simple issue very seriously.”

“No No.. You perhaps don’t know this but we also check for a 6th clan.”

“6th clan?” asked a perplexed Mr. Bhanvar.

“Respecting Women. Which is not available in your family. You can now leave. Another family is visiting us to see our daughter.”

“Please listen to me. When did I say no?” begged Mr. Bhanvar.

25. The calf’s Condolence

“Greetings Mother. I heard that your calf has died. I felt sad on hearing the news. The village sarpanch was telling us that the calf close to everyone in the village. In these testing times, I am with your family and I pray to god that the calf may rest in peace. Nothing can replace your calf’s absence. Here are five thousand rupees that you can use to buy fodder for your buffalo. The buffalo must be very sad too.”

This was election time and the leader Roshan Singh was talking to a village woman called Kesari with folded hands. Kesari had a large family.

“Son, you are visiting the village after five years. Please buy a cycle for your son with this money. Last summer, my grandson died due to Cholera that he got from drinking contaminated water. He was very fond of riding a bicycle.”

“Son! Ramprasad, please get a glass of water to our beloved leader.”

“Ohh.. Mother. I have some urgent apponitments. I have to leave now.”

26. Sharing of Love

There was happiness all around in the house at the birth of her younger sister, but three year old Yashi was going through turmoil at the arrival of the new guest in the house. The new guest had completely taken over her world. Her mother who would always be with Yashi was now completely taking care of the new baby. Yashi, who used to slept along with her mother, was shifted to dad’s bed. Even though her father tried hard, she would end up searching for her mother in him. Just a few days ago, a young cow had died after falling into the bitumen spread in front of the house. Yashi went to her father and said “Father, who is this new kid in the house? Listen to me and drop the baby into the bitumen in front of our house.” Understanding Yashi’s pain, he father said in a consoling tone “Yes. Let us drop the baby as soon as we get the opportunity.” After being worried for many days, Yashi was comforted by the fact that her father was with her. Emboldened by this incident, Yashi went straight to her mother and said “Mother, will you only love this new baby?”

Mother pulled Yashi closer to her and said “No...I have brought a younger sister for you. She will call you ‘Didi’. She will listen to you.” The baby had a smile on her lips as if she was listening to the conversation with her eyes closed.

“Oh, so there is someone who will listen to me. This means, I am grown-up now”, said Yashi as she lifted her heels and raised her hands. For the first time, she touched her sister’s cheeks with love. The baby held on to Yashi’s dress with her fist. Yashi didn’t try to stop the baby. She then told her mother “Mom, Please keep an eye out on dad so that he doesn’t drop the baby in bitumen outside.”

27. Closed Entry

Madhav got a message from his cousin “Father is very serious. He is talking something incoherent. He is repeatedly asking for you.” On receiving the information, Madhav boarded a bus for his village. He sat in the bus and started recollecting his childhood memories. It was his uncle who raised him after the death of his parents. He didn’t even remember his mother and father’s face. He used to tell his wife repeatedly “If not for my uncle, I do not know what would have happened to me in this world.”

His wife would immediately say in a reproachful tone “What favour he has done for you? The old man looted your father’s share of property and registered it on his name.”

“No problem! Today, I am doing well. It is my uncle who got me educated. His own children are still in the same situation even now.”

The bus reached the village while he was recollecting his childhood memories. As soon as he got down the bus, he went straight to his uncle’s house. His uncle was lying on a plank in front of the house. Madhav touched his uncle’s feet. His uncle was trying to identify him and he said “Sorry! I did not recognize you “.

“I’m Madhav …”

“Oh Madhav ji has come. SonRakesh! Make tea for Madhavji.”

Rakesh said “He recognizes someone with great difficulty. He has lost his memory.”

“Uncle, I’m you Madhav. Your Madho...”

“Madho…son! You have come .Go call the village accountant. The pages will get swapped. ”

“Uncle! Take care of yourself. Everything will be alright.”

Uncle was repeatedly saying “The pages will get swapped.” After a few minutes, he again looked at Madhav and said “Sorry, you look familiar. But I did not recognize you.”

Madhav told Rakesh “I will take him to the city and get him treated so that he gets back his memory.”

The expressions on Rakesh’s face kept changing.

Understanding Rakesh’s feelings, Madhav said “Rakesh, you don’t worry about those pages. I am not in mood to revise the entries made already.

28. Scape’Goat

The new flyover was ready but the administration did not allow the public to use it because no one had inaugurated it. The Chief Minister was not able to allot time to inaugurate the flyover for over two months. The general public was going through lot of inconvenience.

At last, the Chief Minister gave an appointment to open the flyover in five days. The preparations got started in full vigour. Fresh paint was applied to the flyover and the names of the leaders were being etched on to the black granite with golden letters.

Two days before the inauguration, one of the walls of the flyover collapsed. The newspaper published the news in bold headlines “Flyover wall collapses two days before the inauguration.”

Stung by the incident, the minister called the secretary “My reputation in the Chief Minister’s eyes has gone down the drain. People are very angry. I want the concerned officer to be identified and action taken immediately.”

Meeting was called in a hurry the secretary . Top officials were with the list of all officials who worked during the flyover construction.

The deputy secretary said “The first name is Ramesh Shringi, Executive Engineer. Most of the work was executed during his tenure.”

The chief engineer said “Sir, he is the son-in-law of the chief minister’s brother-in-law’s uncle.”

Secretary said “Forget this name. He is close relative of the Chief Minister.”

“The second name is Mrs. Rina Choudhary. Executive Engineer.”

The deputy secretary said “Sir, she is the wife of the MP’s nephew.”

“Give me some other name”, said the secretary.

“The third name is Mrs. Sarita Savar. Assistant Engineer.”

Hearing the name, the Chief Engineer got startled and said “Sir, she is a hard-working officer. I know her personally. I will ask her to meet you and explain her position.”

The secretary said “Next..”

The deputy secretary said “Vijay Surana. Assistant Engineer.”

The superintendent engineer said “Sir, his uncle is an IG in the Anti-Corruption Bureau. The IG will target us if we take any action against Vijay.”

The Secretary asked “Who is next?”

The deputy secretary said “Sandeep Sonkar. Assistant engineer.”

The chief engineer said “Sir, he is a trusted aide of the minister. We cannot target him.”

The Secretary said “Isn’t there anyone who can be targeted? Someone simple?”

The deputy secretary said “Sir, there is one person. Ramesh Kherwal”

The Secretary asked “What is his record?”

The deputy secretary said “Sir, he got his degree from one of the prestigious engineering colleges with good marks. He is honest and hard working. But he started working after the flyover construction was completed”

The Secretary said “Yes, but it was his responsibility to take care of the flyover. What is his family background?”

The deputy Secretary said “Sir, he comes from a poor background. His widowed mother got him studied with great difficulty.”

The Secretary said “My eyes are full with tears. Does he have any political backing?”

The deputy Secretary said “No sir, nothing important.”

The secretary smiled, took his phone and called the minister “Sir, we have got our scapegoat.”

The newspaper published the following news the next day “For his negligence during the flyover construction, assistant engineer Ramesh Kherwal has been suspended.”

29. Borewell

The news of a boy falling in an empty borewell spread like a wild fire. All officers including the district collector reached the spot. A lot of media vans were telecasting the event live. Some were showing the kid’s father and mother while some were interviewing the kid’s uncle and aunt. Some were even interviewing the kid’s neighbours. Someone hung a camera inside the borewell and saw that the boy was stuck at 54 feet and alive.

The deputy collector shouted towards the crowd that they need help to dig another hole parallel to the borewell. Everyone just looked at each other. One of them said “The diggers’ sons can do this kind of a job. Please call them.” A gypsy was sent and four boys – Arjun, Jayaram, Ratan and Mahesh were brought over. The four of them were well-built but their clothes and skin was of the same colour as the soil. As soon as they came, they asked “Who will pay us for this work?”

“Please do not worry about that. Start digging the hole.”

The four of them started digging the hole. In 6 hours, they reached a depth of 30 feet. The boys were getting tired and were fainting due to the lack of oxygen at that depth. Also, since the hole was getting narrower, only one of them could dig at a time. Even though an oxygen pipe was sent into the borewell and the hole, the boys would faint in ten minutes. They would be pulled out, give an oxygen mask and a glucose drip and sent back into the hole. The four of them started losing their courage but the crowd kept egging them on.

After ten hours, the boys reached the same level as the kid. They then dug a cross bore carefully so that the boy is not hurt. In a few minutes, Arjun got the kid up the hole and immediately fainted. Everyone immediately carried the kid. The collector was happy and was giving interviews to the media.

The three boys waited till Arjun came out of his unconsciousness. Arjun immediately asked “Who will pay us now?” The four of them ran towards the officials. The cars with the read beacons had vanished away.

30. The house of God

Prathmesh, who had come to see Udaipur along with his wife and two daughters, prepared a plan to visit the temple of Lord Shrinath. They reached Nathadwara after an hour’s journey in the bus. The temple was a kilometre away from where the bus stopped. Some people took a rickshaw but Prathmesh decided to walk along with his family. Actually, he did know how far the temple was. Going through the alleys in the hot weather, Prathmesh and his family reached the temple after an hour and were fully drenched in sweat.

As soon as he reached the temple, some of the touts surrounded him. They were asking him to Pay Rs500 and go for the VIP darshan. Rs500 was not a big amount for Prathmesh but he believed that everyone should go inside a temple the same way without any special favours. He noticed that the doors of the temple were closed and that the temple would open in another fifteen minutes.

As it became closer to the temple opening time, the crowd began to swell. Some of the devotees were making arrangements to safeguard their footwear. Many of the elders saw the heavy rush of pilgrims and decided to stay back and safeguard the footwear. Seeing how excited Siya and his two daughters were, Prathmesh decided to stay back and asked them to go inside the temple.

As soon as the doors were opened, there was a heavy rush. One didn’t have to walk as the heavy crowd pulled the people along. The heat and crowd was taking a toll on the people. As soon as she reached the small hallway in front of the idol, Siya noticed that some people were coming from a door at the back. She asked the woman next to her “Who are those people?” The woman answered “They are V.I.Ps.”. She then noticed an elite couple standing in front of the idol. Due to this, the idol was not visible to Siya.

After a few minutes, Siya noticed that the crowd had thinned down. She could move her hands and legs freely and take an easy breath. After such a harrowing experience, this felt like meeting god. Siya realized that she came out without seeing the god inside the temple. She did not have either the courage or the strength to stand in the queue again.

Prathmesh asked her “Were you able to see the diamond in god’s chin?”

Siya, who was tired, said “I was neither able to see Lord Shrinath nor the diamond. But I saw stars for sure.” Prathmesh immediately became disappointed. He left for the bus stand with his family

31. The Snub

Daughter and son-in-law had come one day before the day of his son’s engagement ceremony. Gajendra’s daughter immediately said “Father, please request my father-in-law to come to the engagement.”

“I have personally requested him to come giving the invitation in his hand. I also called him and invited him again. I have already arranged a room for his stay here. The bedsheets in the room have been replaced with new ones.”

“Father, please call him again and request him to come. Otherwise, I will have to hear his complaints when I go back.”

Gajendra called him again and said “We are all waiting here for you. Why haven’t you come yet? It would be great if you can come today. Otherwise, please come tomorrow definitely”

“No, I will not come there. I do not feel comfortable there.”

“This time, you will have no reason to complain. Please come.”

“No. Even though you knew that I am allergic to elaichi, you made me take elaichi tea multiple times when I had come there.”

Gajendra was trying to give a clarification when the phone call got cut. He put down the phone when he saw his son’s maternal uncle walking in. Seeing him, Gajendra said “Please come brother. It is great to see you here.”

“Why won’t you feel happy? You didn’t even invite me.” He again smiled and said “I turned out to be a snob. I came though you did not invite me.”

“What are you saying? It is not possible that I did not invite you.”

He removed the list that he got printed from the computer. The name was missing from it. He respectfully bowed to him and called out his daughter “Please take your uncle to the room that I had reserved for your father-in-law.”

32. Crowd mentality

“Varun, why are you not coming to take tuitions?”, asked Praveen to his friend Varun as soon as they came out of the school.

“I am preparing for the exam in the house.”

“That’s ok. But if you don’t take tuitions, you will not get good marks in the Practicals. You know how important each mark is.”

After getting the permission from his family members, Varun reached chemistry professor Anjani’s house where there were lots of students seated in the hall.

All of then turned and saw him when he walked in. Seeing him, the professor asked “Varun, what are you doing here?”

“Sir, I have to come to enrol for the tuitions.”

“So, will you sit here with these donkeys?”

All the students lowered their heads. The professor said “All these students are wasting their time and their family’s money. Your time is precious. If you don’t understand something, ask me in the school or in the house. Do not get ever driven with a crowd’s mentality again.”

33. Mother’s mirror

In the spacious lawns of elder brother’s big house, the condolence ceremony in memory of mother was going on. On the chair was mother’s picture with a garland. More than mother’s passing away, Lalit was sad that he did not get a chance to take care of his mother in those last moments. He had asked his mother many a times to come and stay with him.

“You take care of your family”, saying this mother would always avoid coming to his house. Even if she came, she would go back to the elder brother’s house in a day. He used to think “Mother doesn’t like to stay with me, once a vagabond and now her weaker son. She likes to stay with elder brothers who are richer than me. She likes them more than me.”

Mother always carried a bag with her which contained some items that she needed the most. Those were some money, a comb, a small bottle of oil, a packet of bindi, spectacles and a small round flip mirror” Mother would always look into that mirror. Even before she slept, she would look into the mirror. Everyone would make fun of her for this habit.

After the condolence ceremony, mother’s belongings were opened in front of the entire family. Some jewellery and sarees were found in a box that was closed for a long time. In the end, it was the turn of her bag. Everyone began talking of her love for the mirror. Everyone was surprised when they saw two mirrors instead of one. Both were identical to each other. Even in this time of sadness, people were smiling at her love for mirrors. Lalit opened both the mirrors out of curiosity and tears started rolling out from his eyes. One was a real mirror while the other one had Lalit’s photo in it.

34. Affection

“Ok Grandma. I will now leave”, said Rahul as he touched his maternal grandmother’s feet with respect and asked for her permission.

“Ok, please visit me regularly. Here, take this saree. Your aunt had gifted me this saree for Karva Chauth. I don’t wear such heavy sarees now. Give it to your mother”, said grandmother dressed in an old saree. She had a glint in her eyes.

Rahul began thinking on the way home “Even mother wears old sarees. She will feel very happy seeing this saree.” On reaching home, he gave the saree to his mother and said “Grandmother sent this saree for you.”

Mother turned the saree around inspecting it and said “My mother is from an older generation but she has sent such a beautiful saree.” Then she said “But will I look good in this saree? Here, store this carefully. Your sister will be coming home after Diwali.”

Rahul could see the same glint in his mother’s eyes too.

35. Mother’s feet

After lighting her mother’s funeral pyre, Madan came and stood near her feet. He was staring at his mother’s feet. Even the wind was blowing towards him and tears were trickling down his eyes. He wouldn’t allow anyone to come near him. Everyone was discussing about Madan’s love for his mother and on the abstract world subject built in the cemetery.

Everyone was leaving but Madan refused to go. He was waiting for the pyre to cool down. The thick silver anklets that mother had worn on her legs were glowing bright in the heat of the pyre.

36. Belief in your mother

Every day, mother would be doing the household chores in the morning. At the same time, her son Titu who was three years old would cry for her mother’s attention. Fed up with this one day mother told Titu “If you keep crying like this, I will give you to the jackal that stays outside our village.” But the child did not stop crying. She took Titu and started walking towards the village outskirts. She thought that Titu would cry, beg her not to leave him at the jackal and would then promise not to cry ever again. But Titu was walking happily with her mother.

Both of them crossed the village and walked some distance. She then realized that this has no effect on Titu and turned back towards the village. Seeing her mother turn back, Titu said “Why are you going back? Leave me near the jackal.”

37. Sweetness

“What am I doing here?” asked math professor Avadesh lying on the hospital bed, to his wife Asha with questions in his eyes.

“You had fainted.”

“Let us get out of here. I fainted on the day of the festival. We have to do the Diwali puja as soon we go home.”

“We have to celebrate Diwali here in the hospital. Today is ‘Brother’s festival’. Your sister is praying sitting outside this room. By god’s grace, you are fine now. I will ask her to come in.”

As soon as Asha left, the doctor came in and said “How are you Mr. Avadesh? We had lost hope that you will come out of your coma. If you remember, please tell us what happened that day?”

“Doctor, on the day of Diwali, I took three pills that were prescribed for diabetes. I thought that I will now eat lot of sweets for all three days of the festival.”

“Mr. Professor, your math doesn’t work everywhere. Because of you, your family did not eat any sweets for the festival.”

“Doctor, please do not tell about this to Asha.”

“I have heard everything. You behaved like a kid! We were all terrified.” said Asha.

“Doctor, please give me a diabetes pill again. Hearing her sweet talk, my sugar level is shooting up again.”

38. Paralysis

Chaudharain’s confidence had taken a beating when she was diagnosed with paralysis. She was a firm believer in rules and principles. No woman in the village could come out of the house without a veil. But look at her now. One who could command the entire village was now unable to control her own body.

Chaudharain’s son who lived in the city took her along with him for her treatment. After a few days in the hospital, the doctor discharged her and said “we have saved her. But her condition can be improved only through physiotherapy.”

The son got her home. Her left hand and leg were not functioning. The son got a physiotherapist to treat his mother. Chaudharain could not handle a saree now. It was also not comfortable to exercise in a saree. Chaudharain’s daughter-in-law made got her daughter’s t-shirt and capris and dressed up Chaudharain in them. Chaudharain initially felt very odd in that dress but later realized that it was very comfortable. It was very easy to exercise in this dress and there was no danger of her falling down as well. Slowly, her situation was getting better due to exercise. When Chaudhary came to his son’s home to see his wife, he laughed looking at her dress.

Chaudharain said “I have now understood that no dress is bad. One earns respect not due to the dress, but from the heart. Please get it announced in the village that it is not mandatory for women to wear a veil. They can wear any dress that they are comfortable in.”

Chaudharain went to the village after getting well. All the woman were dressed as per their choice in different multi coloured dresses and welcomed Chaudharain with music and dance. She was very happy to see woman dancing and enjoying freely like this.

39. The Luxury Vehicle

Rajeev was helping his six year old daughter with her homework. There were pictures of lot of vehicles, under which she had to write the name of the vehicle. Seeing the motorcycle, he asked “What does dad drive?”

“Motor Cycle.”

“But dad, some people drive a moped. Why is that?”

“Because, unlike me, they did not study well”, said Rajeev as he wanted to inspire his daughter to study well.

“And the people who ride a bicycle?”

“They studies even less.”

“And father, what about those who walk? They wouldn’t have studied anything right?”

“Yes, yes.” said Rajeev as he wanted to end the topic.

“But Meenu’s father has a car.”

“He studied more than me”, Rajeev was getting impatient.

The welcome ceremony for the education minister Mr.Kushal was being telecasted on the television. As soon as the minister’s car and the cars following him stopped, there was a rush of people who wanted to garland him.

Seeing the long cars, the daughter said ‘Father, see those long cars. Why didn’t you study well like that uncle?”

Rajeev was speechless at this question. He began recollecting how Kushal used to loiter around aimlessly in the college.

40. Shiva

“Son, please pump in so much poison that either the cancer or I stay in this body. I have to become Shiva, even if I prefer it or not. Now, the fight is between my resolve and cancer.” Said Dr. Alok Swaroop to Dr. Puneet. Dr.Alok who was once the most respected professor in Dr.Puneet’s college was now a patient.

Puneet knew that the cancer was in forth stage and literally there was no hope for his survival but he began the treatment.

Alok tolerated the first chemo with some difficulty but he just could not bear the second chemo. He was bed ridden. Ulcers had formed in his mouth and bowels. The tongue had become swollen. Forget about eating, he couldn’t even drink water. His skin had turned dark due to radiotherapy. The third round of chemo and radiotherapy had made him worse and half-dead. He could only open his eyes. Puneeth was waiting for the last report. His joy knew no bounds when he saw that the cancer was destroyed. He came running to give the news to Alok who just lay there motionless. All the equipment were showing signs of the impending death. Puneet was distraught and slumped with his hands and head buried in the bed. Suddenly he realized that the professor’s hand was trying to rest it on Puneet’s head. Alok’s resolve had won.

41. Chain

“I would like to call on to this stage a new ‘Diamond. He was selling groceries earlier but now earns ten lakh rupees a month. Claps!...” People with various titles were called on to the stage and all of them were earning lakhs of rupees per month, according to the announcer. Pankaj had come to this seminar on his friend’s insistence.

“All you had to do is to enrol three members who in turn would enrol another three and so on. As the chain of people grows, the income would also grow. All that you needed is a small investment of Rupees five thousand a month and then sky is the limit for you.”

Pankaj’s dreams took wings. He prepared a list of his friends and relatives. All of his time was now spent in going to someone’s house, repeating what was shown in the video and trying to get them enrolled. He toiled hard and somehow enrolled his sister, a good friend and a colleague as the three members. He got his relatives and other friends enrolled to be their members. But he could never get his wife’s brother to join the scheme. Pankaj was angry at him and complained to his wife many times.

His initial earnings were in thousands but the chain did not grow after some time. Because he could not concentrate on his family business, he lost lakhs of rupees. He went to his friends and colleagues to ask for help but they all started avoiding him. He had done the mistake of measuring valuable relations in rupees. He was under a lot of stress and did not know what to do.

One day, he got a call from Vivek “Brother-in-Law, I have some excess money. You can take it to keep your business alive.” Pankaj was happy that there was atleast one relation that got saved from his chain of greed.

42. God on the street

On the 13th day ceremony after her husband’s death, the priest asked Mrudula “Will you donate anything in memory of your husband?”

Mrudula took some water in her hand and said “I will give my corner plot to the government so that they can shift the temple that is currently in the middle of the road.”

“What kind of a donation is that?”

“Dear Priest. My husband was knocked down by a car on the road as his view was obstructed by the walls of the temple that is in the middle of the road. I will meet the commissioner and get the temple shifted so that these types of accidents do not happen and snatch someone’s loved one. That would be my real tribute to my husband.”

The temple got shifted to the new location. Now pedestrians reach their destination instead of reaching heaven.

43. Lesson

“Mom, I am now able to live with Suket. We are getting irritated at each other for minor issues. This is it. I cannot go back to Suket. I want to divorce him.”

“We will not let them live in peace. Let us go to the police station and file a dowry and harassment complaint against Suket and your in-laws.”

“But mom, they have never asked for dowry. My in-laws are very nice people and there is no question of harassment.”

“There is no need to support your in-laws. This is entirely their mistake. Couldn’t they explain to their son?”

A so-called well-wisher who was present in the house said “This is the only way to teach Suket and his family a lesson.”

Under pressure, Vanita lodged a police complaint against Suketh, his father Rakesh and mother Kavita. The police arrested them and it took two months for them to get bail.

“Mom, I am resigning from my job and going back to my in-laws house”, said Vanita to her mother one day.

“Why? What happened?”

“I got to know that my mother-in-law has become half-crazy due to the false case. She is neither able to handle her clothes nor able to eat properly. She gets startled at any sound. You made me do something terrible.”

“We did that for your good”

“I have both my parents but she had no one now. Due to this mistake, I can never get my peace of mind even if I atone for my sins all my life.”

“And one more thing. Due to false cases like ours, the courts begin to view genuine women who are harassed with suspicion. We wanted to teach them a lesson but I am the one who learnt the lesson!”

44. Right to equality

“Daughter is suffering from fever from two days. Please take her to a doctor”. On hearing this from his wife, Rahul agreed and took his daughter on the motor cycle to meet the doctor. He had covered half the distance to the doctor’s house when he noticed that the police had blocked the junction with barricades. He pleaded with the police but there was no effect. Slowly, many vehicles piled up behind his motor cycle and now, he couldn’t even go back.

Rahul’s daughter was in distress due to the heat and her fever. He went to a junior officer standing near the barricade and said “Sir, my daughter is suffering from fever. I have to take her to the doctor.”

“Your daughter is not in an ambulance. Only ambulance is allowed to go through. A VIP is expected to go through this road any time now.”

“But our country’s constitution says that all citizens have right to equality. Then why do we extend such special privileges and block a road for someone?”

The officer looked at Rahul from top to bottom and said “Yes, the constitution had said that all people are equal. That is why you, I and these people are all equally waiting and giving way to the VIP.”

“But the VIP passing by is also a citizen of this country.”

The police officer now got angry and said “You look like an educated person. you see that he is not citizen, He is a VIP, a Very Important Person. Do you know the meaning of ‘I’ in VIP? Please stand there quietly and let us do our duty.”

45. Scared Ankur

It was a month ago that Ankur’s classes had started. Ankur was in the ninth grade now. The math teacher, Mr Bhatia, was very strict with the students. Due to his big moustache, red eyes and a booming voice, he appeared even scarier to the students. It appeared as if he was enacting the role of ravan and came directly to the class. Ankur had forgotten to complete his math homework and got the book. The Math class was supposed to start immediately after the break. Bhatia sir’s face was all he could see now.

“Instead of getting scolded by Sir, it is better I come to the class after the completion of math class”, thought Ankur and went and sat in a park close to the school. But he was scared that he had missed the class. He was also scared of meeting someone familiar in the park.

“What is your name?” asked an elderly person who was sitting on the other side of the bench and moved towards him.


“You look a little disturbed”, he said as he sat right next to Ankur and held his hand.

“Nothing important. Just like that.”

“You have ran away from your school right? Don’t be afraid.” Saying this, he took Ankur’s hand and kept it in his lap. The man had a strange expression and Ankur looked at the three persons sitting on another bench for help but they too had a crooked smile on their faces. Rahul shuddered with fear. He was now scared of everyone now.

He then heard Bhatia sir’s booming voice “Ankur!” Bhatia sir was coming towards him with two other children. As soon as they saw him, the people sitting on the bench ran away. The teacher who scared Ankur now looked like an angel to him. Ankur ran and hugged him.

46. Only me

“Look, the number of crimes is increasing in our country. There were some sectarian clashes yesterday in our city. Two groups threw stones at each other”, said A to B, as he was reading the newspaper.

“These are all done by people from the other religion”, said B confidently.

“But look at this news. This is about people of our religion. Some people of one caste burnt down the houses of people of another caste”

“People of this caste are always like that. There is a lot of castism among these castes. People of my caste are not like that”

A turned some pages and said “Look at this news. A woman was burnt alive for dowry. These are people from your caste.”

“Yes, people from that region behave like that. People from my region are very nice”

Looking at the regional news, A said “See this. Two families in your village had a fight”

“Those families fight with everyone. My family is very good”

“I have heard that there are some clashes going on among you brothers”

“Oh! My two brothers are very cunning. Only me...” said B as he became speechless remembering some of his past deeds.

47. Swastika

There was a crowd in the temple. Kavya was standing in the queue. Something caught her eye. It was a key made of glass and shaped like a heart and with rings. It was dangling from the pocket of a man who was standing ahead. Kavya had given a similar key chain to Dharmendra on his birthday. The rings had some small scratches. It didn’t take long for Kavya to realize that the person was Dharmendra. Kavya began recollecting the stories associated with the key chain.

“You know Kavya. Some of the folks in my office have started a key club”

“What is this key club?”

“All couples dine together. They play some games and in the end, all the car keys are collected and the light is turned off. All the ladies pick a key each. Every woman has to spend the night with the person whose key she had picked. “

“This is such a disgusting game!”

“It is not mandatory that we play. We can go as a guest couple.”

Kavya finally relented after Dharmendra pleaded with her many times. Kavya and Dharmendra began to mingle in the darkness of that room. They had become aware of each other’s faults within a few days after their wedding. Now they began to search the good things in others.

“Have you seen Vivek’s car? Five cars like ours can be bought in price of his single car. He gives so much respect to women.” Finally, the thing happened that was expected. Both of them got divorced and separated from each other.

Kavya began a relation with Vivek. But in a few days, the difference between a fleeting relation and a lifelong relation became obvious. Dharmendra’s behaviour was much better than Vivek’s two-faced behaviour.

Kavya, who was always an atheist, now started to believe in god. People who have lost everything in life find solace in god. She went to the temple on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. Of all the vehicles standing near the temple, a white car caught her eye. The car still had the swastika symbol that she had drawn. Seeing the seat next to the driver’s seat, all the old memories of innocent love came flooding back. It need not be said what happened to her eyes.

“Sister, your plate is tilted. The flowers and the kumkum may fall.”

“Yes Yes...” she said as she balanced the plate.

The heat was taking a toll on everyone. Dharmendra took a handkerchief to wipe away his sweat. He never realized in the crowd that the key chain had dropped. Kavya let go of the plate, took the key chain and walked towards her car.

‘Sir, your key chain had dropped but that woman took it”, informed a man to Dharmendra.

“No, after many days, she has now taken proper key chain”, said Dharmendra as he saw Kavya walk away. He bowed down thanking to the deity.

48. Swimming Pool

“Shekhar, let us go swim in the university’s swimming pool”

“I don’t know how to swim”

“There is a trainer present at the pool. By the way, one side of the swimming pool is shallow while the other side is deep. I have been swimming since last one year at the shallow side. The water is only shoulder deep”

Shekhar and Vimal reached the swimming pool. The trainer looked at Shekhar and said “What is your name? Is this your first time to this pool?”

“Yes. My name is Shekhar.”

“Jump in the pool straight here. Why are you going towards the shallow side of the pool?”

“I don’t know how to swim”

“Don’t you believe a trainer?”

As soon as he heard that, Shekhar jumped at the deep end of the pool. He began to drown. He couldn’t breathe and was feeling helpless. He began to think “ if he committed a mistake by listening to the trainer. There were over fifty people swimming here. Did the trainer forget about him? I will certainly die today.”

At that moment, someone caught his costume and pulled him to the surface. It was the trainer.

“Shekhar. Unless you face a danger, you will never get the courage to fight it. And one more thing. If you want to learn something, believe the teacher completely. Now, following are the rules for swimming”

“The more you bow your head, the more you will float”

“But sir, I feel short of breath when I bow my head in the water for long ”

“Don’t bow your head so much that you feel short of breath”

“But, I will be in the same position and not move if I do this”

“Shekhar, get power in your arms. Wave your legs only when is needed. Remember that an amateur wastes his energy and gets tired by waving his hands and legs a lot uselessly.”

Shekhar now understood the method to swim in life and in water. He became an expert swimmer in a few days. His friend Vimal was still swimming at the shallow end of the pool.

49. Esteem

An old woman had begun living on the street. Wearing an old but decent saree, she would roam the street from one end to the other. She carried a water bottle, a steel jug, some flour in a polythene bag and some dry sticks with her. When she felt hungry, she would cook something on the footpath. Seeing her condition, Sangeeta, who lived across the road felt pity on her.

Giving some left over chapati and curry to the old woman, she said “Amma, take these. Please ask anyone living on this street. People will not say no if you ask for one or two chapathis”.

The woman’s face turned red and she said “Don’t ask me to compromise my self respect. Take these chapathis. If only I had asked, my daughter-in-law would give more chapathis than what you had given me.”

50. The Girls

Praveen and his two friends developed a strange habit and began to enjoy it. While coming back from college, the three of them would get on a motorcycle. They would drive fast past a scooty that was being driven by girls and shout “Ho Ho He He”. The girls would get startled by the unexpected event and lose their balance. The boys really enjoyed this.

Like every day, the boys left the college on their motor cycle. A group of girls, driving their scooties, was driving on the road . “What a great weather! An isolated road and a group of beautiful girls. Guys ! The blue one is the target”, said Praveen as he started driving fast towards the girl dressed in blue, shouting “Ho Ho He He”

They were laughing as they turned behind to check what happened to the girl. To their surprise, the girls were laughing and had blocked the road. One of the guys sitting at the back shouted “Praveen look ahead”

Praveen noticed the marbles on the road. But the motorcycle couldn’t be stopped now and it began shaking. The boys were trying to balance the motor cycle while trying to imagine their condition with frightened faces. Now, it was the girls turn and they shouted loudly “Ho Ho He He”

51. Calculation

When the auto driver asked for rupees one twenty to go to the university, Chandresh Kumar said “Look, it doesn’t cost more than thirty rupees worth petrol to go the university. And considering your effort, only fifty rupees are genuine . You guys have started looting people and want money for free”

“It looks like you are a government official”

“How did you know?”

“You estimated how much I should get paid though I didn’t ask you for that. Your salaries are paid from the taxes levied on things I buy like soap, oil or other things. Pl tell me , Where should I go to seek account to know whether my money so deducted is spent genuinely or not?”

Chandresh Kumar took the next auto without asking the rent.

52. Experience

It is said that respect towards a person comes down after his retirement. But the situation in Suraj Prakash’s house was different. His two sons and daughters-in-law took good care of him. One day, his sons came to him and said “Dad, this house is small for our family. Why don’t we sell this house and use some of your retirement money and buy two new houses? We can take some loan if needed.”

Even the mother was supporting her sons out of her blind affection.

“Sons, I will not sell this house and give you my retirement money until my death. Who should I ask for money if I need it for my expenses or for my medical bills? Where will I live?”

“If you don’t believe us, we will slowly return your money. You can stay in either house. They are your houses”

“You will not be able to do this. I can tell you from my experience”

“What experience? Have you ever given us any money?”

“Sons, the house you are talking about was built with your grandfather’s retirement money and selling his house. After that, he did not have a house to live in. Go ask your mother. I don’t want to die how my father died”

53. Blood Cancer

Pranav came to the hospital to meet his uncle. He got to know from the doctor that his uncle was suffering from blood cancer.

“Lumps get formed due to cancer. But Uncle does not have any lumps”. He asked to the doctor.

“Pranav, Cancer due to lumps can be cured. But when someone’s own blood starts deceiving, it is a dangerous situation.”

In the TV stationed in the ward, there was a news about students from a prestigious university shouting anti-national slogans.

“But how does someone’s own blood start deceiving? What causes blood cancer, doctor?”

“Do you know what are the constituents of blood?”

“Yes, red and white blood cells”

“One more important constituent is platelets”

“I have heard about platelets for the first time. What is their role?”

“Guarding the boundaries. They ensure that the blood doesn’t flow out”

“Even the white blood cells fight against intruders, right?”

“Yes, they do. But sometimes, the white blood cells become rogue and start attacking platelets thinking that they are an enemy”

“Due to this, I assume that the blood will start flowing everywhere”

“Yes. Sometimes, the blood flows into the brain and the person dies”

“Is there any cure for this?”

“Yes but very painful. Bone marrow transplant.”

“What is the relation between bone marrow and cancer?”

“Blood cells get formed in bone marrow. Infected bone marrow produces the rogue blood cells”

“ So what is the treatment line?”

“First, we have to destroy the old blood and bone marrow using chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We then have to make sure that not a single cell of infected blood remains present. New blood and bone marrow is transplanted thereafter.”

“Doctor, please start the treatment. I am ready to donate blood and bone marrow”, said Pranav and the people who were standing there in a unified voice.

54. Eklavya

At the wedding reception of his boss’s daughter, Vineet noticed an old man walking with a hunch and couldn’t take his eyes of him. When he tried hard to recollect, he remembered him as Professor Pavan from college. He also remembered the incident when he left his sister’s wedding, not listening to his family, and reached professor’s practical class. As they were coming out of the class, Vineet laughed loud out of habit at one of his friend’s jokes. While laughing, he noticed Professor Pavan. The professor immediately called Vineet and said “You should be ashamed for making fun of your professor”

“Sir, I was not laughing at you. I was laughing at a joke that we had shared”

“I know why you were laughing. I will now see how you will pass this course”, said the professor as he put a red mark against Vineet’s name in the book.

It was mandatory that a student passed the course independently apart from the theory portion in the practical. That depended entirely on the professor. A poor Vineet shuddered at the thought of losing the year and pleaded frantically with the professor. However he was not moved. It was well known that the professor favoured students from his caste. Some of the good students from that caste were Vineet’s well-wishers. They went to the professor’s home and pleased with him “Sir, Vineet is a very good student and comes from a poor background”. But the professor had created an impression on Vineet and was not willing to change that. But atleast it worked to an extent that the professor did not fail Vineet but at the same time, he did not give him good marks as well.

As he felt his boss’s hand on his shoulders, he remembered the burden he felt in college.

“Vineet, let me introduce you to my guru”

“He is not just your guru, but mine too. Sir, haven’t you recognized me?”

“How can we forget each other Vineet?”

“Sir, I say it again today. I was not laughing at you. Won’t you forgive me even now?”

“You must be angry at me.”

“No, because you neither failed me nor ask for my thumb. I am capable enough to compete against your students now.”

55. Quality

A popular literary convention was being held in the city. Ravi, a budding author, excitedly left for the convention. He was worried about the parking at the conference but was relieved to see the parking arrangements in an open land at the hostel in front of the conference. He parked his vehicle and walked towards the venue of the convention. The convention was arranged in an old palatial mansion of a landlord, at the end of a small closed street. Halls were created at three sides of the building on the lawn in the front, side and back. There was room inside the mansion as well. There were food stalls every two feet inside the hall. There were also stalls for jewellery, books and paintings. A small bar was also arranged. He wondered “I don’t know how much literature will be displayed in this literary convention but apart from books, everything else seems to be displayed”. A lot of young men and women had come. Foreign visitors could also be seen.

After walking around the venue, he was relieved to see a book store that belonged to the full circle. Otherwise, he had begun to think that he had come to a wrong venue. Ravi had thought that he would enjoy the conversations of prominent authors. He discovered that a big crowd had gathered in a room to witness a dialogue with a famous producer and director. There was also a dialogue going on with a famous author but the people who were present in that room were those who could not enter the previous room. Ravi was not able to enjoy any of these, so he came out of the room. One more person came out with him and asked “Sir, what do you do?”

“I am a new author and my stories have just got published in some prominent newspapers and magazines recently. What about you?”

“I have also written some good stories but did not get them published. I have stopped writing now”

He then pointed towards a stall and said “Let us have some tea”

The two of them reached the stall and saw that a cup of tea was costing forty rupees. Ravi said “I can’t have this tea. I am a person who can afford only five rupees for a cup of tea”

The person looked at the bar and said “Will you have some beer?”

“I don’t drink”

The he pointed towards an alley and said “Then, you must be away from beauty as well?”

Before Ravi could say something, the other person said “What stories would you be writing if you don’t have any quality of an author?”

56. Secret Donation

Most of the families in the village were from a lower middle class background. Amidst them, the businessman lived in a similar house. The businessman was not as rich as those in the city but was certainly in a better position than the people in the village. But he did not like to spend money. Since his daughter-in-law was expecting a child, he asked a person who went to the town to get some fruits worth two hundred and forty rupees. He immediately lodged this as an expense in the book. Giving the fruits to his wife, he said lovingly “Give these fruits to daughter-in-law. She has become very weak. You also have some of these fruits”

The businessman’s wife gave some apples, sapota and banana to her daughter-in-law. Hiding remaining fruits in her saree, she went out. The businessman asked his wife “Did you have some fruits?”

“Yes, I ate some of those fruits. I will go and meet Ramesh’s mother”. Said the businessman’s wife spreading the saree to cover more.

The businessman told his clerk “Ramesh’s financial condition is not good. His wife is pregnant as well. Who knows my wife better than I? I am miser but I get some spiritual merit due to my wife’s good deeds. I am the son of a trader, money’s movement cannot remain unnoticed by me. Please correct the accounts. Keep one hundred and twenty rupees for family expenses and another one hundred and twenty for donation”