Dhoomketu left his home at 10 morning
Sun is looking from sky and see who is
Coming out at 7.00 and who is coming
Out at 10. Sun was thinking why this
Human doesn't come out early when
All birds animals and all comes out from
Home at 7.00 and when human says
They are intelligent than why this people
Is doing so laziness if man has to go
Out at 10 for work it is o k but why they
Doesn't come out at early for walking
Or playing or jogging or excercises that
Sun never understand how anyone can
Say humanbeing are intelligent.
Dhoomketu looks at sun and speak see
I will do excercises from tomorrow at
Morning 7 at that time sun laughs and
Speak I hear this since last four years.
Dhoomketu is going to his office with
Tremendous thoughts why this world ?
Who has created this world why this all ?
I am doing business now I will
Get marry i have my father and mother
And one small sister now i will do for my
Father mother and when I marry my wife my one child
Will come and one day after years i will
Die than what is the meaning of life
This is only life and only this is life than
Why this all nonsense why why why
Who has created all. Some people run
Away from this life and become saint
And getting nothing . they gives all trouble
To their body and thinking they are doing
Well but they are fool they even don't
Brush don't getting bath and doing all
Nonsense. Only they want heaven. now
This is foolishness when nobody knows
What will happen in next moment how
You can have heaven by doing this all
Nonsense they are spoiling their lives
For next life so this is not way to find
God or truth than what is truth. Further
Dhoomketu thoughts one day I
Heard one prophet was telling god has
Created world just he knows that god
Has created he should talk like that way
I don't know who has created this world
I don't know I am searching when I know
I will come to you let's start we all will
Search than it was ok but he was telling
Like he knows everything and foolish
People are listing like anything. Nobody
Had guts to ask any question.
Dhoomketu talk to himself like everybody
Lives I will not live I will one day search
What is truth what is life what is god
God is there or no god is there if god
Is there than why he is doing all this
Foolishness why why why this is life if
I will become anything but what it does
Means. Dhoomketu went to his office
And told his secretary don't disturb me
Today. He sit in his office and one by
One he starts to write and first he write
God is there or not and after so many
Many question and answer he finally
Come in conclusion that NO THERE IS