Half issue (Biggest issue) - 1 in English Women Focused by DILIP UTTAM books and stories PDF | Half issue (Biggest issue) - 1

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Half issue (Biggest issue) - 1

----- Chapter 1. "Ardhangini" -----

The saying is called Ardhangini but who gave half, who gave half the rights, and who gave half the authority / honor, half whether it is cheated at every turn, broken, twisted and blamed. And as soon as they get a chance, they start torturing them, they start crying, killing their every emotion. He does not even think a little about what will happen to a woman. After the quarrel, after the incident, we see that the woman is more resentful than that and if she does not speak, then many people quarrel, kill her and assert their rights, very few people (who apologize) They also ask for fear that the relationship will not break down and very few people apologize from the heart, apologize from the heart, it is our great man, to the misdeeds of such great men, to anger, to Ego / Ahem. Suffers everyday But you do not get respect and respect and Ardhangini is only talked about, she does not get her right, she never gets it. There is no way in this Kali Yuga. When has anyone told me, he has given rights to women? Analyse yourself; the whole story will come before your eyes, because no one lies to themselves. The truth will come out how much you have given him. Does he still have the right to buy from his heart? Does he get the right to fulfil dreams? Has he got the right to wear clothes from his heart? Is he as free as his brother, husband and father? Etc. -etc and now the time has come that it should not be given real status, respect, freedom, rights and all that men get. Goddess

Knowing how many titles have been received, Ardhangini, etc., but respect and respect have not been received. Women’s rights continue to be talked about like everyday things and yet their status has not improved, why? But why? Why? Why? Why? Why? We have to think, we have to think what she wants? What is his happiness What is his sorrow? What is his mind? What is his path? What is his destination? What is his love What's on her mind What is his pain Today you will have to analyze it, it has to give its right, only Ardhangini will not work, it will have to be made Ardhangini. Is it right to consider girls as goddesses only in Navratri? But in reality, how many men look at girls, women, and how many men respect them. It has to be seen, we have to analyze ourselves.

----- Just think (analyze) -----

1 Is the woman really an ardhangini?

2. Or how many people are women half-horned?

3. Or male = female = happy family

Or Male> Female = Family

Or male

Men will have to analyze themselves by themselves, then they will know their own mindset and this is important to know. Unless their own mindset is known, nothing will change, nothing can change. Women cannot have the power to understand. If Iago / Ahem dominates, you will not come to any conclusion, analyze yourself before blaming the women, find out your own mindset, find out your own thinking, explore your own thoughts, find out your own morality. You will know how moral or immoral you are. How much you are a lover or how much you pretend to love or are deceitful, then you will know how much you respect, how much respect you give to women and how much you give rights to women, how much freedom you give to women. Due to our immoral mentality, women are being exploited. It is not him, but men will have to change themselves, otherwise no matter how many laws are changed, how many laws should be made, the condition of women will remain the same. Till our mindset does not change, our thinking will not change, our thoughts will not change till then the condition of women will remain and I want to improve the condition of women from heart, heart like Ardhangini, get her rights, respect and independence. Get it

That woman is calling, giving a voice that (just listen to a talk of a hundred things.) -----

"Give my rights too.

Also give respect to me.

Give me rights too.

Give me love too.

Dude, also give mine.

Give my feeling too.

Give me freedom too.

Give me dreams too

Give my education too.

Give my property too.

Give me honor, give me pride.

Give me glory, give me joy too

Whatever is mine, now let me all.

Whatever is mine, now let me all.

Tortured a lot, cried a lot.

Troubled a lot, a lot of dancing.

Now give my life.

Now give me your identity.

Now let me fly.

Now let me laugh.


I am also a human.

I am also a world.

I am also, I am also.

You agree, you agree.

You understand, you understand.

Give everything to me, you are my father.

Give everything to me, you are my brother.

Give everything to me, you just take my life.

Give everything to me, you pay attention.

Give everything to me, you meditate.

Give everything to me, give everything to me. "



"Mother is the best and greatest."

Woman is the best and the greatest "