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Monu's Adventureous...

Monu was 11 years old. He was a brave and cute boy. He had a little sister named Pinky. She was 9 years old. They both went to the same school.

One day their principal announced that they were going to a trip to safari land. Monu and Pinky were very excited but they were scared as their parents would deny that. They requested their parents at night. They agreed to them. They were very happy they paid the fees.

The night before the trip they both couldn't sleep as they were excited about it. The next day they arrived at school at 9am and waited for the other children to come. The teacher counted them and they were 15 all together. After that they set out for the journey. After the journey of 12hrs they reached the safari land.

All the children jumped out of the bus in excitement.They saw a big gate which was decorated with flowers and lightings. They entered through the gate. They were given a room and asked to be ready in 5 minutes and arrive at that place for dinner. After the dinner they went in their rooms and slept.

All the children waked up in morning and got ready for the breakfast after that they went on a treck to a hill that was near that site. They were divided into groups of 4. In Monu's group There were Pinky, Harry and Riya. Harry was Monu's best friend and his Riya, was the best friend of Pinky.

Soon they started trecking Monu's group was last. All the children walked fast and soon left them now they were not seen anywhere. Monu's group was scared and walked slowly in one direction. Now they came near a deep hole and a small light was coming from the hole.

They decided to check what was there. They jumped inside the hole. They were falling down and down, it was very deep. Soon they fell on a bush. They were safe. They stood up and looked around. They could not believe their eyes they were in Dream land.

There were beautiful fountains, bushy trees, little fairies and flowers everywhere. The land was beautiful. They all decided to look around the land and asked to fairies for the map. The kind fairies gave them map along with some unicorns to ride. Riya and Pinky were amazed as they had heard about them but never saw them.

They rode them and came near a volcanic mountain where two fairies were sitting outside as if waiting for someone. They asked them what was the matter they told that a dragon had kidnapped their princess.
The fairies requested them to rescue her. The team excepted their requests and fighted against the dragon the unicorn
Entered it's horn into the dragon and killed it. They brought out the queen. She thanked them and sent them back to their original world.

They again started trecking further. They found another hole. On a board there was written animal world they looked at each other and started laughing and again thought to jump into it. As soon as they jumped a voice came "Monu wake up, it's time for breakfast " it was the voice of Sam, Monu's roommate.

So what was it??
It was his dream.

He woke up and got ready and came for breakfast and told the story to his friends.
They enjoyed it.


Where are you going? The title is incomplete
It should be Monu's Adventureous Dream..