Staring Eyes in English Short Stories by Rohit Sharma books and stories PDF | Staring Eyes

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Staring Eyes

Fist story

Staring Eyes

“A colleague in my office who is close to retirement age, keeps staring at me. His eyes are always following me. A man’s attutiude remains same irrespective of his age”, said Krishna to Rajni, her roommate turned friend in the working women’s hostel.

“Good, you found someone to admire you! ..... Hey just kidding. Why don’t you ask him what his problem is?” said Rajni in a teasing tone.”

“What is there to talk? I will confront him today when I go to work.”

Krishna walked straight to the that man as soon as she reached office. “You are always staring at me. What is the problem with you?”

“Yes, I observe your confidence and your working style. I imagine my daughter in your position. She has completely broken down after her divorce

Story Ends

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Closed Entry

Madhav got a message from his cousin “Father is very serious. He is talking something incoherent. He is repeatedly asking for you.” On receiving the information, Madhav boarded a bus for his village. He sat in the bus and started recollecting his childhood memories. It was his uncle who raised him after the death of his parents. He didn’t even remember his mother and father’s face. He used to tell his wife repeatedly “Had my uncle not been in my life, I do not know what would have happened to me in this worldafter sudden demise of my parents in my early childhood.”

His wife would immediately say in a reproachful tone “What favour he has done for you? The old man taken possession of your father’s share of property and registered it on his name.”

“No need to panic. I am well to do now. It is my uncle who got me educated. His own children are still in the same situation even today.”

The bus reached the village while he was recollecting his childhood memories. As soon as he got down the bus, he went straight to his uncle’s house. His uncle was lying on a plank in front of the house. Madhav touched his uncle’s feet. His uncle was trying to identify him saying “Sorry! I could not recognize you “.

“I’m Madhav …”

“Oh Mr. Madhav has come. Son Rakesh! Serve tea to Mr. Madhavji.”

Rakesh said “He recognizes someone with great difficulty. He has lost his memory.”

“Uncle, I’m Madhav. Your Madho...”

“Madho…my son! You have com . Go call the village accountant. The pages will get swapped. ”

“Uncle! Take care of yourself. Everything will be alright.”

Uncle was repeatedly saying “The pages will get swapped.” After a few minutes, he again looked at Madhav and said “Sorry, you look familiar. But I am not able to recognize you.”

Madhav told Rakesh “I will take him to the city and get him treated so that he gets back his memory.”

The expressions on Rakesh’s face kept changing.

Understanding Rakesh’s feelings, Madhav said “Rakesh, you don’t worry about those pages. I am no mood to reopen the closed book.