Memorable Moments in English Motivational Stories by Forum Shah books and stories PDF | Memorable Moments

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Memorable Moments

_Making memorable moments for urself is not a big thing!
But you being the Key person in others memorable moments is the everlasting feeling!!!_

*हम सुरज की कद्र उसकी उँचाई के कारण नहीं करते बल्कि उसकी उपयोगिता के कारण करते हैं।अतः व्यक्ति नहीं व्यक्तित्व आदरणीय है ।*
We always have a habbit of judging people on their outer looks and status.
But the fact is you cannot judge a book from its cover. You need to understand from other person's perspective to understand what he or she really wants. But we as humans always end up in Judgements and that is where we loose. Even a correct person or a perfect person seems to be wrong.
Always understand that we have come on earth for a purpose that God has set for all of us without any judgement. Let us focus on it so that we can fulfil that purpose with ease and happiness for us and others. Try to help, try to bring smile on other faces without being judged or thinking being right or wrong.
Spread good vibes, be happy. Lot of time we think of others or we are dependant on others for our happiness. But that is where we go wrong. Believe me no body can make you happy other then you. ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS OR SADNESS.
LOVE your self first and spread love through your deeds then see how the world around you changes. Only you can bring the change for yourself not others.
Whenever you feel low just go out shop whatever you like, listen to music, spend time with yourself... Do whatever you love.
But just be happy.
Trust me you will be the most amazing person in this world.
Children are the most purest form of love, see them spend time with any child around u or your house see in flash you will change your mood. I have done it several times with my 4 year old nephew who is amazing. He has always been an energy booster for all of us in family. Believe me your mind is a transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you see it in your mind, you are going to hold it in your hand. Thoughts become things.
If you want to change nothing in your life, change your frequency by changing your thoughts. Ask, Believe & Receive!
Your life will be wonderful you will be happy forever.
You will become a bundle of joy, a manifestor your self. You will be amazing, your thoughts will be powerful.
Have you ever thought why most of us are not able to fulfill our dreams? Because most of the time we analyse things on outer look, judgements but we don't go deep we don't believe in it we don't create a base for it. Think for what really makes you happy, factor in what you want and you are good at.
Believe me..... Just by changing your thought pattern you will change your life
Thank you