An Orphan in English Love Stories by Dakshesh Inamdar books and stories PDF | An Orphan

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An Orphan

An Orphan
A novella by Dakshesh Inamdar
Shouting Anna,Anna ,Samar rushes inside the bedroom! Thinking if Anna is not in the bedroom, then where is she? Meanwhile Anna comes from outside, telling Samar that she went to fetch clothes, as it is about to rain. She is wondering how will they go out now, as it has started raining slowly, she knew that Samar was calling her in order to go out. In turn Samar says that it is “an icing on the cake”, we will enjoy a romantic outing in the drizzle, dancing, singing in the rain and getting cozy. But Anna admonishes him saying Mr.Romeo,you need not get romantic. I do not want to go anywhere getting wet in the rain. Not taking no for an answer Samar takes Anna in her arms lovingly kissing her and saying we would have a nice time in this windy and rainy climate .
Considering Samar’s mood Anna gets ready to go out, chiding him common Mr. Romeo ,hurry up, otherwise the rain will stop ,and your mood to will spoil away. Immediately Samar took Anna’s hand, locked the front door and stepped outside. They decided to walk and later catch the train. He talked to Anna telling her that Darjeeling always has a romantic atmosphere, but when it rains it adds some magic to the climate. Listening to this Anna agreed smiling shyly.
The scene was beautiful surrounded by green mountains, lovely mood with his dearest and pretty love, Anna. While Samar was talking nonstop Anna could not keep her eyes off him, taking in the happiness of only being with him. Moving ahead, climbing on the steep hills, Anna got tired and started breathing heavily. Samar guided her to sit on a bench nearby; he talked to her showing her a valley full of colorful flowers, which gives your eyes peace and some rest. He felt the intimacy of the atmosphere and taking Anna in his arms once again kissed the water droplets from her face.
Opening up to Anna Samar says that ,”You are the one for me Anna, in this whole world ,you are the one person who has stolen my heart and it completely belongs to you. I can see all the beauty of the world in your eyes.”Looking at Samar, Anna asks him that, do you really love me so much? Samar confesses that he is ready to devote everything for her, and even death cannot come between their love. He would love her for eternity .Anna also says that she is completely devoted to him. From the first time that I have met you I decided that you are the one I want to spend my life with. She floats in the past and remembers that her father asked her that if you want to marry Samar, anything that happens in the future is your responsibility. Is this your final decision ?Her father was worried because Samar was an orphan, did not have any family ,there was no knowledge about his background, cast and creed. Anna consoled her father saying that Samar was brought up by the father of the church. But I’m his family. Her father then agreed saying that any future consequences will be faced by her alone. Anna expressed to Samar that from that day on wards we became a single entity, hearing that Samar hugged her dearly.
Samar openly talked about his childhood that not knowing about his parents, birth place, the father of the church was his guardian. He also took the father’s surname and became Samar D’souza. After the death of father Samar lost his only family. But after meeting you I have become the richest person in the world he told Anna, after her coming into his life it became flourished with love. Anna said ,I thank God everyday for sharing my life with a great lover and husband.
As the rain started coming heavily, Anna said that we should get home, there is a lot of mist too .As they were walking home Anna started breathing heavily .So Samar asked her ,we haven’t even walked on a slope why are you so tired ?So Anna told him that since last few days she was facing a shortness in breath and fatigue, but as Samar came tired from work at home, so she did not bring up the topic. But today Anna could not tolerate, even the short distance from the place to her home was feeling endless. She could not walk anymore she was tired. Worrying Samar told her that they will take a taxi, and as she was pregnant ,it could be one of the reasons. They had received the news of her pregnancy before some time and Samar was ecstatic. Samar told them that they would go to the doctor first ,but Anna told him to stop talking and just take her home.
Samar took Anna to Dr.Mishra’s clinic, asking him ,”Sir what is wrong with Anna”?The doctor replied that everything seems to be normal right now. Sometimes these things are normal during pregnancy. Even the gynaecologist Dr.Kadambari has checked her an everything appears to be proper. But as Anna is having breathing problems, let us perform some tests and C.T scan. As it is the matter of pregnancy no other chances should be taken. Samar in turn tells the doctor that, please perform the necessary procedures, there should be no harm to the coming child Anna, I only wish they stay completely healthy. He could not bear to look at Anna like this.
Anna was watching Samar from her bed. Whereas Samar was anxious and hurt from the suffering of Anna. She could not see the unhappiness on Samar’s face, and also the distress that he was facing. Anna was worried and tensed that something weird was happening in her body. What was happening to her? If there was something wrong with her why I did not show in the pregnancy report?
Next day Samar woke up early and made delicious coffee and brought it in the room for Anna along with the biscuits, he was looking at her dearly. He placed the breakfast on the table. He lovingly started running his hands in Anna’s hair. Anna woke up and smiled at him, but he noticed that this was not the real smile of Anna. He became nostalgic and remembered their college days, where he was struck by Anna’s beauty and smile. He always thanked God, for bringing Anna into his life as a lover and wife.
But right now on looking at the fake smile on Anna’s face,his heart missed a beat and he was shocked, he asked her,”Hey,Anna why such long face? You need not worry about anything, I would not let anything happen to you. All your reports will be normal. Our house will be filled with joy and laughter of a new born. Our lives will be full of happiness. We will have a beautiful princess like you.”On listening to Samar’s pretty talks Anna started smiling .
Samar felt that only in a single day the problem with Anna has increased. She has a change in her , and also is very pale .He put Anna’s head in his lap and started fingering her hair slowly so that she would get some sleep. She fell asleep looking at Samar. He sat beside Anna, and watched her sleep.
Later Samar went to Dr.Mishra’s clinic to meet him. All the reports of Anna were already there. The doctor placed the reports in Samar’s hands and told him to look at them himself. When Samar read the reports, it fell down from his hands. He was shocked and stood there like a statue. Tears started falling from his eyes. He fell on his knees before the doctor and started pleading to the doctor, Please save Anna. He said that these are not her reports, this is completely impossible? Anna is still so young; we have a lot of unfinished dreams to fulfill. We are going to have a baby. And our joy should not be snatched away like this.Dr.Mishra consoled Samar and said that don’t lose hope. This is not an ordinary disease. This kind of disease at such a young age? Didn’t Anna complain about this even once? This disease was diagnosed on the last stage; we came to know a bit late. Lung cancer is at its third stage ,we cannot take any chances. These kind of cases are very rare, but we will take the best treatment and if needed will go to Kolkata. But Anna should not know about this, because there maybe repercussions of this and it may affect her health. So the whole responsibility is on your shoulders Samar. And in response Samar replied that he will take care of Anna patiently and make her completely healthy and disease free. He will even fight with God for Anna.
There was a loud noise of something falling on the floor. Anna was trying to take something from the corner table but she started breathing heavily. She shouted, ”Samar, Samar”. He came running and told her that he was making coffee for her as she has to take medicine. And it is also your favorite, we will drink it together. But Anna said,” Samar don’t go anywhere only sit beside me.”Samar replied kissing her, ”I ’a m not going anywhere I’m here for you.”Anna asked him,” What has happened to me? What kind of disease is this? Why am I having problems in breathing? I’m feeling very weak, why ?Will I be alright? Will I be able to give birth to our beautiful daughter ?I want to spend my life with you .I made a lot of plans but everything was spoilt because of my illness. But Samar told her that she is wrong ,he loves her ,his life has become heaven because of her ,she is angel who gave his life a new direction. Samar told her she will get healthy soon, and as he has very less work on projects, he has taken leave to spend time with her. He will stay with her and they will have a great time together. Come we will have coffee together, after he took Anna’s empty cup in the kitchen.
Samar sat besides Anna the whole morning, and helped her get much needed rest. If Anna does not feel better than he had decided to take her to Kolkata .But right now following her treatment from home was much easy. He was doing everything according to Dr.Mishra’s advice. He was looking at Anna, and remembering the past. After they came to the company in Darjeeling for projects, they would always go for long walks in the evening. They used to do cycling together ,sometimes they selected new plants and would sow them in the Quarter’s compound. They even used to for early sunrise at Kalingpong in mornings. They also went to see the metamorphosis of caterpillars to butterflies. They used to always hold their hands together. Anna has never talked about going to her parents house after she came to stay here. Later Samar told her that they will go to visit them once her daughter is born, to get their blessings. Anna looked into Samar’s eyes and told him that her whole world is with him, there is nowhere else she would be. She doesn’t want to be anywhere else. Even death cannot take her away from him. So Samar replied that, ”Anu we would never be separated, even God cannot take you away from me. I will always be there with you.”But Anna started having shortness of breath. Samar woke up from his day dream, as Anna was feeling very restless. Anna was having a lot of pain in her chest, and was sweating profusely. She was hurting a lot and was holding Samar’s hands in a death grip. The grip was so strong that there was an impression of Anna’s nails on Samar’s palms. She shouted loudly ,’Samar” ,and started sobbing heavily. Blood started oozing from her mouth. Her eyelids were dropping and even her grip on Samar’s hands was loosening. She lost her life in Samar’s arms. Whereas Samar did not understand what just happened? He even felt the blood in his palms from Anna’s nails, his and her blood mixed together .Only Anna’s lifeless body remained in his arms and he lost her soul.
Samar felt as if he was hallucinating. In a moment he lost his everything. He lost his world ,his dreams and his future. Nature wreaked havoc in his life. His unborn child did not even get a chance to come in this world. He could not come out of this shock! The happiness which had just knocked on their door, was taken away abruptly. Samar kept looking at Anna, he saw the light leave her eyes. He screamed loudly,” Anna, he cannot leave alone like this, he has become an orphan again today. But lastly Samar told her that ,”I will not break the promise of leaving you alone .I can’t live without you.!”

The End…………