Problem solving technique - 10 Last part in English Fiction Stories by Anuja Kulkarni books and stories PDF | Problem solving technique..-10 Last part

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Problem solving technique..-10 Last part

Problem solving technique..-10 Last part

Eshan saw Anika.. Her mood was changing.. After seeing her Eshan was feeling happy. He thought of sharing a few things..

'Know what Anika, don't only keep thinking about problems in life. Always remember, we are blessed with a healthy life still we stick to only few problems and we stop living the life.. Actually I realized this fact when met children having birth defects. Their life is not normal but still they are happy.. They don't stop living.. There is no any trace of unhappiness on their face.. It gave me a kick..I am living a very healthy life and if I spoil it, it's totally my fault!!' Anika listened to Eshan and she thought for a while.

'Yes.. true Eshan! Actually I never realized this fact. We should thank God for giving a healthy life and we should do something for needy people!!' Anika responded Eshan and smiled. Then she started thinking again..But now she was not depressed.. She was thinking in a positive way...She was ready to take a flight..

Anika started taking life positively. Eshan was successful as Anika's mood was changing. Her negativity was reducing. She could accept the situation. She understood not everything is in her hands. And she realized the fact that life doesn't stop for anything. Then also why had stopped living? Anika wondered.. She made weird faces.. And then she laughed on herself.. Yes, now there was no looking back for her.

'By the way, Eshan.. Your problem solving technique is working!! I am actually feeling good and relieved. Tension and burden is vanishing... I have understood that there are not many problems in my life..And there is no point in thinking about incidents which occurred in our life. There are only few problems and I was making unnecessary fuss..huh?'

'Yea.. I told you, I am 'The magic man'!! But nobody trusts me na.. My bad luck! But that is not the point for now.. Tell me, your thinking is changing na?'

'Yes.. yes. You are the magic man..If for no one agrees don't bother them. For me you are my magic man!! I am actually feeling relived. All of a sudden all negative thoughts vanished. And I am filled with positive thoughts!!'

'Oh wow Anika.. Good news!! I am very happy Anika.. See, life goes on and it is in our hands how to live it! Everyone has problems but how they deal is the main concern..So tell me what have you decided?' Eshan raised his eyebrows and inquired...Anika kept her hand on her stomach.

'Right now, want to eat something!! Hungry I am!! After a long time I am feeling like eating something tasty.. '

'Oh that is gr8.. Means burden on your mind is reducing.. Good news!! So now you will cook huh? Please be quick! Even I am hungry.. Tell me, what will you cook? Please do it fast! But do you know cooking?' Eshan laughed.

'What do you mean Eshan? I am a good cook..I have been living alone since few years. Now I know cooking..I was depressed so was avoiding cooking but that doesn't mean, I can not cook... Don't take doubt on my cooking please Eshan!!And I will make khichadi..I hope, you like khichadi..'

'Yes yes... I love khichadi!!'

'Ok then.. Come in the kitchen and will continue our talk in the kitchen..'

Anika and Eshan went in the kitchen and Anika started preparation of khichadi. Suddenly Eshan started talking,

'Do you have papad? Khichadi without papad sounds boring..'

'Ah.. yes! I had bought papad few days back but didn't eat it..I have not even opened the packet.. Can you roast 2 papads? '

'Why not Anika? I am only good in that! Else, I hardly know cooking..' Eshan laughed..

Anika was sounding happy and the vibe in Anika's house was changed.. Now the house was filled with +ve vibes..

Anika made khichadi and Eshan roasted the papad.. Then both sat on the dinning table and started eating.. And talking too!!

'I was silly na Eshan! I wasted precious days in my life.. '

'Don't think about the past Anika... Now tell me what are your plans? How you are going to start afresh? By the way Anika, khichadi is so tasty!! Thanks a lot for this yummy khichadi.. It's been ages, I have not eaten khichadi..'

'Hey... Eshan! Why are you saying thanks? It is my duty... And I must thank you for opening my eyes and showing me new hope in life.. Now I will apply for job..then I will join dance class.. Then would do paintings and so on.. Thee are so many things which I wish to do..Which I had forgotten..Now no looking back and no feeling sad about past events! '

'Awesome Anika.. But can I request you something?'

'Yes.. Obviously you can!! Tell me what you wish to tell me..'

'Please take me seriously h...'

'Speak now Eshan!!' Anika shouted..

'Haha... Clean your house 1st.. I can see lots spider webs in your house.. Also dirt! It's a good thing that you are allowing everyone to stay at your place but atleast you can remove the dust!!' Eshan stared at Anika and Anika was a bit annoyed but then she laughed..

'True that Eshan! I can't do it but will call people from cleaning agency and next time you will see a very clean house.. Actually thinking of changing the furniture as well..'

'Wow...Call me once you renovate your house.. '

'Why?' Anika said..

'Oh.. no problem! Don't call me..' Eshan sounded a bit sad..

'Oh my God.. Don't be sad Eshan.. I mean you are going to help me in renovating my house..You will help me, right? I took you for granted.. Sorry!' Eshan listened to Anika and he smiled..

'Anytime Anika.. Now tell me, you won't be depressed again? Think and respond!! And I am finished so will wash my hands and we will sit in the hall. '

Both finished eating and came back in the hall.. then Anika contniued..

'Now let me finish.. You are asking about depression? Surely not.. I have met a magic man.. And I know, now he will not let me fall in depression again.. Thank you so much Eshan.. I owe you for this!! I am feeling like I can fly now.. I have become so light inside.. No pain, no sad feeling or not feeling bad about anything! I am happy for my mum and dad.. They are living their life and I also will do the same..By the way how can I repay? Tell me what can I do for you? Tell me anything.. and I will do it for sure..'

'Great!! But what is this Anika? You are my friend and I should help you.. It is my duty! I have not done anything great!! So stop thinking about repaying.. Only you stay happy! If I need any help, I will surely ask your help!! And I think I should leave now.. See the time! It's 1 am.'

'Ok.. You can stay here.. '

'No no Anika.. Now you enjoy your own space.. It is needed... Plan your life.. I will come tomorrow again if you want!!'

'Oh yes. Correct! Now I will enjoy me own space.. And come tomorrow for lunch! '

'Ok done.. Now I will leave!! Hey when I leave check your mail..bye and good night.. '

'I will but why.. 'Anika responded Eshan but Eshan did not wait to hear Anika.. And he left. He didn't wait for a second.. But Anika started wondering why Eshan asked to check mail and why he didn't wait to hear her reply..

Anika opened her mail box.. and she was surprised to see Eshan's 36 mails..And then whole picture was clear to her... Eshan had come only to talk to her.. He understood that Anika has some problems so he visited her. Eshan helped her and he did this work without letting her know. Anika smiled and entered her bedroom.. Problem solving technique worked for her and she understood depression can be treated... And she got busy planning her life!!

It was just a beautiful start for Anika....

*** The End***