freedom in English Short Stories by Divyansh Nawal books and stories PDF | freedom

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When first glint of mighty sun hit his eyes and his ears heard the vibration of sound, he found himself in the college canteen. He was born with six other siblings but two were eaten by his mom. His mom gave birth near the canteen to handle the shortage of food. College canteen was owned by a generous lady, who shared food with mother and her children.
He was left with two siblings as students who visited canteen, stolen two puppies, when their mother was not there to protect them.
He grew up playing with his siblings and his mother. They were allowed to stroll around every corner of the college, they spent their time mostly on the college ground, playing and rolling in wet grass of college garden but were not allowed to step outside the college door, and this was the only prohibition imposed by their mother.
One day, when he was playing with his brother, the thought of crossing the gate crossed their mind. He hesitated first but soon was ready to go with his brother. His brother glanced over his legs to look for mother. He then put a paw outside the road, he gone to mid of the road, and started jumping in the joy.
He was ready to cross the gate but his mom stopped him. He was terrified to see his mom and his mom was terrified to see her child on the mid of the road. She was crossing the road to take him back, while he stood with his sister inside the gate.
His mom crossed the gate, looked for the vehicle before going to road, and his brother was standing straight on the road in the fear of his mom.
She jumped back because of the sudden appearance of a car, and her child was hit by the car. He flew over one foot and hit the ground, a red circle surrounded his head, and his eyes gauged out. She saw the end of her child in front of her. She was helpless, she returned, and took her children back to the college canteen. She didn’t answer any of the questions and howled in the silence of night.
On the next day, when his brother didn’t appear, he went to his mother to complain about him. His mother first ignored him but as his questions increased, she got irritated, and barked at him. He lowered his face and went neat to his mom. His mom licked him and started playing with him. He forgot about his brother disappearance.
One week later, when he again got chance to go near college gate, he was shocked as his brother was not there only red spot was there. He went to his sister and told her that their brother might be in trouble and they should step outside to help him. His sister denied the idea and asked him to stay here only.
He was firm on his idea; he wanted to help his brother. He made plan to left the college with two legs beings, who barked in some other language. He didn’t understand their bark but he knew they were strong and could protect him.
On the next day he executed his plan. He left with the two leg beings, although they snapped and called him first. He crossed the college gate with them, and walking according to them to stay safe from road. He saw water and urge of squashing, happened inside him. He went inside it, squashed it, and rolled in it. He came outside and shook his body spreading water drops around it. He was shocked as his two legs friends were not there. He thought they would help him but they left him alone. He followed every two leg beings, in order to search his old friends. He followed someone else, then someone else, and then else. He followed that till the night.
It was eight in the night; he ate only a packet of biscuit, given to him by a tea stall owner. He had no place to sleep. He found many dogs but got shooed away as he was from some other territory. He forgot his way to home also. He was regretting for not following his mom’s advice.
He was 2 months old, alone on the road, when an old and ogre dog saw him. He asked him to stay with him, as it was too cold outside. He shared food with kid dog also.
Our hero, the 2 months old dog, was happy as he got both food and place to sleep.
It was midnight, when his instinct woke him up from peaceful sleep. The old dog was licking him, not in his mom’s style, but he tasted him. He barked but his low and childish bark was not enough to terrify the old dog. He ran for his life but the old chased him. The old dog slapped him with his claws. The kid dog gave up, he accepted his destiny. The old dog went near to him, sniffed him, and licked his legs. The old dog was happy as he was getting flash after years. The kid dog closed his eyes in fear, he was remembering his sweet mom and annoying sister. He said sorry to his brother as he would never able to find him.
The old dog howled in pain. He opened his eye to see what happened. There was a boy running there, he threw stones at the old dog to make him run away. He kicked him and lifted 2 months old dog. He took the dog with him. He made a bed for him and gave him food to eat. In morning he visited veterinarian with the dog.
The boy built a home for the dog, in front of his house. It was simply made of woods, and a quilt was inside it. He brought a bowl for the dog to eat. He put that bowl outside the dog house.
The dog was not allowed to enter in his house, but if entered and strolled into kitchen and room, he never shooed him away, but he just lift him and put outside and always said ‘ I have my space and you will live in your space’.
It goes like that for a year, boy before going to job, filled the bowl for the dog, and the dog went to bus stand to see off him and also went there in night to pick him up. In the night after dinner they went to walk, and the boy always walk on the side of the road. He soon became a permanent and elite member of dog’s street gang as he was the only one of them who had food and a home. He soon realised that his brother was dead as he saw his friend died in the same way.
It was raining heavily; the dog was waiting for the boy, near the bus stop. A car stopped in front of the bus stop. Two men came and lifted that dog, they were dog catching squad. They sold the dog to a couple, who wanted to gift him as present to their daughter.
The couple gifted him, to their 9 years old daughter. The dog got the new house, it was big one, much bigger than his old home, but it was surrounded by Iron road. Yes his new home was cage. They tied a collar around his neck and if they take him on walk, they attach leash to that collar and he sometimes got punished by stick too. He was no longer a free dog, he became their pet and they became his master. The girl opposed that idea and even argued with her parents about that, but her parents didn’t want the dog to roam in their house.
One long year had passed, the kid dog become more mature and strong. He accepted his faith. He got good food here and facilities which he never got form that boy. But one thing that they took form him, was his freedom. He tried sometimes to run away but he never wanted that girl to cry because of him.
The girl was sad to see condition of the dog, he was her friend and she wanted him to be free. On the day of her birthday the girl went near his cage, opened it up. The dog came out running and started licking the girl’s face. She removed the collar of the dog. She shooed him many time so he won’t come back again. Both of them were happy. The dog was happy because he got freedom and she was happy because his friend would no longer be treated as a slave. Although she was sobbing but still happy to gave best gift to his friend.
The dog went from sector to sector, street to street in search of his old friend, the boy. He fought with many dogs, who didn’t like his presence in their territory. He ate sometimes from dustbin, sometimes with the grace of generous people, sometimes he stole from shops and sometimes he snatched food from other animals.
He reached the street, where no dog braked at him; they sniffed him and welcomed him. He was back at his home. His dog house was still there, clean and warm. He went inside it, rolled there. He played with his friends, went to every corner of the street. His friend house was locked, so in the night he went to bus stop to surprise him.
His friend didn’t show up. In the night he went to his house again, it was opened. He barked in front of house, barked higher in the joy, he was jumping outside, as his journey ended here. He travelled that far to see his friend again. But his joy ended as soon as someone else opened the door. It was not his friend but was someone else.
“Oh! You came back.” He exclaimed.
The boy told him about the dog and his appearance. The boy also requested to put food outside and not to remove that dog house. The boy was sure the dog would come back. But unfortunately the boy was not there for him.
It had been a week since the dog return. He adjusted himself in the new environment. In the night he howled sometimes in the memories of his mother, sister, and his two leg friends. He accepted his destiny; he had to leave someone who loved him once. He left his mother, his sister and now his both friends left him. The new tenet of the house was good a man, he never treated him as a slave, but he was missing the boy, his first true friend.
It was mid night, when his instinct woke him up, he felt touch on his stomach. He barked this time, but soon stopped as this was touch from his friend.
“I am sorry!” the boy said.
The boy hugged the dog, he was crying.
The boy thanked the new tenet. He took the dog with him. In the morning he gave him a collar, the name and number was written there. He went on a walk with him, this time no leash was attached to the collar, the dog was walking freely and the boy was walking on the side of the road.