Gabbar, The Independent Country in English Short Stories by Rohit Sharma books and stories PDF | Gabbar, The Independent Country

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Gabbar, The Independent Country


1977. In the bandits infested ravines of Chambal, the police inspector of a small village called Sarmathura asked his colleagues “Will you all just waste your life in these ravines or will you get out of here?”

“But what can we do? Forget going out in the night, going out in the day is also fraught with danger!”

“This is due to Sohan Singh and Gajju Bandit’s terror!”

“But sir, we have never heard about these bandits.”

“If you didn’t hear about them, then create them. Spread news about them. Fire some bullets in the night.”

As per the inspector’s instructions, the two bandits appeared in the police records. Every day, some new incidents about these bandits were getting registered. The police tried hard but the bandits were never caught. Even the local newspapers started printing stories about these two bandits. In a few days, there was a reward announced for capturing these bandits.

Everything was going ahead as per the plan. The police got two rickshaw pullers to the station. Their hair was dishevelled and both had some torn slippers.

‘Sir, why did you get us here? We are poor and haven’t done anything.”

“There is no bigger crime in this world than being poor. Anyway, your poverty ends here. Take these clothes and shoes. You will look like Gabbar !”

“Sir, you are very kind-hearted”. Both the rickshaw pullers looked very happy in the new clothes.

“There is a feast in the temple at Beehad. Both of you have to go there.” Both of them were happy going to the feast.

On the way back, the vehicle stopped. It looked like the vehicle had broken down. All of them got down from the vehicle.

“Sir, we get scared here in the ravines.”

“Why do you get scared when you are with the police?”

Both of them were given empty rifles. And the Jeep went away.

“Sir, we got left behind. Please stop the vehicle.” And then, all that was heard was the sound of bullets.

A famous newspaper published the photos of the bullet strewn bodies of the bandits and called it “The end of terror”. Along with it, the newspaper also published the photos of the proud S.P. and Dy.S.P. The government felicitated all of them on Independence day and also promoted the inspector and his team.

The Independent Country

The minister had arrived to meet the Secretary, Director and Deputy Director to discuss about the vision document that was prepared to improve the level of education in rural areas.

The Secretary gave a beautiful folder to the minster and said “Sir, I got the cover page of the document made in blue glossy paper. I knew that you like blue colour”.

“That’s good. Now tell me what is in this document.”

“Mansingh, please give the details to the minister”, said the Secretary as he looked towards the director.

“Sir, I changed the font size from 10 to 12 and increased the line spacing to double. Now, it would be very easy to read the document.”

“But what is written in these paragraphs?” the minister was beginning to get irritated.

Immediately, the Director glanced at the Deputy Director Mrs.Sakshi urging her to speak.

“Sir, I wrote the introduction of this document. I thanked you as well as the Secretary and the Director in the document. In the end but not least, I have also thanked the author, Kalyan, who had written the document.”

“It is shameful that none of you read such an important document so far. Who is Kalyan? Please call him.” The minister was now losing it.

Kalyan was arranging for tea and snacks for this meeting. He came over running and stood in the room with folded hands.

“Kalyan, I am proud of you! But there is no advantage to be gained by your capability. Gone are the times when a clerk became a Ramanujam. The country is independent now!”