Loving Father term - 5 Finals in English Short Stories by Shubham Maheshwari books and stories PDF | Loving Father term - 5 Finals

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Loving Father term - 5 Finals

As Jai was in feeling something something... So let's see what will happen now... How many changes are still ahead in the story so here we go for Final term... Remember twist at last...

our sudden first meeting

As I told before that I was feeling so much about Sneha. But it was just starting of a new feeling. I became gonna crazy but balanced about Sneha. I started thinking about her every time. I started making her face in my dreams. This thing also gave me the power to do something creative so that's why now I am writing.

But let me come to my past again. Now it was one month since I was admiring her. She was also trying for the talk with me and I also wanted to meet her don't know when will that day come. But god also with me and that day also came and we met the first time. We talked till 15 minutes. Our meeting was like this.....

Sneha, "hey!! Arman can we talk??"
( I was waiting for this)
Me," yes of course, why not."
Her friend," Bhaiya...."
( she cut her friend)
Sneha, "how much you scored in term test?"
Me," only 200 out of 250 and what about you?"
Sneha," equal to you... But you know what you are a brilliant guy."
Me," but not as you."
Sneha," oh common!! You are different."
Me," I think so about you."
Sneha," OK bye bell rung I have to attend class."
Me," bye."

This was our little first meeting . her friend was giving us a frustrated look and my friend got an idea of my condition.

my behavior gonna changed

After meeting her first time I felt so changed my lovable mom, my dear father, my sweet sister and my friends gonna surprised and puzzled from my behavior because now I started to take care of me. My dressing sense was so new and yes I became excited about college. I also became so calm down. My sister gotta idea of my behavior so she came to me and.....

Riya," hey bro!! Why are you so changed??"
Me," changed and me impossible... And why are you saying like this?? "
Riya," because it seems to me that you are in..."
Me," in what?? See sis I know that what do you wanna say?? But I am not of that type... OK...."
Riya, "OK... But I will clear it very soon... OK, bye do study."

And Riya is gone. But I knew that I hide the truth of my heart that time but it will be open in future because truth can't be hidden for a long time. My father was too friendly with me at that time but I never exposed me in front of him that's why I was saved. But for how much time I didn't know?? So I started believing in god for a happy starting a new story of my life and for my heart.....

so cool and a killer time

Everyone in my friend circle knew that I was feeling something for Sneha from the core of my heart. She was in my heart. Whenever I stepped in college I just used to go on the gate of the gallery for wait for Sneha. But my teachers used to come to me for the talk. And I was wasting time on it, maybe it was not so and I was feeling much better by seeing her. Day per day I and she started to notice each other.

After a long time, that time came when Sneha and I started talking frequently either in the gallery or in lab gallery. But our 30th meeting was so comedic and serious which is......
"Listen Sneha I want your practical file of chemistry because none of these idiots are giving me......????"
"Hum ok you can take my file but I will give you tomorrow."
"OK thank you."
And she goes and... One of my friends came and said," hey dude she does not start file yet."
Me, "let see."

That whole day I was thinking that how she will complete 60 pages in a day.

Next day

As my daily schedule I was in the gate of the gallery then Sneha came and we started talking first time in front of teachers...
"I completed my file when will you take my file with you or I should come to you in your class?"
"Hey I will come to you on the 4th period I will come to you."
"Ok bye, I will wait for you."
"Ok bye."

By this meeting, my teachers were surprised. They were noticing a top calculate machine and a silent girl talking to each other.

exchanging of file and mindset of the boy

After Sneha's information of completion of her file, I was just trying to catch Sneha to get her file. But it seemed too Difficult for me. Period per period passed then lunch break passed now finally I got Some energy from friends and went to underground towards her class. She was attending the botany class. She was waiting for me. I just made the sign of file and called her out. She came out and our conversation rod in the air
Me, "hi"
Sneha, "hi! And you know what Arman you are late.."
Me, "I am sorry and I was just getting some energy for this."
Sneha," oh is it really like that?"
Me, "hmm really...... Ok, give me your file because your class is stopped to see us."
(She turned back and laughed)
Sneha," here it is... And Bye."
Me," bye."

This was a little conversation between us but it exchanged my mindset in little quantity to her. And yes lazy boy like me got too much dedication and I completed whole work in 2 hours.
Next day
Next day I was just waiting for her. But my goddess was late that day. This wait gave me a too much special feeling. Finally, I decided to go towards her class. I started walking too but her zoology teacher stopped and said," where are you going? To girls majority class?"
Me," you are getting me wrong. I am going to give this file to Sneha."
Sir, "Sneha BL Kumar."
Me," yes sir and thanks to telling me her father's name."
Sir," you will never change."
Me, " maybe I am"
Sir," OK OK go to your class and give this file to botany lecturer."
Me," ok sir as you wish."

That time I went to my class after giving her file but I was just waiting for her. She came to my floor and I stopped her to talk and she gave me too expressive look and said," how did you complete file in one night?"
Me," just like you."
Sneha," oh really!!"
Me," hmm yes... And thanks a lot ."
Sneha," don't mention it again."
Me," OK bye I am getting late."
Sneha," OK bye."
This was our meeting which gave too much special place to her in my heart and a new type of mindset.

again pain

It was a too romantic time for me because I was feeling a lot of love for Sneha. I returned her file but gave her a little idea about my mindset for her. She also gave me a signal about her. And I and my friend were on party mood on his bike. We were discussing that what should I do next?

But our happiness was not for a long time. I met the accident again. I was again on bed rest for 1 month. But I had pain. The pain was not of injury but the pain was of being far from Sneha. I will be far from Sneha till seven months this thing my heart was saying to me. It was because of our exams and holiday. One month of the exam, the exam and then 3 months of holiday. It was too painful for me to spend my time. My father was seeing me regularly so he was also in tension for me. He was regularly asking me that," son! Are you okay?"
I always used to say that, "yes... Yes, dad, I am okay."
Then he used to think about me and my tension.
I was thinking that yes it is painful...... Oh yes, seven months will be painful...... Oh, no... I had again pain.

best ever holidays with bros n sis

After my holidays my all Masi's n mom decided to meet together in my Granny's house. We all departure to our destination. Day by day we all bros n sis started to reach there. Finally, we all completed and created our own group named 6 stars. We all enjoyed and did too much fun. Me and my younger Abhinav, Animesh, Aarushi, Pranita, and Pranjal did everything together we ate together we played together and yes bared all other things together. In our fun days, we celebrated Pranjal's birthday with too much enjoyment. On his birthday we all danced gave each other funny awards. At night after cutting cake we played games. What fun that day.

And at another side, I was happy too much but had a pain in my heart for Sneha. I was also missing her so I sometimes because of my care to my sis Pranita I used to go in a corner of the house and wept. And My lovely sis always kept me calm. I was and yes am lucky about the case of sis. And but in happy moments there I was sad internally because of for Sneha.
Let come to an interesting point Pranita, Animesh and Pranjal were going that day. We all wanted to stay together but we had to leave that moment that time and we kept the memory of those moments in our mind. We promised each other to talk on the phone regularly. And they went away. Eyes were full of tears and we had no words to say something. We just wept and wept. I really meant that day that my bros n sis is my weakness. I am nothing without them.

rest one month and my time pass

After Animesh, Pranita, and Pranjal dispatched to their home city I wept too much for my youngers and Aarushi and Abhinav was trying to keep me calm but I couldn't. And suddenly next day Mamu and Mosi planed for a famous dancing movie and we rest of persons went to the movie as fix schedule. In the whole movie, I was thinking about Sneha. Instead that lead couple I was imaging me and my girl. And I was in full to feeling.

And after one day I and Abhinav dispatched to our town. I joined a job of school teacher of math, science, and English. I was paid 4000 for it and for a side business I started tuition teacher. I was earning my money but there was a hidden reason. The reason was that I was hiding my sours. And I was also waiting for my college classes and yes also for returning Sneha.

In my school, every student was too funny but I was strict. So no one could dare talk in front of me. (It is said no that if you have sour in your heart then you can forget your humor sense)
Same was with me I had pain in my heart so my humor character was not there in me. And I had only two things in my heart which were meet to Sneha and yes meet to my youngers once again.

again session of talking

Time ran faster than light. My results were declared and I got the first division. I was again in college. Everyone was happy with my result but someone was waiting for me in college. Yes, it was Sneha. I was late at college on my first day and Sneha was asking for me in the class. Suddenly I entered in a class and my notorious friends pushed me and sat me down just behind of Sneha. Everyone was hooting for me. And after it over Sneha turned to me and we talked till sir came in class. Our conversation was like it.......
Sneha, "hey!! Where were you??"
Me, "I was on the way for this day."
(She smiled)
Me," so miss Congo for your result you did the best work...."
Sneha," but Arman I am a little upset from you... I thought a lot for you.... see that fool topper is happy.."
Me, "I am happy from you... if you are happy than I am happy and yes see you know no I want knowledge so I left concepts which I can't understand...
Sneha," yes, of course, you are unique... and I know you have a brilliant mind... OK so focus on ourselves."
Me," yes yes of course...."
And chat dismissed...
We talked continuously. Sometimes in front of all and sometimes in an empty open room. We were spending a time a quality time......

the end

It was the day of October 31. I and Sneha were too close to each other. She and I started to share everything about ourselves. She told me her dream and about her family. I too told her about my dream and family. She and I both were from middle-class families. She told me how she got to know about me and all other things.

Day by day meeting by meeting she made me and I made her fan of each other. She and I were too close to each other. She was with me in every test and every exam. But it was said that sometimes you have to give up someone for her goodness and her better future in your conditions. The same thing applied to my life.

My father got high sugar and blood pressure and he got to fall and struck from a little stone. Till one month we ran to the city by city hospital by the hospital but it didn't make improvements on his conditions. So I got depressed in these conditions. I was too silent and too little tempered. So slowly life gave me two options first be with Sneha and give her all the difficulties and second live her to fulfill two duties to her and to my loving father. So I chose the second way. At 17 DEC my father got operated and I was on tension and alone neither my mother and nor my father was with me. And finally I decided to say her a truth so I got ready. Next day I was in college and wanted the right time to talk to Sneha. Finally, at the final bell, I went to her and our conversation was.....
Me, "Sneha!!!"
Sneha," Arman!!!!"
Me, "I want to say you something."
Sneha, "yes say"
(At that time the whole college was there)
Me," I liked you and your behavior so much more than it I love you"
( she was smiling)
Me," but I can't stay with you anymore because I have to so please live me alone in my life."
Sneha," what???"
Me," bye"

She was shocked and asking her friends that why I was saying like this. Boys were saying to me you are leaving her but why?? But only I knew that I was weeping my tears was in my eyes and in my heart.

After a month I asked my parents that," what if I live a thing for your happiness and I love that thing??"
They said," we will be too happy and son you will be a great son who left for parents. But what are you living??"
Me," everything"
And they hugged me tightly. I had tears in my eyes. Because I left my love for my parents for a career and for money.

I loved Sneha, I love Sneha and I will love Sneha forever. And still, I never talked to girls instead of my sisters.

Love stories can't end because love is everything.... my loving father for you I can leave love..... my love my parents and heartbreaks.......... ......


So guys may be you got the reason why this story have name loving father... Because this story concludes that no one is greater than parents... So love them and respect them.
Thank you for being here.