Narara islands - An adventure is calling you… in English Adventure Stories by Bhavin H Jobanputra books and stories PDF | Narara islands - An adventure is calling you…

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Narara islands - An adventure is calling you…

Narara islands -

An adventure is calling you…

Spirit of adventure in you can often lead you to strange places. Nature has blessed us with immense gifts. You just have to open your eyes and feel the beauty of world around you. This is the story of nature and how it can help you to find yourself.

Narara islands located near Jamnagar, Gujarat are one such place where you can enjoy the nature to its fullest. There is everything you need for an adventure pack day. There are Mangroove Swamps – dense enough to challenge you, there is a Aquatic animal museum as a reference and the best part is Coral walk.

I have visited Narara islands several times. It comes under the authority of Marine National Park, Jamnagar. The authorities issue permits for educational purposes, for visitors, for photographic and documentaries purpose and for the research personnel. Most interesting and most challenging part of visit to Narara islands is time of visit. Best time to visit is in mid winter. Many marine animals visit there for laying their eggs and to nurture the young ones. So, this place will surprise you everytime you visit.

I remember a tour in 1995 in which we saw huge sea turtles over there. One of the turtle came there was badly injured by the steamer and it was found dead near the shore.

If you are planning for a quick visit to the place, you must be careful. First of all you have to study the timing of tides and ebbs. You are allowed to visit the place only during specific hours that is a period between high tide and an ebb. During tide period, the entire area around 8 kilometers is submerged under water. There may be huge tides which may result into casualties. The authorities over there are strict in this matter so the permits are issued only for specific time. Guides are also available for newcomers as this place is full of surprises for you.

In most of the visits to Narara islands I preferred early morning time and was lucky enough to reach there bang on time with my students. There is a check post or a manual barricade which we have to pass through. Then straightaway we find that as if we are walking on the ocean bed. There will be pin drop silence and no signs of human beings anywhere. You can see greenery everywhere because of Mangrove forests. These mangroves are boundries which limit the ocean. You can feel the freshness of air over there and you might think that you have entered an alien planet. Far… far you can see various colours of sea. Sometimes you see dirty sea water, then a tinge of sky blue colour water and then dark blue sea which is endless.

Your coral walks starts right from there. You may find some rocks on your way which are brutally disfigured by sea water. Sometimes, you may find various patterns on them. In that remote area you may find four different varieties of Mangroves. You may also be enchanted by different patterns on sand made by waves and you may also find prints of feet of different birds which come here. As you continue walking you should open your eyes fully.

In the beginning, you may find it boring but I bet you will enjoy it a lot. As soon as the big rocks start arriving on the way, you will see different forms of life. At that time, you would require a stick just for yourself. When you lift one of the rocks, you will find colourful algae. You will be able to see rainbow of colours under one rock. There may be hundred of minute forms of life. You can take the help of an expert or a local guide for its details. This place is full of uncertainties.

You may also see small conches and shells that are pacing down the water. These are primary forms of life. It reminds you about the evolution of life. According to Hindu religion as well as modern science life started from the ocean. Soon, you will realize that there are thousands of such tiny living beings who are running underwater and enjoying.

You should also be careful while walking from there onwards. Major reason behind this is the landscape from there becomes slippery. Some stones and rocks make you fell. After somewhat further walk you will easily find sea cucumber. Sea cucumber is a creature which appears like the cucumber we eat. Many times people mistook and they eat it considering it a vegetable. During one of my trip to Narara islands, I have seen an elderly lady eating the sea cucumber. This is a punishable crime over there. We cannot harm any sea creature. We are in their zone and we should respect their comfort zone.

Then you also see marine fish. One such fish is Coral fish. It depends on your luck and you may find one such fish. This fish is real beauty. There you can also find various types of Sea flowers. These flowers may be half a meter diameter. As soon as you touch them, they soon disappear under the ocean bed. These flowers or anemones have superb smooth tentacles like structure. When their prey or little creatures approach them, they just close themselves and then digest it properly and again appear. One such plant you might have seen is Venus Fly Trap. It also behave like that. For enjoying this beauty, you should be very careful and well disciplined too. While walking if you are splashing lot of water or making noise or disturbing the sand underwater you will find nothing as the water becomes sandy and the visibility under such water turns to zero.

During my trips, I always move ahead of my collogues and students. I first of all observe everything carefully, find the creatures, stabilize them and then signal other to come and see them. This can be followed by you if you are set for this adventure. After halfway journey, you will definitely find Star fish. I have seen two different types of Star fish over there. One is Sea star and other is Tentacled stars. Star fish have unique quality gifted by nature. Even if an organ like limbs is detached from its body a new limb will grow with the passage of time. And from the separated limb a new Star fish will grow. Star fish reproduce by this method also where nucleus is divided and from a separated part a new star fish will develop.

Soon, you will sea lots of undergrowth in water. You will find some creepers, some plants which you have never even thought of. For photographers everything will be a treat. Water level may increase upto you ankle or bit more. You will hear some sound of an object moving very fast in water. This is the presence of Puffer fish. In Gujarati, we call it ‘Dhongi’ because sometimes it lays as if it were dead in water. It lays upside down and we can easily be mistaken that it is dead. This fish is something to look at. An expert can easily catch it. First of all you have to stop it with a stick and then pick it up carefully from water. When it is taken out of water it starts puffing. You can easily see its scales and some spikes. By touching it will appear like a jelly or smoothy. But beware of its teeth. It has been gifted with great bite force. It can easily devour your fingers with just one bite stroke. So please be careful while you are lifting it. It can live without water for sometimes. It starts filling air into it and soon appears like a smallon balloon. At that moment, you can put down in water and then it will come to its original size. Be careful there also because it will try its best to escape in water.

Over there, you may also find one predator that is octopus. It is very difficult to identify it because of its unique ability of Camouflage. It can change colour according to its surrounding. It may be under you feet but you can’t spot it. At narara you can find even the young ones of Octopus. Once you put them on your hand, they soon try to match the colour of your hand. They release a black coloured ink when they feel there is danger. You should keep your eyes away from Octopus as it may throw that ink on you. It will try to stick to your hand with its suckers on their tentacles. Really, this experience is worth a lot. Even the daredevils will find it hard to get rid of that sticky creature.

There are many poisonous creatures and fishes over there but they are found in somewhat far areas of the island where we are not permitted to visit. There are also huge sized rays which were once photographed by tourist. Many of my friends who are local guides over there have confirmed the presence of Rays over there. Evidently, I hadn’t been so lucky to spot any of them. Local guides or fishermen many times sent me photos of strange creatures which they find our there. One such fish they call is Turkey Fish. I have googled this word but I haven’t got any information about that fish.

One such fishermen sent me photos of fish which appeared like pre historic creature. It was something like a chameleon and appeared very deadly. It was poisonous too. It had spikes on its body. You may also find varities of water birds over there. Even the endangered Darter bird can be easily seen there. This place is full of surprises for all. You can’t imagine that you have easily 4-5 hours on the ocean bed without being fully wet. People go for scuba diving for all this things and you can enjoy all these things by just Coral walk….. This is Narara…. Enjoy…..

Written by: Bhavin H Jobanputra

Address: C/o. Unity English Academy,

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