We will be in the loop in English Moral Stories by The 3rd One books and stories PDF | We'll be in the loop

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We'll be in the loop

I am showing you part of my unfinished nonfiction book, about which I am not sure whether to publish it or not. This piece is part of the topic 'United Nation' from Chapter 'Nation'. This specific part is personal favorite of mine. I hope you will like it. Take whole world as the society. I am arguing about the managing organisation of the society: United Nations. Here it goes:

Country : Geographically bounded and limited entity
Nation : an emotion that may or may not be bounded by the geography
Both are not same. There are more number of nations in the world than countries.

United Nations

After the First World War, the League of Nations was established, which miserably failed to stop the Second World War. Same happened after the Second World War. The new world, settling down in the ashes of the recently lost war, established a new organization called United Nations with vision of a peaceful world. The main reason behind establishment of UN was to stop World Powers engaging in future wars which can turn into a new World War which happened in the previous two cases. In some measures, UN succeeded in its mission. But that measures can be considered comparatively very small.

If you throw a look into history with curiosity, it may tell you that the UN failed miserably. Reason? It was just after the establishment of UN that the world witnessed one of the longest war in the history. Cold War. Many consider it to be a buffer war where two World Powers fought over an issue which could have been solved easily if they had not interrupted. They decided to fight in the countries which were not theirs to claim. Nations which belonged to that countries suffered the most. Some are still suffering. So in this view, I cannot help but argue that it didn’t matter for the World Powers either United Nations existed or not. The war only stopped after one of them fell. UN was supposed to stop wars that are inevitable, instead it failed to stop a non-inevitable war. Irony!

Blaming United Nations will not help though. Problem is in the name of the organization which have nations like USA, Russia and China as permanent members, which are anything but United! It is not like that UN failed in all of its operations. It has done fair in many of them. Specifically relatively small uprisings in the Africa. It is trying to keep world peaceful. But World is heading towards the Third World War (If it is already not here!). Concept of the Third World War in this times can be considered a hoax, but if nothing will be done to stop it, it will come and take the UN with it. United Nations is blessed to have a second chance. As it failed in avoiding the Cold War, it can stop another non-inevitable war, The Third World War.

Another concern regarding UN is also in its name. This time it is ‘Nations’. Most of the members of UN represent a country, which in major cases is a nation. But there are members in UN as a country that do not adequately represent the nation(s) it contains. If UN membership is offered to every nation in the world, the members will be of double in number than the current ones. Same will happen with the disputed cases pending before UN. Consider, if UN starts giving importance to all nationalist movement. however small it may be! The world will become a large place with smaller kingdoms. Yes, kingdoms neither Nations nor Countries! Every small tribe will claim a nation and a country with historical background. No 'nations' will definitely lead to no 'United Nations'. I doubt if it can be even kingdoms or just groups of people wandering around fighting with each other. Back to the times when all this started. This time with modern weapons and huge population! History will repeat itself. Coming soon will be the kingdoms. Again the colonization. World Wars knocking the front door. At last, another organization with somewhat similar aim to United Nations! We'll be in the loop. So it is a good thing that UN doesn’t consider every single nationalist view. And the main point is: 'We will eventually need United Nations after we destroy the United Nations!'