Spy on Vacation in English Detective stories by Prashant Vyawhare books and stories PDF | Spy on Vacation

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Spy on Vacation

Spy on Vacation

Writer: Prashant Vyawahare

Dear Readers,

This story is a fiction based on a life of a RAW Agent Sujit Kelkar who went on a vacation with his family but suddenly it becomes a battle ground for him and now he must make a choice either to perform a National Duty or make a Happy Family Vacation.

And the Story begins ,

Location: RAW Head office, New Delhi Secretariat, cabin of Raw Head K Arumugam

Sujit Knocks the door and enters in the cabin of K Arumugam

K Arumugam: Yes Sujith, welcome my boy and Congratulations for success in previous assignment.

Sujit: Thank you Chief, it was ultimately a team job and thanks to you also because you trusted us and allowed us to enter that restricted international area without permission and threat, it was you who assures the minister about our capability and we succeeded to destroy that terrorist camp.

K Arumugam: Yes, anything for the country my boy, and I can bet anything on boys like you.

Sujit: Yes, Chief anything for the country, this is the documents we found there and a pen drive with videotape copy of entire operation for our secret archive.

K Arumugam: Oh! yes, hand it over to me, and he takes the file and Pen drive from Sujit and walk towards his cupboard to keep it safe, but he was still closely observing Sujith...

And Sujith Kept silent for a while but Arumugam caught him from his gesture that he wants to say something to K Arumugam, but he can’t…

And Afterall Arumugam was very keen for his officers, he knows that Sujit Kelkar is one of the best officers in his team and he succeed in destroying the terrorist camps near International Border.

K Arumugam: Yes Sujith, do you want to say anything to me, speak boy anything for you today.

Sujit: Chief I have one personal request.

K Arumugam: Ok, Go ahead.

Sujit: Chef, I am on a field from several Month, I am so tired now by running behind all those criminals & terrorists , I need family vacation, Chief now a days the tension between me, my wife and kids is oh high because I was not able to give time to them in past several months, So, I request you to give me a leave.

K Arumugam: Ok, No Problem You can go on I will arrange a trip for you to Vishakhapatnam, I have some contacts there they will arrange everything for you Spend some days with nature at “Kambalkonda Wildlife Sanctuary” do some family fishing trips there and enjoy it that ok

Sujit: ok Sir Thank you

And in some time, K Arumugam called and arrange everything for a perfect family trip for Sujit & His Family.

Today Sujit was so happy, because he was finally going to meet his family & surprise them with a Holiday Trip,

Location: Sujit’s House, Sujit reach home and rang the doorbell Ting Tong…. Ting Tong….

After a while Varsha Sujit’s wife Opens the door, she was not looking happy because, she just opened the door, from past few months due to assignments Sujit was barely attending their calls, he was not even talked with his Daughter Trupti who 8 years old and studying in Convent.

Sujit: Hello Dear How are you.

Varsha just look angrily towards him while he entered in house, and close the door with a Bang…

Sujit by the time understands that the situation is little tensed…

Varsha: Come Mister, now you remember us, I thought you forget that you have a wife and Daughter, waiting for you to see them and answer their calls.

Sujit: Yes, my Dear Wife calm down your anger, I was on an urgent assignment from office.

Varsha: If you love your office so much, then why you married me.

Sujit: Yes, calm down I can understand, and today I am hear to explain about everything

By the time due to their raised voice Trupti the daughter of Sujit woke up and come out from her room, as soon she saw Sujit

Trupti: Papa, “Aap Kab Aaiye”, I was really missing you so much you know, and she ran towards him

Sujit sits down on the floor raised his hands towards Trupti and warmly Greeted her.

By the time by seeing Trupti and Sujit, Varsha Calmed down

Sujit: Yes, “Mera Bacha”, You know I have a surprise for you both, we are going on a long holiday, T Vishakhapatnam, there we are going to enjoy water sport & visit Wildlife Sanctuary & many more Fun, how about this Varsha.

By the time Varsha’s Anger drops.

Varsha: Yes, it’s so easy for you to say going for a holiday, what about the arrangements, I need to Go for shopping

Sujit: Don’t worry my dear we are right now leaving for shopping and tomorrow evening we are leaving to Vishakhapatnam,

Varsha: that’s good, you go and freshen out let’s go for shopping

Trupti: Yee, Shopping Common Papa Let’s get ready.

After many days Sujit was outing with his family, on the field he was really missing it.

Next day they left for the Vishakhapatnam, reached to the resort “Vinita” situated in the area of “Kambalkonda Wildlife Sanctuary”, Next day they visit the Sanctuary, Both Varsha & Trupti was happily enjoying the Natural Sight Seeing, looking at them Sujit was memorising that beautiful memories of his life. Next day they have planne for visiting Vishakhapatnam City. So, they were in their hotel room, Varsha was packing bags for their next Journey.

Sujit: Varsha Dear I really miss u peoples on my work.

Varsha: We know it, but sometimes we feel that you stay forever with us, you have responsibility of both of us and for our family your Job is also important for our Future, I asked you several time to take transfer in our city or join any desk job so you can be with us.

Sujit: Yes, I also feel the same, and I am trying for it.

Varsha: That would be Great, I pray God for this, we want you to stay with us.

Sujit: Yes, you are the one who understands me much.

Varsha: And you care us much, that’s why I think god made us Couple. both smile and hug each other.

Suddenly…the telephone bell of their Resort rings Tring…Tring…Tring…Tring….

Sujit receives the call,

Caller: Sujit, Room No 701, You have Visitor, please come to reception

Sujit: Yes, I dint expect someone visitor.

Caller: Sir, they are saying that he is your office Colleague and have some urgent work with you.

Sujit shocked that someone from his team wants to meet him, so he changed his tone.

Sujit: Ok, I am coming there, just ask him to stop by.

Varsha: who was over the phone.

Sujit: Nothing, just call from the reception, they were asking for billing formalities, I will be back soon,

Varsha: Ok Some fast its 7o clock at sharp 8 we must go for dinner ok.

Sujit: Yes, dear I will be back soon.

Before leaving his room, he went to bathroom, He opens the Flush tank, and removes a polythene bag from it, that bag have a Pistol and a Magazine, he loads the Magazine, opens the safety lock of the gun and hide it in his Shirt in case required.

Sujit leaves his hotel room and enters the elevator for down level to go to reception, he was engaged thinking about visitor and sudden the elevator stopped on the ground and that door opening sound waken up Sujit form the thinking.

He reaches to the reception,

Sujit: Hi, myself Sujit room no 701, I received a call to meet some visitor for me.

Receptionist: Yes sir, he is there, you see that Gentleman in a Coat, and she pointed out towards a person sitting on sofa in that hotel lounge, reading newspaper, he was holding newspaper in front of his face and so Sujit can’t see his face,

Sujit: Ok Thank you, he said to receptionist and he started walking towards him.

Sujit: Hi, myself Sujit, do you want to see me.

That person put down the news paper on the table, now Sujit can see him, he seems to be a well-groomed but serious personality

Visitor: Yes, Sujit I am Commander Malik, and It’s nice to meet you, he shake’s hand with him,

Visitor: I am sorry to disturb your during your family vacation, I got your reference from Mr Arumugam, your chief and I want to discuss about something serious.

Sujit looks around and confirms that any hotel visitor or staff is not around.

Sujit: Yes, please Commander Go ahead.

Comm. Malik: Look Sujit, I work for Navy Intelligence wing, and we found from our sources that some separatist groups are planning to do something serious in Vishakhapatnam, I am a navy man, but I need an external help from you to defuse that plans.

Sujit: Ok Sir, please tell me do you have any lead.

Comm. Malik: We had a Planned secret consignment from our defence supplier of an integrated defence system which will be porting at Vishakhapatnam port after two days, we was an prior info that some groups are planning to attack on that ship, initially it’s impossible because that ship was heavily guarded by the ship’s private security and 2 of our secret team members was watching that consignments working as ship’s crew members, but from last some days our both of them are not responding properly and jut yesterday they contact me, and fond afraid that they are being watched and the Guards on the ship are changed in overnight with new Guards.

Now the ship is on 15 nautical miles and asking our permission to enter in the Indian Territory, we have no clue that what happens to our team on the ship, also the ship personnel are denying for any more information. And we need you to be with new team who is going to inspect that ship.

Sujit: But Sir I am on vacation, and my family is with me there is risk.

Comm Malik: Sujit, look we are the eyes of our nation and if we don’t take risk not only ours but everybody around us is at risk, so the decision is yours, our team is leaving tomorrow from Vishakhapatnam Adventure Water sport Club at 12 in the Afternoon, if you make your mind, you can join me there. He shakes hand with Sujit and Left the hotel.

Sujit was sitting in a lobby thinking on something, then he went to reception, and arrange his return trip for Vishakhapatnam and went back to his room.

As he entered his hotel room, he found that the room was Glowing with candle lights & glooming lavender fragrance, he felt stunning when he sees Varsha sitting on a dining table waring her Silver Satin Skits & Top.

Sujit: Wow, Gorgeous Girl, So, that’s the secret plan to surprise me.

Varsha: Yes, but you took so much time my hubby, now I don’t want to spend a second more, with my surprise dinner.

Sujit: Ok, then so I am, I want to talk so many things with you.

Varsha: Yes, dear so I am, and she smiles.

Next day Sujit leaves the hotel room early in the morning, for another destination Hotel Sea Port which he booked yesterday at the reception, he checks in the hotel room, and asks Varsha to be ready for going out for water sports.

As per plan he sends is family for the Whole day submarine surfing ride and adventure activities and he took permission from Varsha to allow him to go for a Solo Sea Diving.

Once Varsha and Trupti started enjoying their Rides, he started walking towards the diving club.

He reaches the reception, and he found that Mr. Malik was waiting for him there.

Mr Malik: I know you are coming, get ready early other people are waiting for you.

He took Sujit to diving accessories room, Both Mr Malik and Sujit wore the diving suit, oxygen mask and Communication watch, and they started walking towards the Boat, suddenly Malik’s watch started beeping.

Mr Malik: Sujit, Mr Arumugam is on Line to you want to talk with him, then just make your communicating watch on

Sujit: Yes, off course Sir, and he press the call receive button on his watch.

Mr Arumugam: Hallow Sujit, please forgive me to ruin your family holiday, but trust me we really need you to help Mr Malik Out an it’s for the national security.

Sujit: No Problem Sir, Country First for me

Mr Arumugam: That’s my Boy Scout, I am proud of you, and I wish success to you in this mission, I am watching this mission and you till you return Good Luck and over.

Now Mr Malik and Sujit reach to the boar sit in it, the boat started cutting the sea waves.

Mr Malik: Sujit hope I don’t want to say a word about the plan, you may already know what we are going to do

Sujit: Yes Mr Malik, we may be going towards that ship up to 12 Nautical miles then we dive into the sea and swim to the ship, there your people will help us to on board the ship and inspect the consignment am I right.

Mr Malik: Yes, you heard him Guys, I was saying you that we are carrying a field spy, ok Sujit meet our team

He is Comm. Manish, Comm. Paula & Our Weapon Expert Comm. Jagdish, Sujit shakes hands with all of them,

Sujit: Nice to meet you all, Mr. Malik, is it safe to carry Paula a Lady officer on this dangerous mission.

Mr Malik: Yes, she is capable off to handle such mission and by the way she is hand to hand combat specialist, no one can beat her, and we can easily mix in the crew with the lady officer.

Sujit: He looks at Paula Smiles and says “It Sounds Proud”

Comm. Paula: Thank you.

After one-hour Comm. Jagdish confirms the over of the distance 12 nautical miles now they can see that a Big Ship at 3-4 km away from them, there is a tsunami buoy, which was a perfect spot to tie and Hide their boat,

Mr Malik give some Supplies and Ammo Carrier Bag to Sujit and After hiding their boats, all 5 people dive in the sea and start swimming towards the Ship in a formation so they can see each other clearly,

They reach at the targeted spot where their informers were arranged for their entry in that ship,

They all look on the spot for any Guards, but they found only a climbing net hanging there, so they all come out from the sea and started climbing on the net,

They enter in that ship through a window which opened in a crew room, where the contact person of Mr Malik waiting for them, one name was Ajay, and another was Sohil.

Ajay: Welcome Mr. Malik Sir on Board, we were eagerly waiting for you people to come, we need more peoples to search this Big Ship, we have arranged crew uniform and ID for each of you and a copy of ship map marked with the places which we are going to inspect to secure our consignment.

Mr Malik: Yes, we split our team into Myself, Ajay and Manish inspect the Front part of the Ship, Sujit, Paula, Sohel & Jagdish will insect the Back part of the ship, Common get rumble your feet on this sheep, we have very less time.

They kept their weapon’s hiding inside their clothes, took the cleaning kits in their hand to pretend them as a cleaning staff and started inspecting the ship.

Now all teams started walking towards their inspection area, it was the day time, so most of the guards were sleeping due to their Night Duty and now there were only few Guarding that ship which was going to help then to do their work unknowingly.

Sujit, Paula and Jagdish enters inside the Cargo by pretending to clean it, and Sohel started talking with the guards as usual, today he brought some drinks for them as he promised them yesterday, Sohel was bringing the Cargo Guards Things to eat & drink every time, So they trust him, now the Guards started Enjoying their Drinks. And Jagdish watching on them. So, the team can do their work without any interruption.

Sujit Paula & Jagdish enters inside the cargo, they started checking containers kept in that cargo, matching it with the specification of the consignments, suddenly Jagdish, founds that one big wooden box is kept side which was not a part of their consignment, the name was EPR – Earth Penetrating Missile.

Sujit: Guys I think we found one different from the equal, this is EPM and its launcher, which is not a part of this air defence system.

It’s an Earth Penetrating Missile, used to blast the Bunker or any underground facility,

Paula: But what they are going to do with this one in Vishakhapatnam.

Sujit: we must inform Mr. Malik, he switches on his communication device to talk with Mr Malik, Mr Malik Sujit Hear can you hear me.

Mr Malik: his sound was lower, Sujit, we are hear on some trail, hear some secret meeting is going on, the group of Guard’s they are not Guards they are terrorists and they are planning for attacking on our country tomorrow, behind this consignment, they are carrying lots of Amo and thousands of Guards with this ship and now they are discussing about their plan to enters in our territory and attack on Indian Strategic Fuel Reserve kept in Vishakhapatnam and our Military Port to maximise the damage to our country.

Sujit: Sir, we must stop them before they enter our territory.

Mr Malik: Do you found anything,

Sujit: Yes Comm. Jagdish found couple of Earth Penetrating Missiles and its launchers, may be this can be used to damage that Strategic Fuel Reserve kept in underground bunkers.

Mr Malik: Then we must destroy them first.

Sujit: Sir, if you don’t mind, I have a Plan, if it works, we can save all of us as well we destroy the ship.

Mr Malik: Speak, I am listening.

Sujit: With the help of Jagdish we can plant these missiles on the Ship, this ship is very strong, and can be destroyed if we Pearse the ship bottom and sink it.

Mr Malik: Jagdish Can he do it

Jagdish: Yes sir, I can activate it and set its timer, so we can get some time gap before the Missile Explode.

Mr Malik: Ok, but what about our defence System we can’t lose it as we have paid millions for it.

Now Sujit and all team get disappointed because they haven’t thought about the Valuable and important defence system, So, now they were started thinking how they can unload the Defence system from the ship.

Sujit: Guys, we cannot unload that system from the ship it’s not that easy to move this Big Container from this moving Ship.

By the time Sohel enters in the cargo hold,

Sujit: Sohel, what’s the condition outside, how are the guards

Sohel: I have given them a strong dose of Drug in that drinks, so now they are in deep sleep.

Sujit: We have a situation hear, we found that this terrorist may be planning to attack on our Oil Reserves kept at Vishakhapatnam Port and that’s why they are carrying those Earth Penetrating Missiles, and they have a plan to damage our kept in our Oil Reserves, it could be a major threat to our country.

Sohel: It’s terrible then we must warn the City before this ship reach on port, I just hear from the guards that their people are planning to enter in Port without waiting for more time.

Sujit: Sohil, we can destroy this ship, but we must save this valuable weapon system purchased for our country, is there any way we can make this container out.

Sohil see this ship cargo hold have two doors one is up, and another is back towards the sea.

Paula: But how we will carry this big container with us.

Sujit: Look we don’t need to carry this container box we will throw it in sea with putting a tracking device on it, we can recover this container later, and then we destroy the ship, we need more people, we must call Mr Malik & Team with us, Jagdish can u do this.

Jagdish: Yes, and he put on his communication device, and tells Mr Malik about their plan.

And after some time, Mr Malik and his team, Joins Sujit and his team.

Ow Mr Malik & His team watching on the Guards, and Sujit and his team looking after moving the container.

Sujit: Jagdish, can u drive that Forklift, we need two of them to move this big container.

Jagdish: Yes, but this forklift can only move some tons, whereas this container is heavier, we cannot lift it up and move.

Sujit: We don’t have to lift it, I have a plan, he shows the Wooden Rolls to him, we can use those wooden rollers lay them on the floor up to the of this cargo hold back door, we just push it, rest these wooden rollers will do their work.

Paula: Excellent idea, let’s do this.

Now Sujit Paula, Sohil & Jagdish started putting those rollers in line till the back door of that ship And Jagdish Put the Tracker on the container,

Then Sujit and Jagdish Started the two Forklifts and drag the container near the wooden rollers and put the front end of that container on the rollers.

Now they moved their forklifts at the back side of the container and started pushing it on the rollers.

Jagdish: Excellent work, we can do this.

Sujit: Yes, just push it continue, once it is on the roller, the ship movement on sea will do the wok for us.

They both started pushing the container hard, but due to this it started making a hard sound.

Suddenly Paula’s Communication device rings, she receives it.

Mr Malik: Paula What you guys are doing, it is making a sound, it may attract attention of guards.

Paula: Yes, we are moving that container on the wooden rollers, once it will on the roller, it will stop making more sound, we must take that risk to move our valuable system.

Mr Malik: ok, I will handle the guards in case required, just you people make the work in hurry.

And he cuts the communication,

Mr Malik to his team, Guys, hold your positions, in-case Guards will come to see u them we have to clean them.

Everybody says ok and take cover to handle the Guards incoming.

Now inside the cargo, now Sujit and Jagdish started pushing the container hard, the forklifts were working on their full power,

after some struggle they succeed to move the container on the rollers, and once the container moved fully on the roller, Jagdish & Sujit started their forklifts to align with that moving container. The container was heavy so suddenly it rolles very fast on that wooden rollers and it supposed to ram with bang on the door but Sujit catch the movement and he shouts.

Sujit: Sohel, Run and open the door or it will ram.

Sohel presses the door button with full pressure and now the door started open, it was motorised and may take time, but the container was rolling very fast,

But due to luck the door opens and the container by splashing the sea water it falls in the open Sea, and drown completely in the sea,

But by the time, the guards awakened by this sound, they reach on the entrance of Cargo Hold, but Mr Malik and his team were on alert, they killed those guards silently before they can find out what is happening,

Now, everybody gathered inside the cargo hold,

Mr Malik: Guys as per our plan, Jagdish you plant those missiles in this ship, and remember it will be blast it from downside, and rest we have to make this rubber boats ready so once it is done, we will throw those bots in sea and go away from ship ASAP.

Jagdish puts on the missiles, timer and set them to be blast after 30 minutes.

By the time, the communication devises of the dead Guards started ringing, their superiors were asking their status.

Now Mr Malik instruct all to rushe towards the cargo back door, they threw the rubber boats in the sea from that door and hang ladders to get down in that boats, and everybody started climbing down on the boats, at the end now only Sujit & Mr Malik suppose to get down from the boat,

Sujit: to Mr Malik, Sir, I should stay behind, you people go ahead, somebody needs to close them from inside otherwise the blast will not only destroy the ship, it will destroy you peoples also.

Mr Malik: No Sujit, I can’t make you to stay behind, you have a family to take care, and it’s my time to stay behind,

Sujit: No Sir you have more responsibility than me, and don’t worry I will be back soon after all I have promised my family to complete my family vacation.

Mr Malik tried to convince Sujit, but he doesn’t listen to him, suddenly he cut the Rope of the Ladder, Mr Malik, falls in the rubber Boat.

Sujit waves towards them, and request them to go far,

Everybody was looking at Sujit with Proud, they Salute to Sujit and Sujit said loudly to them I will be back soon, and he closed the cargo door.

Mr Malik and his team started rowing the boat till their Motor Boat Tied with the Tsunami Buoy. They decide together to wait for Sujit on that boat, it was risky but for sake of him everybody agreed.

Hear inside he Cargo Hold, Sujit goes near the Missile, he matched his watch with the Missile timer, he have 15 minutes to abandon the Ship, he made a plan, he put a Guards cloth on him take his Gun & Communication device, he comes out from the cargo, and started running towards the deck,

The Guards Communication device was constantly on and he was listening the speaking of the Guards Superiors, who was gathering their Guards to Rush inside he cargo.

Once the Sujit, comes out from the cargo area, he found that some guards were rushing inside the cargo due to his uniform they thought he was a regular guard, but due to hurry they didn’t pay attention to them.

Now Sujit Reached on the deck, he found that one Guard was sitting on the Jet Ski Boat, he now Answer on the Communication devise

Sujit: Boss, there are Indian spy are inside the Cargo, we need all our guards to stop them, they have lots of Ammo,

Boss of the Terrorists: Yes, Guard you don’t worry, just don’t let them go from your eyes, we will kill them first and then attack on their country.

Sujit: OK boss, please do it Hurry.

Terrorist Boss: All Guarding Units, rush towards the cargo Hold, we have a situation there.

The guard on the Jet Ski was also listening Sujit,

Guard: Hey who are you, I haven’t seen you hear before.

Sujit: No Brother I am from hear only, I was working with the earlier Guarding Unit.

Guard: What, how its possible we have killed them all.

Sujit listens him, and now it’s you turn.

And he throws his knife towards that Guard, the knife Exactly hit the Guard on his heart and kills him immediately.

Sujit: Boss, we have caught the Indian spy, do you like to meet him in cargo area.

Terrorists Boss: Yes, just be there I am coming.

Sujit, now check his watch he got only 7 minutes left, So, he switches on the Jet Ski Boat, accelerate it on full speed, and jump in the sea from the Ship Deck, with splashing lots of water his Jet Ski goes down in sea for a minute and again another minute he comes out from the water by accelerating that jet ski boat, he reached to Mr Malik and team, they feel very happy,

There on the Ship, the Terrorist boss was happy, and he rushed towards the cargo area, once he reaches there, he found that the guards were standing around something.

Terrorist Boss: Now show me that Basterds Indian Spy, I will personally kill him.

The Guards given him was, and what he saw in front of him his smile turns into death fear.

Basterds Indian Spy, and the missile clock stops ticking, and with boom, it hits the bottom of the ship, whatever guards standing in the cargo dead by the blast, and the ship started sinking and burning rapidly.

Now Sujit, Mr. Malik and his team hears the blast,

Mr Malik: ok Guys, Mission Accomplished, hope the tracker on the weapon system is on,

Jagdish: Yes sir, we have signals of it on our tracker, its safe.

Mr Malik: Ok, lets go back towards the shore, now we must send Sujit back to his family to enjoy his Family Holiday.

Everybody including Sujit smiles, thanks & greet each other for this mission Accomplishment.

There in Water Sport Club Varsha & Trupti Just completed their Submarine Diving and they was waiting outside the reception, they haven’t found a sign of Sujit, even his phone was on silent.

Varsha: Trupti See, if your dad doesn’t come back in next five minutes, we will go back to Hotel, and leave this place, what a carless man.

Suddenly Sujit appear from their back.

Sujit: Careless, Trupti Beta, I was correct, your Mommy needs Cool Ice Cream to make her Anger Down, So, I went to Buy Ice Cream for you both.

Trupti: Ye, Papa I Love you, I need Ice Cream, Yeh! Yeh! Yeh!

Varsha Astonish by Sujit’s sudden appearance, she looks towards him with an Anger in a moment it turns to a Smile, and she Hugs him,

Varsha: I am sorry, I thought you run away somewhere, and ruin our holiday.

The joy was flowing from the face of Varsha & Trupti and Sujit.

Suddenly Sujit looks at a place there Mr Malik and his team were looking at them, smiling and saluting him.

Sujit Winks his eyes, make a smile towards them and return salute to them while hugging Varsha & Trupti.

Sujit: No Dear, maybe I have broken so many promises till today made to you both, but now I decided that I will repeat it today for my dear Wife and Daughter, and he hugs them.

This was he Nicest day in the life of a spy when he kept his both promises, once he made to the country while joining the service and another that he made to his family, both are equally important for him

Sujit, Enjoys and spend his best time with family and friend for some days before joining the service again.

The ship was destroyed completely along with the terrorists, and the supplier company was blacklisted for fail to supply the system in time, and a Million Doller claim case was made & won by Indian Government.

The system container was secretly recovered later by Mr Malik and His team and given to Indian Defence Research Wing to research So, it can be produced by own.


It’s the end of one chapter, but by the way its secret service who have many unopen chapters like this.

Note: This story is Purely based on fiction characters, situations and Places, any resemblances will be treated as coincidence, Kindy write your reviews to vyawhareprashant11@gmail.com