Soul Mate in English Short Stories by Hitakshi Buch books and stories PDF | Soul Mate

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Soul Mate

When nature decides to act upon, one can change his mind. As a human being we need to accept it. Right shimohi ? What's say...

Ajit was in mood to discuss on several points including Shimohi and his relationship. But on other side she was bit rolled over. She didn't want to open relationship topic as she knew what Ajit wanted to say.

Shimohi, why are you so quiet? Anything bothering you ? I am observing from few days that you are trying to...

Shimohi, " No Ajit... Nothing like that. I am overloaded with my work and life."

Ajit, " Hmm... But... I think its not the matter. See now also you are avoiding me.. Why are you doing this. You are not even looking at me baby."

Shimohi, " I told you.. Nothing else." ( Shimohi knew that she is doing wrong with him. She should respect his feelings. )

Ajit, " Shimohi.. I am mature enough to understand that there is something going wrong. I just want to say..."

( Now she was not able to hold it. She tired her best but she failed. She took a deep breath. Her hands were cold like ice. For a while now she felt this, this is it.. Today she has to open up her life in front of Ajit and how he will take it that was a biggest question in front of her this moment.)

Ajit, " Shimohi it's been 2 years since we know each other. We had a good time during our friendship. But now... (He took a pause) Yes I want to say, no confess that I feel for you and want you to be in my life."

Shimohi was carried away with feeling. Her mind was saying no for this relationship and heart was very happy.

Ajit, "Can we ??"

Shimohi become quite and after few minutes she closed her eyes. She wanted to gather courage to open up today.

Shimohi, "I would love to... But... Before that I want to talk about my life. First you listen, analyse and then come to the conclusion. It will be good for both of us. See from the day when we met for first time, I started liking you. May be this is the reason that I never detached with you.

Today you proposed to me and I felt like I am in heaven. Want to be yours for whole life. With this fact there is other fact also and that is more important for you to know."

Ajit, " Why you are creating suspense. So many thoughts are going on in my mind. Please open up and say."

Shimohi, " Ajit I am.... ( She turned back) I am transgender."

Ajit, " What ?? What do u mean by that. Say it clearly. (Now Ajit was bit furious)"

Shimohi, "Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex. As they are more comfortable or towards opposite gender identity they used to go for sexuality change surgery. By that they can change gender and persona. Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria, and some seek medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, or psychotherapy. I am also same. Will you be able to accept me after this or even your family ??"

Ajit ( was quite for some time), " Shimohi I know it's not so easy for you to share this with me. I am happy that with great honesty you put it in front of me. See, very frankly I was bit shaken up when heard. But after giving it a thought, indeed I am clear.

Its difficult for society to accept this kind of relationship but my decision will remain same. Yes after all this I want you to be in my life as my soul mate. For me love or attraction is not physical affair. Its about mind and soul. Yes physicality is also important but not always. You are pure by soul and that is enough for me."

( There was tears in Shimohi's eyes. She was not able to believe.)

And yes so called society will talk about this for some days and then they will switch over to other topic as per their habit. So let's keep all other things aside and be ready to be my soul mate.